“Cinque medici specialisti con una grande esperienza e uniti in un progetto unico.”

Gli Associati Fondatori del CAAM e il Loro Contributo alla Conoscenza, alla Comunicazione e alla Formazione Scientifica.

Dr.ssa Claudia Alessandri

Dr.ssa Claudia Alessandri La prima pediatra con formazione e pratica in allergologia molecolare. Si laurea in Medicina nel 1977 all’Università degli Studi Roma “Sapienza” e si specializza in Pediatria nel 1980 e in Puericultura nel 1985. Da oltre 25 anni si interessa di allergologia pediatrica e da 10 inizia il suo percorso autonomo in allergologia molecolare. Estremamente interessata alla materia, dall’inizio del 2008 trasferisce le sua attività professionale da uno dei più grandi dipartimenti di pediatria di Roma al Centro di Allergologia Molecolare, integrando l’attività di assistenza con quella di ricerca in età pediatrica, complementando in modo efficace l’attività già in svolgimento nel Centro per adolescenti, adulti e anziani. Suoi sono alcuni studi fondamentali su markers di gravità dell’allergia alimentare in età pediatrica, in particolare nell’allergia al latte vaccino, all’uovo, e agli alimenti vegetali. In collaborazione con gli altri componenti del CAAM e ricercatori di altri centri di ricerca, identifica e caratterizza nuove molecole allergeniche e, grazie alla diagnostica basata su microarray, definisce nuovi profili di sensibilizzazione molecolare che portano a impostare innovativi schemi d’intervento terapeutico nel bambino allergico. La Dr.ssa Alessandri è co-autrice di 33 lavori scientifici di cui 23 in collaborazione con altri membri del CAAM. È co-fondatrice del CAAM e ne condivide lo spirito e la filosofia, contribuendo alla sua organizzazione e al suo sviluppo. Insieme agli altri specialisti del CAAM contribuisce al disegno e alla realizzazione del test molecolare di seconda generazione per la diagnosi delle allergie, FABER IgE test.

Dr.ssa Maria Livia Bernardi

Dr.ssa Maria Livia Bernardi Medico specialista e ricercatrice di laboratorio. Si laurea in Medicina nel 1994 all’Università degli Studi Roma “Sapienza”, consegue nel 1999 la specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica, e nel 2006 il dottorato di ricerca in Scienze delle Terapie Immunologiche. Dopo il periodo universitario dedicato all’assistenza e ricerca nella patologia da HIV, nel 2006 entra, prima tra gli Associati Fondatori del CAAM, nel Centro di Allergologia Molecolare, dove inizia e sviluppa la sua attività volta alla caratterizzazione clinica e immunologica di nuove molecole allergeniche. Molte di queste nuove molecole andranno a incrementare il numero di allergeni presenti sul microarray ISAC, nonché a creare un microarray “flessibile” denominato ABA (Allergen Beads Array) per cui la Dr.ssa Bernardi ha dato il maggior contributo in ricerca e sviluppo. La sua descrizione della differente reattività immunologica e clinica verso allergeni, omologhi e non, ha contribuito alla definizione di nuovi interventi terapeutici nel paziente con allergia alimentare. È co-autrice di 32 lavori scientifici di cui 26 in collaborazione con altri associati del CAAM. È co-fondatrice del CAAM, cui contribuisce attivamente e in modo originale con le attività cliniche e di ricerca. Insieme agli altri specialisti del CAAM contribuisce al disegno e alla realizzazione del test molecolare di seconda generazione per la diagnosi delle allergie, FABER IgE test.

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Dr.ssa Rosetta Ferrara

Dr.ssa Rosetta Ferrara Medico specialista con unicità d’impronta clinica. Si laurea in Medicina all’Università degli Studi Roma “Sapienza” nel 1991, e consegue la specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica nel 1995. Dopo l’attività universitaria negli studi clinici della patologia da HIV, continua la sua esperienza clinica in un reparto ospedaliero di medicina interna. Dal 2006 entra nel Centro di Allergologia Molecolare, dove diventa responsabile degli studi clinici sia nella caratterizzazione comparativa della differente reattività degli estratti allergenici che dei nuovi preparati molecolari che vengono identificati, caratterizzati e preparati nel laboratorio del Centro e nei centri di ricerca con cui collabora. È responsabile medico di trial clinici internazionali di cui il Centro di Allergologia Molecolare è unico partner italiano. Tra gli altri, il progetto FAST-EU per lo studio dell’immunoterapia specifica nell’allergia alimentare agli allergeni LTP degli alimenti vegetali e alla parvalbumina, allergene del pesce. È stata responsabile clinico dello studio internazionale per l’utilizzo dell’Omalizumab nella terapia dell’orticaria cronica. La Dr.ssa Ferrara è co-autrice di 40 lavori scientifici di cui 24 in collaborazione con altri associati del CAAM. È co-fondatrice del CAAM, alle cui attività di ricerca clinica contribuisce attivamente. Insieme agli altri specialisti del CAAM contribuisce al disegno e alla realizzazione del test molecolare di seconda generazione per la diagnosi delle allergie, FABER IgE test.

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Dr. Adriano Mari

Dr. Adriano Mari Allergologo molecolare ante litteram. Medico specialista si laurea in Medicina all’Università degli Studi Roma “Sapienza” nel 1980, e consegue la specializzazione in Allergologia nel 1983. Aggiunge alla sua formazione clinica l’attività di ricercatore di laboratorio con una lunga collaborazione con il Laboratorio di Immunologia dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (1984-2000) dove impara tutte le tecniche biochimiche, immunochimiche e la messa a punto di modelli sperimentali murini. Tra le altre attività, acquisendo gli elementi di base di programmazione su personal computer, cura la prima banca dati su composti a basso peso molecolare che inducono allergia (farmaci, apteni, allergeni occupazionali). In era pre-Internet riesce a produrre alla fine degli anni ottanta un report per il Consiglio d’Europa, finanziatore del progetto, che include 1500 composti e le relative caratteristiche chimiche, immunologiche e cliniche. Dall’inizio degli anni novanta riprende contemporaneamente la sua attività di allergologo clinico lavorando nei servizi territoriali del Sistema Sanitario Nazionale. Nella seconda metà degli anni novanta fa confluire tutte le sue esperienze, cliniche, di laboratorio e informatiche, nel grande progetto di allergologia molecolare che lo porta all’identificazione di numerose molecole allergeniche, allo sviluppo del microarray quale strumento d’indagine principale nella diagnostica allergologica, alla creazione della piattaforma web Allergome, allo sviluppo dei suoi moduli esterni, la cartella elettronica InterAll, il progetto AllergomeConsumer, e all’iniziale sviluppo di App per smartphone, per il loro uso integrato nella clinica e nella ricerca. Il Dr. Mari è autore e co-autore di 154 lavori scientifici di cui 43 in collaborazione con altri associati del CAAM. È membro del Subcommittee for the Standardization and Quality Assessment of Immunological Diagnostics della International Union of Immunological Societies. È stato il creatore del primo Centro di Allergologia Molecolare ed è co-fondatore del CAAM, cui contribuisce con attività organizzative, di coordinamento e sviluppo. Attualmente è stato nominato all’unanimità dagli altri Associati Fondatori, Amministratore e Rappresentante del CAAM. Insieme agli altri specialisti del CAAM contribuisce al disegno e alla realizzazione del test molecolare di seconda generazione per la diagnosi delle allergie, FABER IgE test e dell'originale sistema di visualizzazione dinamica dei risultati dei test, CDRS.

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Dr.ssa Danila Zennaro

Dr.ssa Danila Zennaro Medico specialista con formazione immunologica nella patologia autoimmune e in allergologia. Si laurea in Medicina all’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma nel 2003, e consegue la specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica nel 2007 discutendo per la prima volta in Italia una tesi in allergologia molecolare. È verosimilmente la prima specialista a qualificarsi come allergologa molecolare fin dall’esordio della sua vita professionale. La formazione iniziale nella patologia autoimmunitaria, in cui da decenni si utilizzano antigeni molecolari nella diagnosi delle diverse patologie, la fa avvicinare senza esitazioni al nuovo mondo dell’allergologia molecolare. È nel Centro di Allergologia Molecolare fin dal 2006, di cui diventa effettiva nel 2007. Contribuisce a pieno all’attività clinica e di ricerca, iniziando contemporaneamente un suo percorso di ricerca autonomo affrontando, con l’uso del microarray molecolare sia nella versione di routine sia in una nuova versione sperimentale, i temi più difficili che uniscono l’allergologia ad altri aspetti dell’immunologia come l’autoimmunità, le immunodeficienze, la patologia oncologica, e quella occupazionale. La Dr.ssa Zennaro è co-autrice di 28 lavori scientifici di cui 21 in collaborazione con altri associati del CAAM. È co-fondatrice del CAAM, alla cui organizzazione contribuisce attivamente, espandendo le attività cliniche e di ricerca. Insieme agli altri specialisti del CAAM contribuisce al disegno e alla realizzazione del test molecolare di seconda generazione per la diagnosi delle allergie, FABER IgE test.

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Chiara Rafaiani: collabora con il Centro di Allergologia Molecolare dal 2007. È il tecnico di laboratorio del CAAM che ha eseguito circa 30 000 test molecolari negli ultimi otto anni, un vero record su scala globale, opera stabilmente nel laboratorio del CAAM presso il Sermolab S.r.l. dove è responsabile anche delle attività di ricerca di laboratorio. Ha contribuito attivamente alla messa a punto nel nuovo test FABER per la diagnosi delle malattie allergiche IgE-mediate.

Michela Ciancamerla: collabora come tecnico di laboratorio con il CAAM dal 2016. Opera stabilmente nel laboratorio del CAAM eseguendo i test FABER di routine. Collabora alle attività di ricerca e di messa a punto del test FABER.

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I professionisti e ricercatori del CAAM contribuiscono direttamente, con la propria produzione scientifica, alla crescita delle conoscenze in campo allergologico e immunologico, ma sono attenti ad acquisire i risultati delle ricerche eseguite in tutti i paesi del mondo e rese pubbliche nella letteratura scientifica.
Nel contribuire alla gestione e all’aggiornamento della piattaforma Allergome, il CAAM acquisisce costantemente queste conoscenze. La banca dati bibliografica dinamica, gestita con un archivio dedicato (Reference Manager for Allergome) creato da ADL per Allergome e a disposizione esclusiva degli Associati del CAAM, è costituita da circa 138.000 articoli scientifici pubblicati negli ultimi cento anni. Gli aggiornamenti settimanali, consistenti in circa 150-200 articoli, sono oggetto continuo di lettura e revisione critica, nonché spunto di formazione, confronto e discussione tra gli specialisti del CAAM.

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Grafico articoli scientifici

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

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  1. Shokouhi Shoormasti R, Fazlollahi MR, Kazemnejad A, Nadeali F, Tayebi B, Sharif M, Khandan Alamdari S, Movehdi M, Valmohammadi S, Mari A, Pourpak Z, Moin M.
    IgE sensitizations to inhalant allergens and their association with allergic diseases.
    Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2018;17:123-33.
  2. Asuming-Brempong EK, Obeng BB, Versteeg SA, Larbi IA, Aryeetey Y, Platts-Mills TA, Mari A, Brzezicka K, Gyan BA, Mutocheluh M, Boakye DA, Reichardt NC, van Ree R, Hokke CH, van Diepen A, Yazdanbakhsh M.
    Identification of dominant anti-glycan IgE responses in Ghanaian school-children by glycan microarray.
    J Allergy Clinical Immunol 2018;141:1130-3
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  4. Alessandri C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Diagnosing allergic sensitizations in the third millennium: why clinicians should know allergen molecule structures.
    Clin Transl Allergy 2017;7:21.
  5. Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pasquariello MS, Petriccione M, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Pomegranate cultivars: identification of the new IgE-binding protein pommaclein and analysis of anti-oxidants variability.
    J Agric Food Chem 2017;65:2702-10.

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  7. Levin M, King JJ, Glanville J, Jackson KL, Looney TJ, Hoh RA, Mari A, Andersson M, Greiff L, Fire AZ, Boyd SD, Ohlin M. Persistence and evolution of allergen-specific IgE repertoires during subcutaneous specific immunotherapy.
    J Allergy Clinical Immunol 2016;137:1535-44.

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  9. Offermann LR, Giangrieco I, Perdue ML, Zuzzi S, Santoro M, Tamburrini M, Cosgrove DJ, Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Chruszcz M.
    The elusive structural, functional and immunological features of Act d 5, the green kiwifruit kiwellin.
    J Agric Food Chem 2015;63:6567-76.
  10. Werfel T, Asero R, Ballmer-Weber BK, Beyer K, Enrique E, Knulst AC, Mari A, Muraro A, Ollert M, Poulsen LK, Vieths S, Worm M, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K.
    Position paper of the EAACI: Food allergy due to immunological cross-reactions with common inhalant allergens.
    Allergy 2015;70:1079-90.
  11. Lacerda Araujo LM, Rosario Filho NA, Palazzo P. Mari A.
    Molecular-based diagnosis of respiratory allergic diseases in children from Curitiba, a city in Southern Brazil.
    Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 2015;44:18-22.
  12. Giangrieco I, Alessandri C, Rafaiani C, Santoro M, Zuzzi S, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, D’Avino R, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Structural features, IgE binding and preliminary clinical findings of the 7 kDa Lipid Transfer Protein from tomato seeds.
    Mol Immunol 2015;66:154-63.
  13. Pichler U, Hauser M, Wolf M, Bernardi ML, Gadermaier G, Weiss R, Ebner C, Yokoi H, Takai T, Didierlaurent A, Rafaiani C, Briza P, Mari A, Behrendt H, Wallner M, Ferreira F.
    Pectate lyase pollen allergens: Sensitization profiles and cross-reactivity pattern.
    PLoS One 2015;10(5):e0120038.
  14. Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Huber H; Swoboda I, Rigby N; Versteeg SA; Jensen BM, Quaak S, Akkerdaas JH, Blom L, Asturias J, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bernardi ML, Clausen M, Ferrara R, Hauer M, Heyse J, Kopp S, Kowalski ML, Lewandowska-Polak A, Linhart B, Maderegger B, Maillere B, Mari A, Martinez A, Mills CE, Neubauer A, Nicoletti C, Papadopoulos NG, Portoles A, Ranta-Panula V, Santos-Magadan S, Schnoor HJ; Sigurdardottir ST, Stahl-Skov P, Stavroulakis G, Stegfellner G, Vázquez-Cortés S, Witten M, Stolz F, Poulsen LK, Fernandez-Rivas MM, Valenta R, van Ree.
    Development of a Hypoallergenic Recombinant Parvalbumin for First-in-Man Subcutaneous Immunotherapy of Fish Allergy.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2015;166:41-51.

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  16. Tuppo L, Spadaccini R, Alessandri C, Wienk H, Boelens R, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Picone D, Ciardiello MA.
    Structure, stability, and IgE binding of the peach allergen Peamaclein (Pru p 7).
    Biopolymers: Peptide Science 2014;102:416-25. DOI: 10.1002/bip.22530.
  17. Wan D, Ludolf F, Alanine DGW, Stretton O, Ali Ali E, Al-Barwary N, Wang X, Doenhoff MJ, Mari A, Fitzsimmons CM, Dunne DW, Nakamura R, Oliveira GC, Alcocer MJC, Falcone FH.
    Use of humanised rat basophilic leukaemia cell line RS-ATL8 for the assessment of allergenicity of Schistosoma mansoni proteins.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2014; DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003124.
  18. Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi S, Papadopoulos NG, Pelkonen A, Mäkelä M, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J, Webera M, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    The high molecular weight glutenin subunit Bx7 allergen from wheat contains repetitive IgE epitopes.
    Allergy 2014;69:1316-23. DOI: 10.1111/all.12464.
  19. Campbell BC, Gilding EK, Timbrell V, Guru PM, Loo D, Zennaro D, Mari A, Solley G, Hill MM, Godwin ID, Davies JM.
    Total transcriptome, proteome and allergome of Johnson grass pollen important for allergic rhinitis in subtropical regions.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015;135:133-42.
  20. Shahali Y, Nicaise P, Brazdova A, Charpin D, Scala E, Mari A, Sutra J, Chollet-Martin S, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    Complementarity between microarray and immunoblot for the comparative evaluation of IgE repertoire of French and Italian cypress pollen allergic patients.
    J Cell Mol Biology - Folia Biol (Praha) 2014;60:192-201.
  21. Banerjee S, Resch Y, Chen KW, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Blatt K, Novak N, Wickman M, van Hage M, Ferrara R, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Sibanda EN, Ndlovu P, Thomas W, Krzyzanek V, Malkus U, Valent P, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    Der p 11 is a Major Allergen for House Dust Mite Allergic Patients Suffering from Atopic Dermatitis.
    J Investig Dermatol 2015;135:102-9.

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  23. Pichler U, Hauser M, Himly M, Hoflehner E, Mutschlechner S, Hufnagl K, Ebner C, Mari A, Briza P, Bohle B, Wiedermann U, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
    Allergen-hybrids - next generation vaccines for Fagales pollen immunotherapy.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2014;44:438-49.
  24. Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi S, Manoussaki A, Papadopoulos NG, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Specific IgE reactivity to Tri a 36 in children with wheat food allergy.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 133:585-7.
  25. Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Passalacqua G, Vliagoftis H, Wardlaw AJ, Wickman M.
    Developments in the field of allergy in 2012 through the eyes of Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2013;43:1309-32.
  26. Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulos NG, Giavi S, Mäkelä M, Pelkonen A, Ebner C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J, Vrtala S, Mittermann I, Valenta R.
    Alpha purothionin, a new wheat allergen associated with severe allergy.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; 132:1000-3.e4.
  27. Olivieri M, Biscardo CA, Palazzo P, Pahr S, Malerba G, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Zanoni G, Xumerle L, Valenta V, Mari A.
    Wheat allergy IgE profiling using wheat seed allergens in bakers with occupational diseases.
    Occup Environ Med 2013;70:617-22.
  28. Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Crescenzo R, Tamburrini M, Zuzzi S, Alessandri C, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Prevalence and peculiarities of IgE rectivity to kiwifruit pectin methylesterase and its inhibitor, Act d 7 and Act d 6, in subjects allergic to kiwifruit.
    Food Res Int 2013;53:24-30.
  29. Ciardiello MA, Tamburrini M, Liso M, Crescenzo R, Rafaiani C, Mari A.
    Food allergen profiling: a big challenge.
    Food Res Int 2013; 54:1033-41.
  30. Weghofer M, Grote M, Casset A, Kneidinger M, Resch Y, Kopec J, Thomas WR, Fernández-Caldas E, Ferrara R, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F, Keller W, Valent P, R Valenta, Vrtala S.
    Identification of Der p 23, a peritrophin-like protein, as a new major Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen associated with the peritrophic matrix of mite fecal pellets.
    J Immunol 2013;190:3059-67.
  31. Souza Santos K, Gadermaier G, Vejvar E, Andrade Arcuri H, Eduardo Galvão C, Campos Yang A, Ferreira Resende VM, de Oliveira Martins C, Himly M, Mari A, Liso M, Pomponi D, Breiteneder H, Wagner S, Kalil J, Ferreira F, Morato Castro FF.
    Novel allergens from ancient foods: Man e 5 from manioc (Manihot esculenta Cratz) cross reacts with Hev b 5 from latex.
    Mol Nutr Food Res 2013;57:1100-9.
  32. Heinzerling L, Mari A, Bergmann K-C, Bresciani M, Burbach G, Darsow U, Durham S, Fokkens W, Gjomarkaj M , Haahtela T, Todo Bom A, Wöhrl S, Maibach H, Lockey R.
    The Skin Prick Test – European standards.
    Clin Trans Allergy 2013;3:3. DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-3-3
  33. Pomponi D, Di Zenzo G, Zennaro D, Calabresi V, Eming R, Zuzzi S, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Mari A.
    Detection of IgG and IgE reactivity to BP180 using the ISAC Microarray System.
    Br J Dermatol 2013;168:1205-14.
  34. Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pomponi D, Picone D, Tamburrini M, Ferrara R, Petriccione M, Mangone I, Palazzo P, Liso M, Giangrieco I, Crescenzo R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Helmer-Citterich M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Peamaclein – A new peach allergenic protein: similarities, differences and misleading features compared to Pru p 3.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2013;43:128-40.

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  36. Papadopoulos NG, Agache I, Bavbek S, Bilo BM, Braido F, Cardona V, Custovic A, Demonchy J, Demoly P, Eigenmann P, Gayraud J, Grattan C, Heffler E, Hellings PW, Jutel M, Knol E, Lotvall J, Muraro A, Poulsen LK, Roberts G, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Skevaki C, Triggiani M, van Ree R, Werfel T, Flood B, Palkonen S, Savli R, Allegri P, Annesi-Maesano I, Annunziato F, Antolin-Amerigo D, Apfelbacher C, Blanca M, Bogacka E, Bonadonna P, Bonini M, Boyman O, Brockow K, Burney P, Buters J, Butiene I, Calderon M, Cardell LO, Caubet JC, Celenk S, Cichocka-Jarosz E, Cingi C, Couto M, Dejong N, Del Giacco S, Douladiris N, Fassio F, Fauquert JL, Fernandez J, Fernandez-Rivas M, Ferrer M, Flohr C, Gardner J, Genuneit J, Gevaert P, Groblewska A, Hamelmann E, Hoffmann HJ, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hovhannisyan L, Hox V, Jahnsen FL, Kalayci O, Kalpaklioglu AF, Kleine-Tebbe J, Konstantinou G, Kurowski M, Lau S, Lauener R, Lauerma A, Logan K, Magnan A, Makowska J, Makrinioti H, Mangina P, Manole F, Mari A, Mazon A, Mills C, Mingomataj EC, Niggemann B, Nilsson G, Ollert M, O'Mahony L, O'neil S, Pala G, Papi A, Passalacqua G, Perkin M, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Quirce S, Raap U, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Rhyner C, Robson-Ansley P, Alves RR, Roje Z, Rondon C, Rudzeviciene O, Rueff F, Rukhadze M, Rumi G, Sackesen C, Santos AF, Santucci A, Scharf C, Schmidt-Weber C, Schnyder B, Schwarze J, Senna G, Sergejeva S, Seys S, Siracusa A, Skypala I, Sokolowska M, Spertini F, Spiewak R, Sprikkelman A, Sturm G, Swoboda I, Terreehorst I, Toskala E, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Venter C, Vlieg-Boerstra B, Whitacker P, Worm M, Xepapadaki P, Akdis CA.
    Research needs in allergy: an EAACI position paper, in collaboration with EFA.
    Clin Transl Allergy 2012;2:21. DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-2-21.
  37. Giangrieco I, Rafaiani C, Liso M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Tuppo L, Crescenzo R, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Allergens in allergy diagnosis: a glimpse at emerging new concepts and methodologies.
    Transl Medicine@UniSa 2012; 4:27-33.
  38. Romano A, Scala E, Rumi G, Gaeta F, Viola M, Caruso C, Alonzi C, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Palmieri V, Zeppilli P, Mari A.
    Lipid transfer proteins: the most frequent sensitizer in Italian subjects with food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2012; 42:1643-53.
  39. Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J, Giavi S, Papadopoulos NG, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Molecular and immunological characterization of Tri a 36, a low-molecular weight glutenin as a novel major wheat food allergen.
    J Immunol 2012;189:3018-25.
  40. Alessandri C, Sforza S, Palazzo P, Lambertini F, Paolella S, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Santoro M, Zuzzi S, Dossena A, Mari A.
    Tolerability of Fully Maturated Cheese in Cow’s Milk Allergic Children: biochemical, immunochemical, and clinical aspects.
    PLoS One 2012;7:e40945.
  41. Casset A, Mari A, Purohit A, Weghofer M, Ferrara R, Thomas WR, Alessandri C, Chen K-W, de Blay F, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    Varying allergen composition and content affects in vivo allergenic activity of commercial Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extracts.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012;159:253-62.
  42. Pasquariello MS, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Liso M, Petriccione M, Rega P, Tartaglia A, Tamburrini M, Alessandri C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Analysis of the potential allergenicity of traditional apple cultivars by Multiplex Biochip-Based Immunoassay.
    Food Chem 2012;135:219-27.
  43. Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Liso M, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Rafaiani C, Santoro M, Labrada A, Ciardiello MA, Mari A, Scala E.
    Allergen micro-Bead Array for IgE Detection: a Feasibility Study using Allergenic Molecules tested on a Flexible Multiplex Flow Cytometric Immunoassay.
    PLoS One 2012;7: e35697.
  44. Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Fernandez-Rivas M, Poulsen LK, Neubauer A, Asturias J, Blom L, Boye J, Bindslev-Jensen C, Clausen M, Ferrara R, Garosi P, Huber H, Jensen BM, Koppelman S, Kowalski ML, Lewandowska-Polak A, Linhart B, Maillere B, Mari A, Martinez A, Mills ECN, Nicoletti C, Opstelten D-J, Papadopoulos NG, Portoles A, Rigby N, Scala E, Schnoor HJ, Sigurdardottir ST, Stavroulakis G, Stolz F, Swoboda I, Valenta R, van den Hout R, Versteeg SA, Witten M., van Ree R.
    FAST: Towards safe and effective subcutaneous immunotherapy of persistent life-threatening food allergies.
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  45. Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Charpin D., Mari A, Guilloux L , Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    Differential IgE sensitization to cypress pollen associated to a discriminative basic allergen of 14 kDa.
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  46. Pahr S, Constantin C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhammer J, Vrtala S, Mittermann I, Valenta R.
    Molecular characterization of wheat allergens specifically recognized by patients suffering from wheat-induced respiratory allergy.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2012;42:597-609.
  47. Twaroch TE, Focke M, Fleischmann K, Balic N, Lupinek C, Blatt K, Ferrara R, Mari A, Ebner C, Valent P, Spitzauer S, Swoboda I, Valenta R.
    Carrier-bound Alt a 1 peptides without allergenic activity for vaccination against Alternaria alternata allergy.
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  48. Bousquet J, Heinzerling L, Bachert C, Papadopoulos NG, Bousquet PJ, Burney PG, Canonica GW, Carlsen KH, Cox L, Haahtela T, Lodrup Carlsen KC, Price D, Samolinski B, Simons FE, Wickman M, Annesi-Maesano I, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bergmann KC, Bindslev-Jensen C, Casale TB, Chiriac A, Cruz AA, Dubakiene R, Durham SR, Fokkens WJ, Gerth-van-Wijk R, Kalayci O, Kowalski ML, Mari A, Mullol J, Nazamova-Baranova L, O'Hehir RE, Ohta K, Panzner P, Passalacqua G, Ring J, Rogala B, Romano A, Ryan D, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Todo-Bom A, Valenta R, Woehrl S, Yusuf OM, Zuberbier T, Demoly P.
    Practical guide to skin prick tests in allergy to aeroallergens.
    Allergy 2012;67:18-24.
  49. Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Scala E, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Mari A.
    Ovomucoid (Gal d 1) specific IgE detected by microarray system predict tolerability to boiled hen’s egg and an increased risk to progress to multiple environmental allergen sensitisation.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2012;42:441-50.
  50. Pfiffner P, Stadler BM, Rasi C, Scala E, Mari A.
    Cross-reactions versus co-sensitization evaluated by in silico motifs and in vitro IgE microarray testing.
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  51. Zennaro D, Pomponi D, Caprini E, Arcelli D, Gambineri E, Russo G, Scala E, Mari A.
    Proteomics plus Genomics approaches in immunodeficiency: the case of IPEX syndrome.
    Clin Exp Immunol 2012;167:120-8.
  52. Scala E, Abeni D, Palazzo P, Liso M, Pomponi D, Lombardo G, Picchio MC, Russo G, Mari A.
    Specific IgE toward allergenic molecules is a new prognostic marker in patients with Sézary Syndrome.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012;157:159-67.
  53. Marconi G, Albertini E, Mari A, Palazzo P, Porceddu A, Raggi L, Bolis L, Lancioni H, Palomba A, Lucentini L, Lanfaloni L, Marcucci F, Falcinelli M, Panara F.
    In planta expression of a mature Der p 1 allergen isolated from an Italian strain of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.
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  54. torna su


  55. Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Panico MR, Crescenzo R, Carratore V, Zennaro D, Liso M, Santoro M, Zuzzi S, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Allergenic lipid transfer proteins from plant-derived foods do not immunologically and clinically behave homogeneously: the kiwifruit LTP as a model.
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  56. Zheng Y-W, Li J, Lai X-X, Zhao D-Y, Liu X-F, Lin X-P, Gjesing B, Palazzo P, Mari A, Zhong N-S, Spangfort MD.
    Allergen micro-array detection of specific IgE-reactivity in Chinese allergic patients.
    Chin Med J (Engl) 2011;124:4350-4.
  57. Scala E, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Santoro M, Rasi C, Mari A.
    IgE Recognition Patterns of Profilin, PR-10, and Tropomyosin Panallergens Tested in 3,113 Allergic Patients by Allergen Microarray-based Technology.
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  58. Hauser M, Asam C, Himly M, Palazzo P, Voltolini S, Montanari C, Briza P, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
    Bet v 1-like pollen allergens of multiple Fagales species can sensitize atopic individuals.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2011;41:1804-14.
  59. Gadermaier G, Hauser M, Egger M, Ferrara R, Briza P, Zennaro D, Zuidmeer L, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Allergological relevance, antibody cross-reactivity and immunogenic peptide profile of Api g 2, the non-specific lipid transfer protein 1 of celery.
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  60. Mari A, Scala E, Alessandri C.
    The IgE-microarray testing in atopic dermatitis: a suitable modern tool for the immunological and clinical phenotyping of the disease.
    Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;11:438-44.
  61. Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Twaroch T, Vogelsang H, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Kundi M, Balic N, Quirce S, Rumpold H, Fröschl R, Horak F, Tichatschek B, Stefanescu CL, Szepfalusi Z, Papadopoulos NG, Mari A, Ebner C, Pauli G, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
    Patients suffering from non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk protein intolerance cannot be diagnosed based on IgG subclass or IgA responses to milk allergens.
    Allergy 2011;66:1201-7.
  62. Egger M, Alessandri C, Wallner M, Briza P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
    Is Aboriginal Food Less Allergenic? Comparing IgE-Reactivity of Eggs from Modern and Ancient Chicken Breeds in a Cohort of Allergic Children.
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  63. Twaroch TE, Focke-Tejkl M, Civaj V, Weber M, Balic N, Mari A, Ferrara R, Quirce S, Spitzauer S, Valenta R, Swoboda I.
    Carrier-bound, nonallergenic Ole e 1 peptides for vaccination against olive pollen allergy.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;128:178-84.e7.
  64. Schulten V, Nagla B, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Lauer I, Scheurer S, Jürets A, Briza P, Ferreira F, Bohle B.
    Pru p 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein from peach, dominates the cellular and humoral response to its homolog in hazelnut Cor a 8.
    Allergy 2011;66:1005-13.
  65. D’Avino R, Bernardi ML, Wallner M, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Breiteneder H, Ferreira F, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Kiwifruit Act d 11 is the first member of the Ripening-related Protein family identified as an allergen.
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  66. Radauer C, Adhami F, Fürtler I, Wagner S, Allwardt D, Scala E, Ebner C, Hafner C, Hemmer W, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
    Latex-allergic patients sensitized to the major allergen hevein and hevein-like domains of class I chitinases show no increased frequency of latex-associated plant food allergy.
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  67. Gadermaier G, Egger M, Girbl T, Erler A, Harrer A, Vejvar E, Liso M, Richter K, Zuidmeer L, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Molecular characterization of Api g 2, a novel allergenic member of the lipid-transfer protein 1 family from celery stalks.
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  68. Bublin M, Dennstedt S, Buchegger M, Ciardiello MA, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Harwanegg C, Hafner C, Ballmer-Weber B, Knulst A, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
    The performance of a component-based allergen microarray for the diagnosis of kiwifruit allergy.
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  69. Alessandri C, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Mari A.
    Molecule-based diagnosis in allergy.
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  70. Magni C, Ballabio C, Restani P, Fuggetta D, Alessandri C, Mari A, Bernardini R, Dello Iacono I, Arlorio M, Duranti M.
    Molecular insight into IgE-mediated reactions to sesame (Sesamum indicum, L.) seed proteins.
    Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2010;105:458-64.
  71. Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Tamburrini M, Rasi C, Palazzo P.
    Proteomic analysis in the identification of allergenic molecules: current procedures, evolving role of microarray technology and future strategies.
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  72. Bernardi ML, Picone D, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Petrella G, Palazzo P, Ferrara R, Tamburini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Physico-chemical features of the environment affect the protein conformation and the immunoglobulin E reactivity of kiwellin (Act d 5).
    Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:1819-26.
  73. Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Balic N, Geller B, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Ebner C, Mari A, Pauli G, Herz U, Van Tol EAF, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
    Microarray and allergenic activity assessment of milk allergens.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:1809-18.
  74. Scala E, Abeni D, Pomponi D, Narducci MG, Lombardo GA, Mari A, Frontani M, Picchio MC, Pilla MA, Caprini E, Russo G.
    Predictive role of 9-O-acetylated ganglioside D3 (CD60) and α4β1 (CD49d) expression in the survival of patients with Sezary Syndrome.
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  75. Mari A, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Scala E, Zennaro D.
    Microarrayed Allergen Molecules for the Diagnosis of Allergic Diseases.
    Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2010;10:357-64.
  76. Egger M, Hauser M, Mari A, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
    The Role of Lipid Transfer Proteins in Allergic Diseases.
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  77. Pfiffner P, Truffer R, Matsson P, Rasi C, Mari A, Stadler BM.
    Allergen cross reactions: A problem greater than ever thought?
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  78. Scala E, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Quaratino D, Rasi C, Zaffiro A, Zennaro D, Mari A.
    Cross-sectional survey on IgE reactivity in 23,077 subjects using an allergenic molecule-based microarray detection system.
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  79. Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Civaj V, Balic N, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S, Keller W, Pavkov T, Zafred D, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Mari A, Pauli G, Ebner C, Papadopoulos NG, Herz U, Van Tol EAF, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
    Visualization of clustered IgE epitopes on α-lactalbumin.
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  80. Ciardiello MA, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Carratore V, Giangrieco I, Longo V, Melis M, Tamburrini M, Zennaro D, Mari A, Colombo P.
    Biochemical, immunological and clinical characterization of a cross-reactive non-specific lipid transfer protein 1 from mulberry.
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  81. Pokoj S, Lauer I, Fötisch K, Himly M, Mari A, Enrique E, San Miguel-Moncin M, Lidholm J, Vieths S, Scheurer S.
    Pichia pastoris is superior to E. coli for the production of recombinant allergenic non-specific Lipid Transfer Proteins.
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  82. Petrinca A, Grassi T., Donia D.,De Donno A, Idolo A., Cristaldi A., Alessandri C., Spano A., Divizia M.
    Detection and molecular characterization of human rotaviruses isolated in Italy and Albania.
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  83. Mari A, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D.
    Clinical aspects of biochip-based allergy diagnosis.
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  84. Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Zaffiro A, Mari A.
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  85. Shahali Y, Pourpak Z, Moin M, Mari A, Majd A.
    Immunoglobulin E reactivity to Arizona cypress pollen extracts: evidence for a 35-kDa allergen.
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  86. Mari A, Rasi C, Palazzo P, Scala E.
    Allergen Databases: Current status and Perspectives.
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  87. Krause S, Reese G, Randow S, Zennaro D, Quaratino D, Palazzo P, Ciardiello MA, Petersen A, Becker W-M, Mari A.
    The Lipid Transfer Protein (Ara h 9) as a New Peanut Allergen relevant for a Mediterranean Allergic Population.
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  88. Schulmeister U, Hochwallner H, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Geller B, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S, Keller W, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Ebner C, Mari A, Pauli G, Herz U, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
    Cloning, Expression and Mapping of Allergenic Determinants of alphaS1-casein, a Major Cow’s Milk Allergen.
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  89. Shahali Y, Pourpak Z, Moin M, Mari A, Majd A.
    Instability of the structure and allergenic protein content in Arizona cypress pollen.
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  90. Gadermaier G, Harrer A, Girbl T, Palazzo P, Himly M, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Isoform identification and characterization of Art v 3, the lipid-transfer protein of mugwort pollen.
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  91. Schulten V, Radakovics A, Hartz C, Mari A, Vazquez-Cortes S, Fernandez-Rivas M, Lauer I, Jahn-Schmid B, Eiwegger T, Scheurer S, Bohle B.
    Characterization of the allergic T cell response to Pru p 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein in peach.
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  92. Constantin C, Quirce S, Poorafshar M, Touraev A, Nystrand M, Niggemann B, Mari A, Akerström H, Heberle-Bors E, Valenta R.
    Micro-arrayed wheat seed and grass pollen allergens for component resolved diagnosis.
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  93. Ciardiello MA, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Tamburini M, Buccheri M, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Mari A.
    Influence of the natural ripening stage, cold storage and ethylene treatment on the protein and IgE-binding profiles of green and gold kiwi fruit extracts.
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  94. Pöll V, Denk U, Shen H-D, Panzani RC, Dissertori O, Lackner P, Hemmer W, Mari A, Crameri R, Lottspeich F, Rid R, Richter K, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B.
    The vacuolar serine protease, a cross-reactive allergen from Cladosporium herbarum.
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  95. Wallner M, Erler A, Hauser M, Klinglmayr E, Gadermaier G, Vogel L, Mari A, Bohle B, Briza P, Ferreira F.
    Immunologic characterization of isoforms of Car b 1 and Que a 1, the major hornbeam and oak pollen allergens.
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  96. Matsson PNJ, Hamilton RG, Esch RE, Halsey JF, Homburger HA, Kleine-Tebbe J, Mari A, Ownby DR, Reeves JP, Renz H, Vogt RF Jr, Williams PB.
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  98. Weghofer M, Thomas WR, Kronqvist M, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F, Gronlund H, van Hage M, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
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  99. Chapman MD, Ferreira F, Villalba M, Cromwell O, Bryan D, Becker W-M, Fernandez-Rivas M, Durham S, Vieths S, van Ree R and the CREATE consortium (Mari A within the Consortium).
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  100. Futamura N, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Igasaki T, Nanjo T, Seki M, Sakaki Y, Mari A, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K.
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  101. Mari A, Giani M.
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    When does a protein become an allergen? Searching for a dynamic definition based on most advanced technology tools.
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  103. Wopfner N, Gruber P, Wallner M, Briza P, Ebner C, Mari A, Richter K, Ferreira F.
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  104. Constantin C, Quirce S, Grote M, Touraev A, Swoboda I, Stoecklinger A, Mari A, Thalhamer J, Heberle-Bors E, Valenta R.
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  105. Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Carratore V, Tamburini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
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  106. Radauer C, Bublin M, Wagner S, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
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  107. Mari A, Ooievaar-de Heer P, Scala E, Giani M, Pirrotta L, Zuidmeer L, Bethell D, van Ree R.
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  108. Bonura A, Gulino L, Trapani A, Di Felice G, Tinghino R, Amoroso S, Geraci D, Valenta R, Westritschnig K, Scala E, Mari A, Colombo P.
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  110. Caccavo D, Afeltra A, Rigon A, Vadacca M, Zobel BB, Zennaro D, Arcarese L, Buzzulini F, Pellegrino NM, Amoroso A.
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  113. Rid R, Simon-Nobbe B, Langdon J, Holler C, Wally V, Poll V, Ebner C, Hemmer W, Hawranek T, Lang R, Richter K, Macdonald S, Rinnerthaler M, Laun P, Mari A, Breitenbach M.
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  126. Mari A, Scala E.
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  127. Schneider PB, Denk U, Breitenbach M, Richter K, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Nobbe S, Himly M, Mari A, Ebner C, Simon-Nobbe B.
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  128. Mari A.
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  129. Mari A.
    IgE allergen co-recognition: a new concept or just a new name for cross reactivity?
    Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol 2006;38:230-1.
  130. Asero R, Mari A.
    3rd International course in molecular allergology. allergenic molecules: from theory to practice (Editorial).
    Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol 2006;38:217.
  131. Mari A, Scala E.
    Allergenic extracts for specific immunotherapy: to mix or not to mix?
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2006;141:57-60.
  132. Scala E, Guerra EC, Giani M, Pirrotta L, Locanto M, Mondino C, Mari A.
    Delayed allergic reaction to suxamethonium driven by oligoclonal Th1-skewed CD4+CCR4+γIFN+ memory T cells.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2006;141:24-30.
  133. Lidholm J, Ballmer-Weber B, Mari A, Vieths S.
    Component resolved diagnostics in food allergy.
    Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2006;6:234-40.
  134. Fuchs HC, Bohle B, Dall'Antonia Y, Radauer C, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Mari A, Scheiner O, Keller W, Breiteneder H.
    Natural and recombinant molecules of the cherry allergen Pru av 2 show diverse structural and B cell characteristics but similar T cell reactivity.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2006;36:359-68.
  135. Calvani M, Alessandri C, Sopo SM, Panetta V, Pingitore G, Tripodi S, Zappala D, Zicari AM.
    Consumption of fish, butter and margarine during pregnancy and development of allergic sensitizations in the offspring: role of maternal atopy.
    Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2006; 17:94-102.
  136. Alessandri C, Calvani M Jr.
    Egg allergy.
    Minerva Pediatr 2006;58:167-82.
  137. Sirianni MC, Atzori C, De Santis W, Milito C, Esposito A, Marziali M, Bernardi ML, Cargnel A, Aiuti F.
    A case of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in X-linked agammaglobulinaemia treated with immunosuppressive therapy: a lesson for immunologists.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2006;140:82-8.
  138. Afeltra A, Zennaro D, Garzia P, Gigante A, Vadacca M, Ruggiero A, Dardes N, Navajas MF, Zobel BB, Amoroso A.
    Prevalence of interstitial lung involvement in patients with connective tissue diseases assessed with high-resolution computed tomography.
    Scand J Rheumatol 2006;35:388-94.
  139. Di Lella F, Vincenti V, Zennaro D, Afeltra A, Baldi A, Giordano D, Pasanisi E, Bacciu A, Bacciu S, Di Lella G.
    Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis: report of a case with massive involvement of nasal, pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa.
    Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006;35:870-2.

  140. torna su

    2005 - 2000

  141. Mari A.
    The importance of databases in experimental and clinical allergology.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2005;138:88-96.
  142. Mari A, Ballmer-Weber B, Vieths S.
    The oral allergy syndrome: improved diagnostic and treatment methods.
    Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;5:267-73.
  143. Alessandri C, Calvani M, Jr, Rosengart L, Madella C.
    Anaphylaxis to quail egg.
    Allergy 2005;60:128-9
  144. Bublin M, Mari A, Ebner C, Knulst A, Scheiner O, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Breiteneder H, Radauer C.
    IgE sensitization profiles towards green and gold kiwifruits differ among kiwifruit allergic patients from three European countries.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;114:1169-75.
  145. Mari A.
    Is there a causative role for tetanus toxoid vaccination in the development of allergy-like symptoms and in the increasing prevalence of atopic diseases? A medical hypothesis.
    Med Hypotheses 2004;63:875-86.
  146. Westritschnig K, Focke M, Verdino P, Goessler W, Keller W, Twardosz A, Mari A, Horak F, Wiedermann U, Hartl A, Thalhamer J, Sperr WR, Valent P, Valenta R.
    Generation of an allergy vaccine by disruption of the three-dimensional structure of the cross-reactive calcium-binding allergen, Phl p 7, from timothy grass pollen.
    J Immunol 2004;172:5684-92.
  147. Ferreira F, Hawranek T, Gruber P, Wopfner N, Mari A.
    Allergic cross-reactivity: from gene to clinic.
    Allergy – Eur J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;59:243-67.
  148. Mari A.
    Allergy-like Asthma and Rhinitis: A Cross-sectional Survey of a Respiratory Cohort and a Diagnostic approach using the Autologous Serum Skin Test.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2004;133:29-39.
  149. Calvani M, Alessandri C, Miceli Sopo S, Panetta V, Tripodi S, Torre A, Pingitore G, Frediani T, Volterrani A.
    Infectious and uterus related complications during pregnancy and development of atopic and nonatopic asthma in children.
    Allergy 2004;59:99-106
  150. Zardi EM, Picardi A, Fazio VM, Ambrosino G, Dobrina A, Zullo M, Zennaro D, Afeltra A.
    Improved hepatic perfusion after iloprost infusion in patients with HCV chronic infection: a pilot study with possible therapeutic implications.
    J Interferon Cytokine Res 2004;24:297-300.
  151. Mari A, Wallner M, Ferreira F.
    Fagales Pollen Sensitization in a Birch-free Area: A Respiratory Cohort Survey using Fagales Pollen Extracts and Birch Recombinant Allergens (rBet v 1, rBet v 2, rBet v 4).
    Clin Exp Allergy 2003;33:1419-28.
  152. Mari A, Schneider P, Wally V, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B.
    Sensitisation to Fungi: Comparative Skin Tests and IgE reactivity to Fungal Extracts.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2003;33:1429-38.
  153. Mari A.
    Skin Test with a Timothy Grass (Phleum pratense) Pollen Extract vs IgE to a Timothy Extract vs IgE to rPhl p 1, rPhl p 2, nPhl p 4, rPhl p 5, rPhl p 6, rPhl p 7, rPhl p 11, and rPhl p 12: Epidemiological and Diagnostic Data.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2003;33:43-51.
  154. Giovannetti A, Pierdominici M, Marziali M, Mazzetta F, Caprini E, Russo G, Bugarini R, Bernardi ML, Mezzaroma I, Aiuti F.
    Persistently biased T-cell receptor repertoires in HIV-1-infected combination antiretroviral therapy-treated patients despite sustained suppression of viral replication.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2003;34:140-54.
  155. Amoroso A, Gigante A, Gianni C, Amoroso D, Zennaro D, Galluzzo S, Caccavo D.
    Safety of conventional drugs and biologic agents for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
    Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2003;7:139-45.
  156. Mari A.
    IgE to Crossreactive Carbohydrate Determinants: Analysis of the Distribution and Appraisal of the In Vivo and In Vitro Reactivity.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2002;129:286-95.
  157. Tinghino R, Twardosz A, Barletta B, Puggioni EMR, Iacovacci P, Butteroni C, Afferni C, Mari A, Hayek B, Di Felice G, Focke M, Westritschnig K, Valenta R, Pini C.
    Molecular, structural, and immunologic relationships between different families of recombinant calcium-binding pollen allergens.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;109:314-20.
  158. Calvani M, Alessandri C.
    Fever episodes in early life and the development of atopy in children with asthma
    Eur Respir J 2002;20:391-6
  159. Mari A.
    Multiple pollen sensitization: A molecular approach to the diagnosis.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2001;125:57-65.
  160. Iacovacci P, Pini C, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Schininà E, Federico R, Mari A, Di Felice G.
    A monoclonal antibody specific for a carbohydrate epitope recognizes an IgE-binding determinant shared by taxonomical unrelated allergenic pollens.
    Clin Exp Allergy 2001;31:458-65.
  161. Mari A, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Specific IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants strongly affect the in vitro diagnosis of allergic diseases.
    Review Series - Allergy 2001;1:20-22.
  162. Propato A, Schiaffella E, Vicenzi E, Francavilla V, Baloni L, Paroli M, Finocchi L, Tanigaki N, Ghezzi S, Ferrara R, Chesnut R, Livingston B, Sette A, Paganelli R, Aiuti F, Poli G, Barnaba V.
    Spreading of HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell repertoire in long-term nonprogressors and its role in the control of viral load and disease activity.
    Hum Immunol 2001;62:561-76.
  163. Mari A.
    Cypress Allergy: An Insidious Worldwide Pollinosis.
    Expressions 2000;12 :8-9.
  164. Mari A.
    Recombinant Cypress Allergens.
    Allergie et Immunologie – Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;31 :98-100.
  165. Sirianni MC, Mattiacci G, Barbone B, Mari A, Aiuti F, Kleine-Tebbe J.
    Anaphylaxis after Argas reflexus bite: report of two cases.
    Allergy – Eur J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;55:303.
  166. Rosso R, Mattiacci G, Bernardi ML, Guazzi V, Zaffiro A, Bellegrandi S, De Rocco MG, Bellioni-Businco B, Sirianni MC, Aiuti F, Paganelli R.
    Very delayed reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics.
    Contact Dermatitis 2000;42:293-5.
  167. Carlesimo M, Bernardi ML, Mattiacci G, Pierdominici M, Ferrara R, Donnanno S, Alario C, Aiuti F.
    Evaluation of T-cell response to CD3 plus CD28 monoclonal antibodies in HIV-1 infected subjects treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy.
    J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2000;14:38-40.

  168. torna su

    1999 - 1983

  169. Mari A, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Specific IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants strongly affect the in vitro diagnosis of allergic diseases.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999;103:1005-11.
  170. Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Barletta B, Di Felice G, Tinghino R, Mari A, Pini C.
    Role of carbohydrate moieties in IgE binding to allergenic components of Cupressus arizonica pollen extract.
    Clin Exp Allergy 1999;29:1087-94.
  171. Mezzaroma I, Carlesimo M, Pinter E, Alario C, Sacco G, Muratori DS, Bernardi ML, Paganelli R, Aiuti F.
    Long-term evaluation of T-cell subsets and T-cell function after HAART in advanced stage HIV-1 disease.
    AIDS 1999;13:1187-93.
  172. Bellegrandi S, Rosso R, Mattiacci G, Ferrara R, D'Offizi G, Aiuti F, Mezzaroma I, Paganelli R.
    Contact dermatitis in subjects infected with HIV type 1.
    J Am Acad Dermatol 1999;40:777-9.
  173. Barletta B, Tinghino R, Corinti S, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Mari A, Pini C, Di Felice G.
    Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) pollen allergens. Identification of cross-reactive periodate-resistant and -sensitive epitopes using monoclonal antibodies.
    Allergy – Eur J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998;53:586-93.
  174. Tinghino R, Barletta B, Palumbo S, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Molecular characterization of a cross-reactive Juniperus oxycedrus pollen allergen, Jun o 2, representing a novel calcium binding allergen.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998;101:772-7.
  175. Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C, Mari A.
    Juniperus oxycedrus: a new allergenic pollen from the Cupressaceae family.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998;101:755-61.
  176. Calvani M, Alessandri C.
    Anaphylaxis to sheep’s milk cheese in a child unaffected by cow’s milk protein allergy.
    Eur J Pediatr 1998;157:17-19.
  177. Malorni W, Rivabene R, Lucia BM, Ferrara R, Mazzone AM, Cauda R, Paganelli R.
    The role of oxidative imbalance in progression to AIDS: effect of the thiol supplier N-acetylcysteine.
    AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1998;14:1589-96.
  178. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Pini C.
    Cypress allergy: an underestimated pollinosis.
    Allergy – Eur J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;52:355-6.
  179. Calvani M, Alessandri C.
    Correlation between Epstein Barr virus antibodies, serum IgE and atopic disease.
    Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1997:8:91-96.
  180. Carlesimo M, Pontesilli O, Guerra EC, Varani AR, Bernardi ML, Ricci G, Alario C, Pirillo MF, Mattiacci G, Leone P, Cassone A, Aiuti F.
    Long-term evaluation of cellular immunity during antiretroviral therapy and immunization with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Env glycoprotein in HIV-1-infected persons.
    J Infect Dis 1997;176:904-12.
  181. Carlesimo M, Pontesilli O, Varani AR, Bernardi ML, Mazzone AM, Rosso R, Guerra EC, Cassone A, Paganelli R, Aiuti F.
    CD28 costimulation and T lymphocyte proliferative responses in HIV-1 infection.
    Clin Exp Immunol 1997;109:406-11.
  182. Scala E, D'Offizi G, Rosso R, Turriziani O, Ferrara R, Mazzone AM, Antonelli G, Aiuti F, Paganelli R.
    C-C chemokines, IL-16, and soluble antiviral factor activity are increased in cloned T cells from subjects with long-term nonprogressive HIV infection.
    J Immunol 1997;158:4485-92.
  183. Alessandri C, Calvani M Jr, Fortuna C, Miotti AM.
    Hepatic abscesses caused by Streptococcus intermedius.
    Minerva Pediatr 1996;48:397-400.
  184. Bellegrandi S, D'Offizi G, Ansotegui IJ, Ferrara R, Scala E, Paganelli R.
    Propolis allergy in an HIV-positive patient.
    J Am Acad Dermatol 1996;35:644.
  185. The Delta Coordinating Committee - Participating Clinical Centres : University of Rome (Italy): Aiuti F, D’Offizi G, Rosso R, Ferrara R.
    Delta : a randomized double-blind controlled trial comparing combinations of zidovudine plus didanosine or zalcitabine with zidovudine alone in HIV-infected individuals.
    Lancet 1996;348:283-291.
  186. Barletta B, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Cross-reactivity between Cupressus arizonica and Cupressus sempervirens pollen extracts.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996;98:797-804.
  187. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Sallusto F, Pini C.
    Assessment of skin prick test and serum specific IgE detection in the diagnosis of Cupressaceae pollinosis.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996;98:21-31.
  188. Fernandez-Cruz E, Lang JM, Jos Frissen PH, Furner V, Chateauvert M, Boucher C, Dowd P, Stevens J and the ZIDON STUDY GROUP* (*University of Rome: Aiuti F, Ferrara R, Mezzaroma I).
    Zidovudine plus interferon-alfa versus zidovudine alone in HIV-infected symptomatic or asymptomatic persons with CD4+ cell counts >150 x106/l: results of the Zidon trial.
    AIDS 1995;9:1025-1035.
  189. Pontesilli O, Carlesimo M, Varani AR, Ferrara R, Guerra EC, Bernardi ML, Ricci G, Mazzone AM, D'Offizi G, Aiuti F.
    HIV-specific lymphoproliferative responses in asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals.
    Clin Exp Immunol 1995;100:419-24.
  190. D'Offizi G, Ferrara R, Donati P, Bellomo P, Paganelli R.
    Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophils in HIV infection.
    AIDS 1995 ;9:813-4.
  191. Aiuti F, D’Offizi G and the NOPHROCO Study Group (Ferrara R member).
    Immunological and virologic studies in long-term non-progressor HIV infected individuals.
    J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 1995;9:82-87.
  192. Biselli R, Fagiolo U, Nisini R, Paganelli R, D'Offizi G, Ferrara R, Bertollo L, D'Amelio R.
    Humoral response to influenza hemagglutinin: oligoclonal spectrotype and failure of thymopentin as immunoadjuvant.
    Gerontology 1995;41:3-10.
  193. Afferni C, Pini C, Tinghino R, Palumbo S, Biocca MM, Bruno G, Mari A, Di Felice G.
    Use of monoclonal antibodies in the standardization of Parietaria judaica allergenic extracts.
    Biologicals - J Int Assoc Biol Standard 1995;23:239-47.
  194. Di Felice G, Caiaffa MF, Bariletto G, Afferni C, Di Paola R, Mari A, Palumbo S, Tinghino R, Sallusto F, Tursi A, Macchia L, Pini C.
    Allergens of Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) pollen: characterization of the pollen extract and identification of the allergenic components.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol 1994;94:547-55.
  195. Pontesilli O, Carlesimo M, Varani AR, Ferrara R, D'Offizi G, Aiuti F.
    In vitro lymphocyte proliferative response to HIV-1 p24 is associated with a lack of CD4+ cell decline.
    AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1994;10:113-4.
  196. Mezzaroma I, D’Offizi G, Pinter E, Ferrara R, Rosso R, Guerra E, Ricci G, Carta M, Angelini S, Aiuti F.
    Immunological, clinical and epidemiological aspects of an HIV-1 positive drug abuser cohort.
    The Journal of Drug Issues 1994;24:657-672.
  197. Palumbo S, Di Felice G, Mari A, Bonini S, Bruno G, Tinghino R, Afferni C, Sallusto F, Pini C.
    IgG subclasses antibodies to Parietaria judaica in normal individuals and allergic subjects.
    Allergy – Eur J Allergy Clin Immunol 1993;49:222-9.
  198. Luzi G, Ferrara R.
    Immunoregulation of autoimmune disorders: the role of intravenous immunoglobulins.
    Int J Artif Organs 1993;16:189-95.
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    Hyper IgE syndrome induced by HIV infection.
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  200. Aiuti F, Scala E, Mezzaroma I, D’Offizi GP, Ferrara R, Ricci G, Pandolfi F.
    Mechanism of disease progression and CD4 depletion in HIV-1 infection- Combination therapies.
    Edited by A.L. Goldstein and E. Garaci , Plenum Press, New York 229-233, 1993.
  201. d'Offizi G, Papetti C, Valdarchi C, Pinter E, Rainaldi L, Pontesilli O, Ferrara R, Aiuti F.
    Comparative specificity and sensitivity evaluation of a rapid test for the detection of anti HIV antibodies (Test Pack).
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  202. Bruno G, Mari A, Frank E, Franceschini P, Biocca MM, Balsano F.
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Comunicazioni scientifiche

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  1. Wildner S, Eichhorn S, Neureiter P, Mari A, Ferreira F, Aalberse RC, Briza P, Gadermaier G.
    Identification and characterization of two novel non-specific lipid transfer proteins from peanut.
    EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting – FAAM. Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.
  2. Santoni M, Avesani L, Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Zampieri R.
    Plant-made Bet v 1 for molecular diagnosis.
    International Society of Plant Molecular Farming - Helsinki, Finland, 2018.
  3. Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Tamburrini M, Giangrieco I, Ricciardi T, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Identification of 2S albumin from pomegranate seeds as an IgE-binding protein.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Munich, Germany, 2018.
  4. Alessandri C, Guggiari Doutreleau J, Mardones P, Pietrosanti I, Ciancamerla M, Rafaiani C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    A standard diagnostic tool to explore allergic sensitization across distant countries in two continents.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Munich, Germany, 2018.
  5. Shokouhi Shoormasti R, Sabetkish N, Kazemnejad A, Vahabi N, Fazlollahi M, Pourpak Z, Mari A, Moin M.
    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Most Common Aeroallergens in Iranian Allergic Patients.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Munich, Germany, 2018.
  6. Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Samolinski B, Emeryk A, Nicolae CA, Miškovic S, Bosotina M, Wu A, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Majsiak E, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Different sensitization profiles to Mammalian Serum Albumins as detected by a New IgE Detection Multiplex Assay.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Munich, Germany, 2018.
  7. Alessandri C, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Wu A, Nicolae CA, Miškovic S, Bosotina M, Samolinski B, Emeryk A, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Bernardi ML, Majsiak E, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    IgE Sensitization to Inhalable and Ingestable Fungi by means of a New Allergy Test in Three different Continents: A Preliminary Report.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Munich, Germany, 2018.

  8. torna su


  9. Mari A, Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA. The Most Comprehensive Allergen Panel to Diagnose Peanut Sensitization using a New Multiplex Nanobead-Based Biochip. 7th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Luxembourg, 2017.
  10. Mari A, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA.
    A New Multiplex IgE Diagnostic Test based on Nanobeads: Allergen IgE Binding, Reproducibility and Comparative Performances toward Three Different Singleplex Testing Systems.
    7th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Luxembourg, 2017.
  11. Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Ciardiello MC, Mari A.
    Class III chitinase is an additional IgE binding protein identified in pomegranate.
    7th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Luxembourg, 2017.
  12. Shokouhi Shoormatsi R, Rafaiani C, Moin M, Fazlollahi MR, Kazemnejad A, Mahloojirad M, Abbasi JM, Pourpak Z, Mari A.
    Molecular Diagnosis of The Most Common Aeroallergens in Iranian Allergic Patients.
    7th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Luxembourg, 2017.
  13. Alessandri C, Nicolae CA, Miškovic S, Samolinski B, Buczylko K, Wu A, Shokouhi Shoormatsi R, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Berghea EC, Pourpak Z, Majsiak E, Ciardiello MC, Mari A.
    Exploring the Allergic Sensitization Prevalence Across Different Countries Worldwide by means of a New Multiplex Diagnostic Tool.
    7th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Luxembourg, 2017.
  14. Mari A, Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA.
    FABER 244 Multiplex IgE Diagnostic Test, a new nanobead-based tool for Allergy Diagnosis: Reporting on IgE reactivity of single allergen preparations, result reproducibility and comparative performances with three singleplex testing systems.
    12. Deutscher Allergie Kongress - DGAKI - Wiesbaden, Germany, 2017.
  15. Mari A, Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MC.
    FABER IgE diagnostic test: the broad view on IgE reactivity to seeds, legumes, nuts, and cereals.
    12. Deutscher Allergie Kongress - DGAKI - Wiesbaden, Germany, 2017.
  16. Wildner S, Stock L, Regl C, Alessandri C, Mari A, Huber C, Stutz H, Gadermaier G.
    Structural and immunological comparison of heat treated Pru p 3 and Art v 3, the non-specific lipid transfer proteins of peach and mugwort pollen.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  17. Mari A, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C.
    Omalizumab Treatment for Severe Food Allergy caused by Lipid Transfer Protein: a Preliminary Case Series.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  18. Mari A, Mitterer A, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Harwanegg C.
    Introducing the FABER 244 Multiplex IgE diagnostic test, A new Nanobead-based tool for Allergy Diagnosis: Reporting on IgE Reactivity of Single Allergen Preparations and Reproducibility Performances.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  19. Rossi R, Minelli M, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Vergallo I, Maio D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Mari A, Alessandri C.
    FABER IgE Test: a Standard Multiplex Diagnostic Tool to Explore Allergic Sensitization across Northern, Central and Southern areas in Italy.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  20. Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE Diagnostic Test: the Most Comprehensive View on IgE Sensitization to Vegetables, Fruits and Seeds due to Lipid Transfer Proteins.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  21. Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE Diagnostic Test: the Broad View on IgE Reactivity to Seeds, Legumes, Nuts, and Cereals.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  22. Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Ciancamerla M, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE Diagnostic Test: IgE Sensitization to Furry Animal Dissected by Allergenic Molecules and Extracts.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  23. Alessandri C, Tuppo L , Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE Diagnostic Test: House Dust Mite Sensitization Dissected using Six Allergenic Molecule Groups.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  24. Alessandri C, Tuppo L , Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Faber IgE Diagnostic Test: a Useful help in Understanding IgE Sensitization to Fishes.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  25. Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE diagnostic test: Exploring IgE Sensitization to Tropomyosins and related Sea Foods and Arthropods.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  26. Mari A, Mitterer G, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Harwanegg C.
    FABER 244 multiplex IgE diagnostic test performaces compared to singleplex Phadia ImmunoCAP, Siemens Immulite 2000, and Hycor Hytec 288 testing systems.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  27. Shokouhi Shoormasti R, Rafaiani C, Alessandri C, Ciancamerla M, Moin M, Fazlollahi MR, Mahloogirad M, Abbasi JM, Ciardiello MA, Pourpak Z, Mari A.
    Comparing IgE reactivity distribution between Iranian and Italian allergic patients using the FABER IgE diagnostic test.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  28. Mari A, Carabella G G, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Nuti S, Monti S, Alessandri C.
    CDRS and CDRS PRO: the CAAM Digital Reporting System an Exclusive Online Free tool for Allergy test Visualization dedicated to Patients and Accessible by Allergists.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  29. Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Identification of the IgE-binding protein Pommaclein, Pun g 7, in Pomegranate Fruit.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  30. Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pasquariello S, Petriccione M, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Variability of the allergen pattern in different pomegranate cultivars.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  31. Mišković S, Nicolae CA, Grgic P, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Ciardiello MA, Mari A, Alessandri C.
    FABER IgE Test: a Standard Multiplex Diagnostic Tool to Explore Allergic Sensitization across different European regions: Romania, Croatia, Italy.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  32. Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE Diagnostic Test: the Most Comprehensive view on IgE Sensitization to Milks and Meats.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  33. Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    FABER IgE diagnostic test: the most comprehensive view on IgE sensitization to egg and poultry allergens.
    Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - EAACI - Helsinki, Finland, 2017.
  34. Rossi R, Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A.
    Sensibilizzazione allergica in gruppi di pazienti abitanti in due differenti regioni italiane. Analisi preliminare dei dati raccolti mediante test multiplexing FABER 244 per il dosaggio delle IgE specifiche.
    XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma ed Immunologia Clinica. SIAAIC 2017. Firenze, Italy, 2017.
  35. Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pasquariello S, Petriccione M, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Il dosaggio delle IgE specifiche con il test FABER nello studio della sensibilizzazione alle Lipid Transfer Proteins.
    XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma ed Immunologia Clinica. SIAAIC 2017. Firenze, Italy, 2017.
  36. Mari A, Mitterer G, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Harwanegg C.
    Valutazione comparativa del test diagnostico multiplex IgE FABER 244 verso i sistemi singleplex Phadia ImmunoCAP, Siemens Immulite 2000, e Hycor Hytec 288.
    XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma ed Immunologia Clinica. SIAAIC 2017. Firenze, Italy, 2017.
  37. Mari A, Carabella G G, Zennaro G, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Nuti S, Monti S, Alessandri C.
    Il CAAM Digital Reporting System (CDRS & CDRS PRO): un sistema free online ed esclusivo per la visualizzazione dei test per l’allergia, dedicato ai pazienti e accessibile agli allergologi.
    XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma ed Immunologia Clinica. SIAAIC 2017. Firenze, Italy, 2017.
  38. Alessandri C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Determinazione delle IgE specifiche con il test FABER nello studio della sensibilizzazione agli acari della polvere.
    XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Allergologia, Asma ed Immunologia Clinica. SIAAIC 2017. Firenze, Italy, 2017.

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  40. Mari A, Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Rafaiani C, Mitterer G, Ciancamerla M, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Harwanegg C.
    Introducing FABER Test for Allergy Diagnosis: food molecule- and extract-based allergenic preparations in the newest and broadest nanotechnology IgE test.
    EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting – FAAM. Rome, Italy, 2016.
  41. Alessandri C, Ciardiello MA, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Mitterer G, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Harwanegg C, Mari A.
    FABER 244 IgE Test in Food Allergy. Diagnostic accuracy for LTP proteins.
    EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting – FAAM. Rome, Italy, 2016.
  42. Ludovisi A, Carballeda-Sangiao N, Barletta B, Mari A, González-Muñoz M, Pozio E, Gómez-Morales MA.
    IgE from sera of italian subjects presumably sensitized by Anisakis pegreffii react with proteins from A. simplex, Contracoecum osculatum and Pseudoterranova spp.
    XXIX Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology – Bari, Italy, 2016.
  43. Jappe U, Schwager C, Schwudke D, Hellmig S, Warneke D, Petersen A, Riffelmann FW, Lange L, Abraham S, Dölle S, Reese G, Becker WM, Mari A, Kull S.
    Lipophilic allergens: An underestimated risk in lupine?
    31st Symposium of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum – Charleston, SA, USA, 2016.

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  45. Wolf M, Hauser M, Pichler U, Twaroch T, Gadermaier G, Ebner C, Yokoi H, Takai T, Didierlaurent A, Mari A, Briza P, Behrendt H, Neubauer A, Stolz F, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
    Analyzing the cross-reactivity of Amb a 1, the major allergen of short ragweed.
    ÖGAI-Symposium 2015: 50 Years of B-Lymphocytes, Vienna, Austria, 2015.
  46. Wolf M, Hauser M, Pichler U, Twaroch T, Gadermaier G, Ebner C, Yokoi H, Takai T, Didierlaurent AP, Mari A, Briza P, Behrendt H, Neubauer A, Stolz F, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
    Analyzing the cross-reactivity profile of the major ragweed allergen Amb a 1.
    6th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
  47. Wildner S, Stock L, Mari A, Stutz H, Gadermaier G.
    The effect of thermal processing on the structural and immunological behavior of Art v 3.XXXIV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Barcelona, Spain, 2015

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  49. Wildner S, Stock L, Mari A, Stutz H, Gadermaier G.
    Different susceptibility of Art v 3 to thermal treatment is depending on pH environment.
    4th Austrian Peptide Symposium. Salzburg, Austria, 2014
  50. Wildner S, Stock L, Mari A, Stutz H, Gadermaier G.
    Investigation of the structural and immunological behavior of Art v 3, the lipid transfer protein of mugwort pollen upon thermal treatment.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2014.
  51. D’Ovidio MC, Mari A, Cecchi L.
    Utilizzo delle reti di monitoraggio per la misura degli allergeni aerodiffusi di origine biologica quale controllo e prevenzione delle allergie occupazionali in ambienti outdoor.
    Evoluzione e controllo della qualità dell'aria sul territorio italiano - Accademia dei Lincei - Roma, Italy, 2014.
  52. D'Ovidio MC, Wirz A, Riviello MC, Zennaro D, Mari A.
    Validità delle metodologie molecolari per lo studio della suscettibilità individuale dei lavoratori: proposta di studio delle allergie occupazionali di origine biologica.
    77° Congresso Nazionale della Società italiana di medicina del lavoro ed Igiene Industriale - Bologna, Italy, 2014.
  53. Levin M, King JJ, Looney TJ, Hoh RA, Mari A, Andersson M, Greiff L, Fire AZ, Boyd SD, Ohlin M.
    Next generation sequencing and antibody engineering in combination defines different fates of allergen-specific antibodies during specific immunotherapy.
    XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
  54. Wolf M, Pichler U, Wallner M, Hauser M, Himly M, Ebner C, Briza P, Mari A, Yokoi H, Takai T, Behrendt H, Ferreira F.
    Pectate lyase pollen allergens: identifying the most potent sensitisers by molecular profiling.
    XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
  55. Jappe U, Hellmig S, Warneke D, Riffelmann FW, Lange L, Abraham S, Hompes S, Reese G, Becker WM, Mari A, Petersen A.
    Component-resolved diagnosis: identification and purification of new low molecular weight lupine allergens.
    XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.

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  57. Eichorn S, Steiner M, Laimer J, Lackner P, Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Briza P, Mari A, van Ree R, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
    Development of a hypoallergenic and immunogenic Pru p 3 proline variant for treatment of peach allergy.
    5th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Vienna, Austria, 2013.
    Clin Transl Allergy (2014); 4(Suppl 2):O22.
  58. Vázquez Cortés S, del Prado N, Stavroulakis G, Papadopoulos N, Gunnbjornsdottir M, Clausen M, Bindslev-Jensen C, Lewandowska-Polak A, Kowalski ML, Ferrara R, Mari A, Schnoor H, Poulsen L, van Ree R, Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Fernández C, Fernández-Rivas M.
    Fish allergy across Europe: results of a multicentre study within the FAST project.
    XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
  59. Campbell B, Gilding E, Lomas V, Guru P, Loo D, Solley G, Mari A, Hill M, Godwin I, Davies JM.
    The allergome, proteome and transcriptome of pollen from the prominent subtropical Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense).
    XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
  60. Lukschal A, Wallmann J, Mari A, Palazzo P, Liso M, Harwanegg C, Mittlböck M, Hantusch B, Szalai K, Pali I, Jensen-Jarolim E.
    Prevalence estimation of IgE, IgG and IgG4 recognition of a single epitope of grass pollen allergen Phl p 5 in an Italian allergic population by a mimotope approach.
    XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
  61. Mari A, Zuzzi S, Santoro M, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Dell'Albani I, Palazzo P, Rafaiani C, Incorvaia C, Frati F. Allergenic molecules as markers in epidemiology - Italy macro-regional prevalence.
    XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
  62. Vrtala S, Weghofer M, Casset A, Chen KW, Grote M, Kneidinger M, Resch Y, Thomas W, Fernandez-Caldas E, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F, Keller W, Valent P, Valenta R.
    Identification of Der p 23, a Peritrophin-Like Protein, As a New Major Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Allergen Associated with the Peritrophic Matrix of Mite Fecal Pellets. 2013 Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2013.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2013);131 (2, part 2), AB73.
  63. Santos KS, Yang AC, Gadermaier G, Galvão CE, Vejvar E, Mari A, Ferreira F, Kalil J, Castro FFM.
    Identification of new manioc allergens and successful oral immunotherapy in a Brazilian allergic patient.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2013 - Nice, France, 2013.
  64. Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavib S, Alkistib M, Papadopoulos NG, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Evidence for higher sensitivity of recombinant Tri a 36 compared to omega-5-gliadin for diagnosis of wheat food allergy.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2013 - Nice, France, 2013.
  65. Linhart B, Gstoettner A, Gamez K, Swoboda I, Mari A, Papadopoulos N, Valenta R.
    Hypoallergenic allergen derivatives of Pru p 3 for immunotherapy of IgE-mediated peach allergy.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2013 - Nice, France, 2013.

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  67. Crescenzo R, Tamburrini M, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Moracci M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA. ENEA, a new peach allergen, homologous to Hev b 5 from latex.
    PhD Student Conference, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology & Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Vico Equense, Italy, 2012.
  68. Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciacci C, Mari A, Ciardiello MA. Food-derived proteins and peptides: possible positive and negative effects on human health.
    PhD Student Conference, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology & Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Vico Equense, Italy, 2012.
  69. Tuppo L, Picone D, Helmer-Citterich M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA. Peamaclein, the first member of a new family of allergens.
    PhD Student Conference, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology & Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Vico Equense, Italy, 2012.
  70. Gadermaier G, Vejvar E, Magler I, Hauser M, Liso M, Mari A, Brandstetter H, Ferreira F. Art v 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein of mugwort pollen: monoclonal antibodies to localize conformational human IgE epitopes on the crystal structure of an allergen. 29th Symposium Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, Jeju Island, South Korea, 2012.
  71. Wolf M, Hauser M, Wallner M, Himly M, Ebner C, Briza P, Mari A, Behrendt H, Ferreira F.
    Cross-reactivity profiling allows classification of allergenic pectate lyases into two distinct families.
    European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
  72. Lukschal A, Wallmann J, Mari A, Palazzo P, Liso M, Harwanegg C, Mittlböck M, Szalai K, Pali-Schöll I, Jensen-Jarolim E.
    Prevalence of recognition of Phl p 5 B-cell epitope mimic H32 in patients from an Italian allergy clinic.
    European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
  73. Banerjee S, Resch Y, Chen K-W, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, van Hage M, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Sibanda EN, Thomas W, Adegnika AA, Krzyzanek V, Malkus U, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    The IgE-reactivity of Der p 11, the mite paramyosin, differs considerably between certain geographical areas.
    European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
  74. Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi S, Papadopoulos N, Rito T , Mäkelä M, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Isolation, expression and characterization of IgE reactive-portions of high molecular weight glutenin like wheat food allergens.
    European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
  75. Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulus NG, Giavi S, Mäkelä M, Rito T, Ebner C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J, Mittermann I, Vrtala S, Valenta R. Alpha purothionin, a new wheat food allergen, belongs to a family of plant defence proteins.
    European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
  76. Heaps AG, Selwood C, Moody M, Mari A, Palazzo P, Sassi A, Belohradsky B, Wollenberg A, Schimke L, Renner E, Woellner C, Grimbacher B, El-Shanawany T, Williams P, Jolles S. Analysis of the serum IgE repertoire in hyper IgE syndrome (HIES) patients using an immuno solid-phase allergen chip (ISAC). 15th Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies - Florence, Italy, 2012.

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    2011 - 2006

  78. Mari A, Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Liso M, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Rafaiani C, Santoro M, Labrada A, Ciardiello MA, Scala E. Allergen micro-Bead Array for IgE Detection: a new Flexible Multiplex system.
    XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Geneva, Switzerland, 2012.
  79. Araujo L, Thom C, Chong Neto HJ, Palazzo P, Liso M, Mari A, Rosario N.
    Skin Prick Test Reactivity Compared to Serum Specific IgE by ISAC in Patients with Rhinitis.
    XXII World Allergy Congress, Cancún, Mexico, 2011.
  80. Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Versteeg S, Poulsen L, Fernandez-Rivas M, Kowalski M L, Papadopoulos N, Mari A, Swoboda I, Clausen M, Bindslev-Jensen C, Neubauer A, Koppelman S, Mills C, Asturias JA, van Ree R.
    The Choice of Hypoallergens for Fish and Peach to Develop Food Allergy Specific Immunotherapy (The FAST Project).
    XXII World Allergy Congress, Cancún, Mexico, 2011.
  81. Shahali Y, Sutra J, Chollet-Martin S, Haddad I, Vinh J, Mari A, Charpin D, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    Protein-protein interactions determine IgE reactivity to polygalacturonase from Cupressus sempervirens pollen.
    XXII World Allergy Congress, Cancún, Mexico, 2011.
  82. Araujo MLM, Souza CCT, Palazzo P, Liso M, Chong Neto HJ, Mari A, Rosario N.
    Compação entre positividade de teste cutãneo alérgico e IgE especifica por Microarray (ImmunoCAP ISAC) em paziente com rinite XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011.
  83. Araujo MLM, Souza CCT, Palazzo P, Liso M, Chong Neto HJ, Mari A, Rosario N.
    Compação entre positividade ao teste cutãneo alérgico para Lolium multiflorum e IgE especifica por Microarray (ImmunoCAP ISAC) para Cyn d e Phl p em paziente com rinite.
    XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011.
  84. Souza Santos K, Gadermaier G, Galvao C, Breiteneder H, Mari A, Ferreira F, Kalil J, Morato-Castro FF.
    Caracterização de novo alérgeno da mandioca (Man e 5) e reatividade cruzada com alérgenos do látex (Hev b 5 e 6).
    XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011.
  85. Ciardiello MA, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Carratore V, Mari A, D’Avino R.
    The molecular model of Act d 11, a new kiwifruit allergen belonging to the Ripening-related Protein family, shares the same fold of Bet v 1-like allergens.
    BBCC 2011 - CNR, Avellino, Italy, 2011.
  86. Alessandri C, Sforza S, Zennaro D, Lambertini F, Palazzo P, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Dossena A, Mari A.
    Have we always to avoid all milk proteins in children with cow’s milk allergy? The case of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
    EAACI Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting – PAAM 2011 – Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
  87. Alessandri C, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Liso M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Rafaiani C, Mari A.
    Pollen fruit syndrome in pediatric age.
    EAACI Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting – PAAM 2011 – Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
  88. Brunetti A, Santoro M, Nuti S, Monti S, Perotti G, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ronconi AM, Carabella G, Mari A.
    AllergomeConsumer: A web-based database of industrial food products cross-linked with the Allergome platform. Data storage and analysis of products, ingredients, and producers.
    EAACI Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting – PAAM 2011 – Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
  89. Schmidhuber A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi, S, Papadopoulos N, Mäkelä M, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Tri a 36: a novel major wheat food allergen. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
  90. Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulus N, Giavi S, Mäkelä M, Ebner C, Mari A, Mittermann I, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Characterization of a novel allergen involved in wheat food allergy. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
  91. Resch Y, Weghofer M, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Focke M, Thalhamer J, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    The effect of in vitro-gastro-duodenal digestion of the major shrimp allergen tropomyosin on IgE reactivity and allergenic activity. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
  92. Banerjee S, Resch Y, Chen K.W, Swoboda I, Focke Tejkl M , Scheiblhofer S, Kronqvist M, van Hage M, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Sibanda EN, Thomas W, Thalhamer J, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    Striking differences in the molecular IgE recognition profiles revealed with recombinant house dust mite allergens Der p 11 and Der p 14 in different populations. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
  93. Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Haddad I, Vinh J, Chafey P, Chollet-Martin S, Charpin D, Mari A, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    Etude allergomique du pollen de cypress.
    SMAP, Avignone, France, 2011.
  94. Ferrara R, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Scala E, Guerriero G, Ciarcia G, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Detection of individual sensitivity to the major fish allergen beta-parvalbumin of Merluccius capensis and Merluccius merluccius by the ISAC microarray system. 72° Congresso dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana - Bologna, Italy, 2011.
  95. Poncet P, Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Chollet-Martin S, Haddad I, Vinh J, Charpin D, Mari A, Guilloux L, Peltre G, Senechal H.
    New insights in cypress pollen allergen repertoire: What for? How far? 10th World Congress on Inflammation, Paris, France, 2011.
  96. Liso M, Scala E, Palazzo P, Santoro M, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Alessandri C, Mari A.
    Total IgE detected on a microarray-based system using spotted omalizumab as anti-IgE.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  97. Scala E, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Santoro M, Mari A.
    The lesson from Anisakis simplex sensitization: the need for a molecular approach.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  98. Zennaro D, Capalbo C, Scala E, Liso M, Spillner E, Penichet M, Singer J, Braren I, Daniels T, Plum M, Santoro M, Scoppola A, Marchetti P, Jensen-Jarolim E, Mari A.
    IgE, IgG4 and IgG response to tissue-specific and environmental antigens in patients affected by cancer.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  99. Scala E, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Santoro M, Rasi C, Mari A.
    Allergenic molecule-based microarray-based allergy diagnosis: the second "real life" study on a cohort of 23,559 subjects.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  100. Asam C, Hauser M, Himly M, Palazzo P, Voltolini S, Montanari C, Briza P, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
    Multiple Fagales species might have the potential to sensitise atopic individuals: the Ostrya carpinifolia allergen model (Ost c 1).
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  101. Palazzo P, Lovegrove A, Pomponi D, Marsh J, Shewry P, Liso M, Santoro M, Scala E, Mari A.
    IgE reactivity of a natural glycosylated alpha-amylase inhibitor from kydney bean and of its recombinant glysosylated counterpart expressed in transgenic green pea.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  102. Santoro M, Rasi C, Monti S, Nuti S, Scala E, Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Liso M, Alessandri C, Carabella G, Mari A.
    InterAll - an allergy electronic health record supporting the molecular allergologist in the daily activities: extracting and visualising real time statistical data.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  103. Pomponi D, Di Zenzo G, Zennaro D, Calabresi V, Hertl M, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Mari A.
    Detection of IgG and IgE reactivity to the major bullous pemphigoid autoantigen using a microarray system.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  104. Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Haddad I, Vinh J, Mari A, Chollet-Martin S, Charpin D, Senechal H, Poncet P.
    Identification and characterisation of a basic polygalacturonase as a major Cupressus sempervirens pollen allergen.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  105. Scala E, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Mari A.
    Higher prevalence of IgE to Mal d 1 and Pru p 1 in PR-10 patients with clinically relevant food allergy.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  106. Hauser M, Wolf M, Wallner M, Himly M, Ebner C, Briza P, Mari A, Behrendt H, Ferreira F.
    Purification and cross-reactivity profiling of the five clinically most relevant allergenic pectate lyases.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  107. Scala E, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Mari A.
    Polcalcin IgE and clinical reactivity in patients from the Mediterranean area.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  108. Giangrieco I, Panico MR, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Identification and biochemical characterisation of Act d 10 and Act c 10, the nonspecific lipid transfer proteins from green and gold kiwifruit.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  109. Scala E, Alessandri C, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Mari A.
    Allergen-based microarray-based diagnosis to seafood allergy.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  110. Brunetti A, Santoro M, Nuti S, Monti S, Perotti G, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ronconi AM, Mari A.
    Allergomeconsumer: a web-based database of industrial food products cross-linked with the allergome platform. Data storage and analysis of products, ingredients, and producers.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  111. Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Alessandri C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    In vitro and in vivo characterisation of nonspecific lipid transfer proteins from green and gold kiwifruits, Act d 10 and Act c 10.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  112. Ferrara R, Scala E, Kuehn A, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Liso M, Palazzo P, Guerriero G, Ciarcia G, Hilger C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    A comprehensive IgE binding study of a panel of 15 natural and recombinant beta-parvalbumins from 11 fish species as detected by the ISAC microarray system.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  113. Gadermaier G, Vejvar E, Egger M, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Briza P, Ebner C, Hemmer W, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Lipid transfer proteins in Apium graveolens: distinct localisation pattern, physico-chemical and immunological properties of LTP1 and LTP2 identified in celery stalks and tuber.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  114. Vejvar E, Hainz B, Erler A, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
    Molecular cloning and immunological characterisation of two novel hazel pollen allergens belonging to the polygalacturonase and isoflavone reductase families.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  115. Scala E, Pomponi D, Liso M, Lombardo G, Narducci MG, Russo G, Mari A.
    Single TCRV2 evaluation in the prediction of the presence/absence of circulating T cell clone in cutaneous T cell lymphoma.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  116. Alessandri C, Sforza S, Zennaro D, Lambertini F, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Dossena A, Mari A. Tolerability of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese in cow's milk allergic children.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  117. Mari A, Scala E, Zennaro D, Woellner C, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Grimbacher B. Specific IgE detection to allergenic molecules is feasible using a microarray system in patients with the hyper-IgE syndrome (or Job's syndrome) or just very high total IgE levels.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  118. Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Alessandri C, Casset A, Liso M, Scala E, Valenta R, Vrtala S, Mari A. Detection of Der p 1, Der p 2, Der f 1, Der f 2, and Der p 10 in commercial D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus extracts by single point highest inhibition achievable assay.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  119. Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Wallner M, Carratore V, Gadermaier G, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Ferreira F, Ciardiello MA, Mari A. Biochemical and immunochemical characterisation of a new hazel pollen allergen, Cor a 60kD, potential candidate as marker of genuine hazel/hornbeam, but not birch, pollen exposure.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  120. Palazzo P, Sforza S, Alessandri C, Lambertini F, Paolella S, Liso M, Zennaro D, Dossena A, Mari A. Milk allergen detection in original parmigiano-reggiano cheese using ISAC single point highest inhibition achievable assay.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  121. Ferrara R, Scala E, Kuehn A, Alessandri C, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Hilger C, Mari A. alpha- and beta-parvalbumins share IgE binding epitopes as detected by the ISAC microarray system.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  122. Scala E, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Santoro M, Mari A. Disclosing genuine latex IgE sensitisation by testing Hevea brasiliensis allergenic molecules on the microarray.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  123. Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Santoro M, Scala E, Mari A. Predicting tolerability to boiled egg by means of hen's egg allergen IgE detection by ISAC.
    XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  124. Liso M, Scala E, Palazzo P, Santoro M, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Alessandri C, Mari A.
    Total IgE detected on a microarray-based system using spotted Omalizumab as solid phase anti-IgE.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  125. Tuppo L, Bernardi ML, Picone D, Giangrieco I, Petrella G, Palazzo P, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Influence of the chemico-physical features of the environment on the structure and the IgE reactivity of kiwellin (Act d 5).
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  126. Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Identification and biochemical characterisation of lipid transfer protein (Act d 10) in green kiwifruit.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  127. Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Alessandri C, Scala E, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Caratterizzazione immunologica di Act d 10, Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP), presente nell’Actinidia deliciosa.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  128. Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Alessandri C, Scala E, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Caratterizzazione immunologica di Act d 10, Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP), presente nell’Actinidia deliciosa.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  129. Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Alessandri C, Casset A, Liso M, Scala E, Valenta R, Vrtala S, Mari A.
    Rilevazione di Der p 1, Der p 2, Der f 1, Der p f 2, e Der p 10 in estratti commerciali di D. farinae e D. pteronyssinus mediante il Single Point Highest Inhibition Achievable assay (SPHIAa).
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  130. Pomponi D, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Valutazione dell’attività biologica della Pru p 3, LTP della pesca, mediante test di attivazione dei basofili.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  131. Zennaro D, Scala E, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Liso M, Colombo P, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Valutazione della prevalenza delle IgE verso Mor n 3, la lipid transfer protein (LTP) del gelso, in un gruppo di pazienti consecutivi e confronto con la prevalenza delle IgE verso Pru p 3 (LTP della pesca) e Act d 10 (LTP del kiwi).
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  132. Santoro M, Zennaro D, Scala E, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Rafaiani C, Pomponi D, Palazzo P, Liso M, Rasi C, Monti S, Nuti S, Perotti G, Carabella G, Mari A.
    InterAll – La cartella clinica elettronica di Supporto all’allergologo molecolare nell’attività clinica quotidiana: come estrarre e visualizzare automaticamente i dati demografici e clinici.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  133. Mari A, Hauser M, Himly M, Palazzo P, Voltolini S, Montanari C, Briza P, Bernardi ML, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
    Diverse specie delle Fagales possono sensibilizzare i pazienti allergici: Il modello dell'allergene dell'Ostrya carpinifolia (Ost c 1).
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  134. Mari A, Perotti G, Nuti S, Scala E, Santoro M, Rasi C, Rafaiani C, Pomponi D, Palazzo P, Monti S, Liso M, Ferrara R, Costanzi G, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Carabella G. Fattibilità di una rete italiana stabile di monitoraggio in tempo reale delle sensibilizzazioni allergiche IgE-mediate.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  135. D'Avino R, Bernardi ML, Wallner M, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Breiteneder H, Ferreira F, Ciardiello MA, Mari A. Kiwifruit Act d 11 is the first member of the ripening - related protein family identified as an allergen.
    II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica - Rome, Italy, 2011.
  136. Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Chollet-Martin S, Mari A, Scala E, Charpin D,, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    In vitro immunoassay in patients allergic to cypress pollen (Cupressus sempervirens) by immunoblotting and IgE ImmunoCAP ISAC: A comparative study between two cohorts of Italian and French patients. 6th Congres Francophone d’Allergologie, Paris, France, 2011.
  137. Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Haddad I, Vinh J, Chollet-Martin S, Charpin D, Mari A, Peltre G, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    The molecular allergology link between education and the clinics: example of an allergomic study in cypress pollen allergy. 6th Congres Francophone d’Allergologie, Paris, France, 2011.
  138. Garriga T, Luengo O, Palazzo P, Labrador-Horrillo M, Guilarte M, Sala A, Mari A, Cardona V.
    Recombinant allergens in diagnostic resolution: A comparative study. 67th Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
  139. Ofori-Anti AO, Pramod SN, Mari A, Higgins TJV, Vogel L, Vieths S, Taylor SL, Goodman RE.
    Alpha-amylase inhibitor and phytohemmagglutin are abundant glycoproteins in common beans and clearly bind IgE from some legume allergic subjects, but without basophil activation. 67th Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
  140. Gadermaier G, Egger M, Alessandri C, Wallner M, Briza P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Is aboriginal food less allergenic? A study on the IgE-binding capacity of egg white and yolk from modern and ancient chicken breeds investigated in a cohort of hen’s egg allergic children.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011.
    Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):O19
  141. Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulus N, Makela M, Ebner C, Mari A, Mittermann I, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Characterization of a new wheat food allergen.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011.
    Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):P86
  142. Schmidhuber A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulos N, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Isolation, characterization and expression in Escherichia coli of a cDNA coding for a novel major wheat food allergen.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011.
    Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):P97
  143. Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Panico MR, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Santoro M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Biochemical and immunological characterisation of Act d 10 a lipid transfer proteins from green kiwifruit.
    Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011.
    Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):O23
  144. Bernardi ML, Panico MR, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Crocicchia C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    In vitro and in vivo characterization of nonspecifi c Lipid Transfer Proteins from green and gold kiwifruits, Act d 10 and Act c 10. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  145. Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Identifi cation and biochemical characterisation of nonspecifi c Lipid Transfer Protein (Act d 10) from green kiwifruit. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  146. Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Mari A.
    Detecting IgE by a microarray system: Advantages of allergenic molecules in egg allergy diagnosis. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  147. Tuppo L, Bernardi ML, Picone D, Giangrieco I, Petrella G, Palazzo P, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Influence of the chemico-physical features of the environment on the structure and the IgE reactivity of kiwellin (Act d 5). 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  148. Liso M, Scala E, Palazzo P, Santoro M, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Alessandri C, Mari A.
    Total IgE detected on a microarray-based system using spotted Omalizumab as solid phase anti-IgE. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  149. Pomponi D, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Evaluating the IgE-based biological activity of a purifi ed Pru p 3, the peach LTP, preparation. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  150. Zennaro D, Scala E, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Liso M, Colombo P, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    Prevalence of IgE to Mor n 3, a mulberry LTP, in consecutive patients and comparison with Pru p 3 (peach) and Act d 10 (kiwifruit) prevalence. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  151. Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Mari A, Denis C, Chollet-Martin S, Alessandri C, Scala E, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
    In vitro testing of allergic patients to cypress pollen (Cupressus sempervirens) by IgE immunoblotting and ImmunoCAP ISAC: Comparative study of two independent cohorts from Italy and France. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  152. Palazzo P, Pasquariello MS, Petriccione M, Rega P, Tuppo L, Liso M, Alessandri C, Tamburrini M, Tartaglia A, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
    Analysis of the allergenic components in twelve traditional apple cultivars by Single Point Highest Inhibition Achievable assay (SPHIAa) for IgE. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  153. Santoro M, Rasi C, Rafaiani C, Monti S, Nuti S, Carabella G, Mari A.
    InterAll - An allergy electronic health record supporting the molecular allergologist in the daily activities: Extracting and visualizing real time statistical data. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  154. Gadermaier G, Girbl T, Hauser M, Ferrara R, Erler A, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F. Api g 2, a novel lipid-transfer protein of Apium graveolens identified as cross-reactive allergen in mugwort pollen and celery.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  155. Pahr S, Constantin C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhammer J, Vrtala S, Mittermann I, Valenta R. Characterisation of novel allergens involved in baker’s asthma.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  156. Bublin M, Ciardiello MA, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Harwanegg C, Hafner C, Ebner C, Ballmer-Weber B, Knulst A, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K,Radauer C, Mari A, Breiteneder H. The performance of a component-based allergen microarray for the diagnosis of kiwifruit allergy.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  157. Zheng Y, Li J, Lai X, Zhao D, Liu X, Lin X, Gjesing B, Palazzo P, Mari A, Zhong N, Spangfort MD. Specific IgE-reactivity of Chinese allergic patients detected by allergen micro-array analyses.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  158. Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Haddad I, Vinh J, Mari A, Peltre G, Charpin D, Sénéchal H, Poncet P. Differential allergen sensitization patterns in common Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) pollen allergy: identification of a novel alkaline allergen.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  159. Schulten V, Nagl B, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Ciardiello MA, Scheurer S, Mari A, Bohle B. Analysis of the cellular cross-reactivity between non-specific lipid transfer proteins from hazelnut and peach.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  160. Garriga Baraut T, Luengo O, Labrador M, Palazzo P, Guilarte M, Sala A, Gelis S, Esteso O, Mari A, Cardona V. RECORD Study: recombinant allergens in diagnostic resolution in poly-pollen sensitised patients from Barcelona.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  161. Olivieri M, Pahr S, Palazzo P, Biscardo CA, Malerba G, Xumerle L, Ferrara R, Valenta R, Mari A. IgE profiling using new wheat-derived allergens and ISAC 103 microarray in bakers with occupational allergic respiratory disease.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  162. D’Avino R, Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Carratore V, Rasi C, Alessandri C, Breiteneder H, Ciardiello MA, Mari A. Act d 11, a new kiwifruit allergenic protein belonging to the Ripening-related Protein family: biochemical and immunological characterization.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  163. Ciardiello MA, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Carratore V, Giangrieco I, Longo V, Melis M, Tamburrini M , Zennaro D, Mari A, Colombo P. Biochemical, immunological and clinical characterization of a cross-reactive nonspecific lipid transfer protein 1 from mulberry.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  164. D’Avino R, Bernardi ML, Wallner M, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Carratore V, Rasi C, Alessandri C, Ferreira F, Ciardiello MA, Mari A. Act d 11 is a new kiwifruit allergenic protein showing its clinical, immunological, and epidemiological features within the Bet v 1-positive population.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  165. Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Rasi C, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Quaratino D, Scala E, Zaffiro A, Mari A. Retrospective comparative analysis of allergenic extract-based singleplex IgE detection and allergenic molecule multiplexed IgE detection.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  166. Scala E, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Quaratino D, Rasi C, Zaffiro A, Zennaro D, Mari A. Cross-sectional survey on IgE reactivity in 23,077 subjects using an allergenic molecule-based microarray detection system.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  167. Scala E, Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Narducci MG, Abeni D, Liso M, Russo G,Lombardo G, Mari A. Predictive role of 9-O-acetylated ganglioside D3 (CD60), α4β1 (CD49d) expression and allergenic molecule specific IgE production in the survival rate of patients with Sézary syndrome and skewed usage of TCRVβ repertoire.
    XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
  168. Gadermaier G, Girbl T, Ferrara R, Erler A, Harrer A, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F. A novel lipid-transfer protein of Apium graveolens as potential cross-reactive allergen involved in the celery-mugwort-spice syndrome. 28th Symposium Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, Ischia, Italy, 2010.
  169. Casset A, Mari A, Purohit A, Weghofer M, Ferrara R, Thomas WR, Zaffiro A, Chen K-W, de Blay F, Valenta R, Vrtala S. Commercial Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extracts show a great variability regarding the allergen content and cutaneous responses. 28th Symposium Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, Ischia, Italy, 2010.
  170. Giangrieco I, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Ciardiello MA, Carratore V, Longo V, Melis M, Tamburrini M, Zennaro D, Mari A, Colombo P.
    Characterization of food allergens to improve diagnostic systems and desensitizing immunotherapies: a comparative study on Lipid Tranfer Proteins. 4th Annual Meeting “Innovation in Pharmaceutics” AItUN, Naples, Italy,2010.
  171. Heaps AG, El-Shanawany T, Selwood C, Moody M, Mari A, Palazzo P, Woellner C, Grimbacher B, Williams PE, Jolles S. Analysis of the serum IgE repertoire in Hyper IgE Syndrome (HIGE) patients using an Immuno Solid-Phase Allergen Chip (ISAC).
    Biannual UK-Primary Immunedeficiency Network, Bath, United Kingdom, 2009.
  172. Egger M, Gadermaier G, Briza P, Mari A, Ebner C, Ferreira F.
    Characterization of allergens homologous to Art v 1 in the pollen of different Artemisia species.
    Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba 2009.
  173. Twaroch T, Focke M, Mari A, Ebner C, Fleischmann K, Balic N, Meyerweck S, Lupinek C, Ferrara R, Zaffiro A, Spitzauer S, Valenta R, Swoboda I.
    Carrier-bound peptides of the major allergen Alt a 1 for vaccination against allergy to the mould Alternaria alternata.
    Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba 2009.
  174. Resch Y, Weghofer M, Seiberler S, Mari A, Horak F, Scheiblhofer S, Linhart B, Civaj V, Thomas WR, Thalhamer J, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    Recombinant Der p 10 as a diagnostic tool to identify patients with genuine shrimp sensitization.
    Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba 2009.
  175. Pahr S, Mittermann I, Constantin C, Mari A, Ebner C, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
    Molecular cloning and characterisation of a new wheat food allergen Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba 2009.
  176. Pfiffner P, Ineichen W, Mari A, Stadler BM Computational prediction of allergen cross reactivity: Verification by serum data. 2nd European Congress of Immunology – Berlin, Germany, 2009.
  177. Goodman R, Ofori-Anti AO, Higgins TJV, Moore A, Campbell P, Vieths S, Vogel L, Foetisch K, Mari A, Taylor S, Singh AB, Siruguri V, Pramod SN. Would insect resistant transgenic legumes expressing -amylase inhibitor from Phaseolus vulgaris present a risk of food allergy to legume allergic individuals? XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Warsaw, Poland, 2009.
  178. Schulten V, Radakovics A, Hartz C, Mari A, Vazquez-Cortes S, Fernandez-Rivas M, Lauer I, Jahn-Schmid B, Eiwegger T, Scheurer S, Bohle B. Characterisation of the allergic T cell response to Pru p 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein in peach.
    XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Warsaw, Poland, 2009.
  179. Banik U, Marañón MJ, Huynh K, Poladian M, Drummond A, Evangelista R, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D.
    Profilin (Pru av 4) and Lipid Transfer Protein (Pru p 3) from the Rosaceae Family: Molecular Allergen Tools for Allergy Diagnosis on the IMMULITE® 2000 System.
    American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2008.
  180. Banik U, Sen M, Huynh K, Evangelista R, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Hovance-Burns D.
    Allergy to Tree and Weed Major Molecular Allergens Ole e 1 and Art v 1: New Tools for Allergy Diagnosis on the IMMULITE® 2000 System.
    American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2008.
    Clin Chem (2008);54(6):A189
  181. Banik U, Marañón MJ, Huynh K, Hoang A, Evangelista R, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Mari A, Ollert M, Chuang T, Hovanec-Burns D.
    Phopholipase A2 (Api m 1) and Hyaluronidase (Api m 2): Diagnostic Tools for Honeybee Venom Allergy on the IMMULITE® 2000 System.
    American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2008.
    Clin Chem (2008);54(6):A189
  182. Goodman RE, Ofori-Anti AO, Pramod SN, Banik U, Mari A, Ballmer-Weber B, Singh AB, Vieths S, Taylor SL.
    Comparative IgE Binding to Taxonomically Diverse Legumes With Evaluation of Binding to Complex Carbohydrates of Glycoproteins Using Sera from Legume Allergic Subjects.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S405.
  183. Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Tamburrini M, Scala E, Giani M, Ciardiello M, Mari A.
    Pectin methylesterase (Act d 7) and pectin methylesterase inhibitor (Act d 6): two new kiwi fruit allergens.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S585.
  184. Maranon M, Huynh K, Poladian M, Evangelista R, Drummond A, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D, Banik U.
    Evaluation of recombinant PR-10 allergens rMal d 1 and rPru av 1: diagnostic tools for allergen cross-reactivity.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S514.
  185. Ordonez M, Huynh K, Rouhani R, Evangelista R, Jaggi K, Hovance-Burns D, Davoudzadeh D, Ferrara R, Pirrotta L, Mari A, Banik U.
    Evaluation of native birch molecular allergen nBet v 1: major allergen for birch pollen allergy diagnosis.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S513.
  186. Sen M, Huynh K, Evangelista R, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Zennaro D, Giani M, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D, Banik U.
    Native Ole e 1: Evaluation of a molecular allergen for olive pollen allergy.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S513.
  187. Shahali Y, Pourpak Z, Majd A, Shokouhi R, Moin M, Mari A.
    A novel 35 kDa allergenic protein for a better diagnosis of the allergy to the Arizona cypress pollen.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S497.
  188. Rasi C, Palazzo P, Carabella G, Mari A.
    AllergomeBlaster: Auto-collecting new potential in silico allergens for the Allergome platform.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S400.
  189. Palazzo P, Ridolfi S, Ferrara R, Giani M, Mari A. A high throughput identification of 6 allergens in 20 grass pollen extracts by means of a proteomic microarray IgE inhibition assay.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S399.
  190. Weghofer M, Thomas W, van Hage M, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F, Gronlund H, Kronqvist M, Valenta R, Vrtala S. Variability of molecular IgE reactivity profiles among European mite allergic patients determined with purified mite allergens.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S223.
  191. Banik U, Huynh K, Gan W, Evangelista R, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D. Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant (CCD) from bromelain: a new allergy marker (MUXF Glycopeptide) for specific IgE detection.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S100.
  192. Maranon M, Huynh K, Poladian M, Drummond A, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Zaffiro, A, Quaratino D, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D, Banik U. Evaluation of native major peach allergen nPru p 3: a lipid transfer protein for allergy diagnosis.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S97.
  193. Sen M, Huynh K, Evangelista R, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D, Banik U. Native Art v 1: Evaluation of a molecular allergen for mugwort pollen allergy.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S96.
  194. Zennaro D, Scala E, Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Mari A. Defining IgE specificities in reported cases of IPEX syndrome by means of ISAC proteomic microarray system.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S41.
  195. Casset A, Mari A, Weghofer M, Ferrara R, Thomas W, Zaffiro A, Chen K, Valenta R, Vrtala S. Commercially available Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extracts show a great variability regarding the content of allergens and cutaneous responses in vivo.
    XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
    Allergy (2008);63(88):S41.
  196. Mari A, Ooievaar-de Heer P, Scala E, Bethell D, van Ree R. Assessment of the clinical relevance of plant-glycan specific IgE by in vivo challenge with transgenic human lactoferrin produced in rice.
    Collegium Internationale Allergologicum 27th Symposium, Curaçao, 2008.
  197. Bonura A, Gulino L, Trapani A, Di Felice G, Tinghino R, Amoroso S, Geraci D, Valenta R, Westritschnig K, Scala E, Mari A, Colombo P.
    Isolation, expression and immunological characterization of a Par j 4, a calcium-binding protein from Parietaria pollen. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  198. Goodman RE, Ofori-Anti AO, Pramod SN, Banik U, Mari A, Ballmer-Weber B, Singh AB, Vieths S, Taylor SL. Tests to Distinguish IgE Binding to Complex Carbohydrates from Peptides of Commonly Consumed Legumes. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  199. Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Carratore V, Tamburini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA. Kiwellin from green and gold kiwi fruit: proteolytic processing and IgE binding. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  200. Shahali Y, Pourpak Z, Majd A, Shokouhi R, Mari A, Haftlang M, Moin M. A novel 35 kDa allergenic protein for a further definition in the diagnosis of the Arizona cypress pollen allergy. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  201. Ferrara R, Scala E, Más A, Hidalgo A, Zaffiro A, Pomponi D, Giani M, Labrada A, Mari A. IgE reactivity to Group 1 Mite Allergen from Dermatophagoides siboney (Der s 1) in a D. siboney not exposed population. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  202. Mari A, Riecken S, Quaratino D, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Reese G, Petersen A, Vieths S, Becker W-M. Identification and Cloning of Two Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP) in Peanut (Ara h 9). 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  203. Scala E, Zennaro D, Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Mari A A proteomics multiplexing phenotyping approach in three familiar cases of IPEX syndrome.
    World Immune Regulation Meeting – II - 2008, Davos, Switzerland.
  204. Scala E, Ferrara R, Más A, Hidalgo A, Zaffiro A, Pomponi D, Labrada A, Mari A. Group 1 Mite Allergen from Dermatophagoides siboney (Der s 1) behave as Der p 1 and Der f 1 to Detect Mite Allergic Subjects in a D. siboney not exposed population. 64th Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2008);121 (1, part 2), S178.
  205. Mari A, Riecken S, Quaratino D, Zennaro D, Reese G, Petersen A,Vieths S, Becker W-M. Identification of a Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP) in Peanut Extract and Cloning of Two LTP Isoallergens. 64th Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2008);121 (1, part 2), S213.
  206. Farina L, Buccheri M, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Giani M, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Damiano C, Ciardiello MA.
    Analisi comparativa del quadro proteico ed identificazione e quantificazione di allergeni in cultivar di pesco.
    VI Convegno Nazionale sulla Peschicoltura Meridionale, Caserta, Italia, 2008.
  207. Riecken S, Quaratino D, Zennaro D, Reese G, Petersen A, Vieths S, Mari A, Becker W-M.
    Erdnuss-LTP: Identifizierung von Ara h 9, einem neuen Erdnussallergen, und Klonierung von zwei Isoformen.
    DGAKI (German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology Meeting) Mainz Germany, 2008.
  208. Radauer C, Bublin M, Wagner S, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
    AllFam – the database of protein families of allergens.
    XX World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
  209. Meglio P, Giampietro PG, Gianni S, Mora NGM, Palazzo P, Scala E, Mari A, Galli E.
    Oral desensitisation in children with immunoglobulin E-mediated hen's egg allergy.
    XX World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
  210. Constantin C, Quirce S, Touraev A, Swoboda I, Stöcklinger A, Mari A, Thalhamer J, Heberle-Bors E, Valenta R.
    Molecular and immunological characterization of a wheat serine proteinase-inhibitor as a novel allergen in baker’s asthma.
    XX World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
  211. Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S, Quirce S, Mari A, Pauli G, Spitzauer S, Valenta R.
    Calcium dependence of IgE reactivity of recombinant alpha-lactalbumin, a major cow’s milk allergen.
    XX World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
  212. Schulmeister U, Hochwallner H, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Ebner C, Mari A, Pauli G, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
    Assessment of IgE reactivity and allergenic activity of cow’s milk allergens by microarray and basophil degranulation experiments.
    XX World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
  213. Scala E, Quaratino D, Zaffiro A, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Ridolfi S, Pomponi D, Giani M, Mari A.
    Detection of specific IgE by proteomic microarray system based on allergenic molecules: a powerful tool for worldwide epidemiology of allergic sensitization.
    XX World Allergy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
  214. Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Mari A, Ciardiello MA. Analysis of green and gold kiwi fruit protein pattern as a function of the ripening stage.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S341.
  215. Banik U, Marañon MJ, Poladian M, Drummond A, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Giani M, Fantini R, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D.
    Development of Recombinant Cherry Profilin rPru av 4 Allergen: An Emerging Tool for Investigating Cross-reactivity.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S151.
  216. Marañon MJ, Banik U, Maldonado S, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Quaratino D, Zennaro D, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D, Davoudzadeh D.
    Native Cat and Dog Allergenic Molecules nFel d 1 and nCan f 1: New Tools for Component-Resolved Allergy Diagnosis.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S150.
  217. Banik U, Marañon MJ, Achiles A, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Ferrara R, Pomponi D, Mari A, Davoudzadeh D, Hovanec-Burns D.
    Native Mite Allergenic Molecules nDer p 1, nDer p 2, nDer f 1 and nDer f 2: Novel Tools for Mite Component-Resolved Allergy Diagnosis.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S149.
  218. Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Helmer-Citterich M, Costanzi G, Zaffiro A, Quaratino D, Giani M, Scala E, Afeltra A, Mari A.
    Retrospective comparative analysis of skin test and IgE reactivity to extracts, and singleplexed or multiplexed allergenic molecules.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S153.
  219. Pomponi D, Narducci MG, Frontani M, Angelucci I, Russo G, Mari A, Scala E.
    Restricted TCR-Vβ usage in Sézary Syndrome.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S309.
  220. Bublin M, Radauer C, Hafner C, Ebner C, Mari A, Wagner S, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H.
    Act d 5 (kiwellin) and Act d 4 (cystatin), two new important kiwifruit allergens.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007.
    Allergy (2007);62(83):S342.
  221. Palazzo P, Giangrieco I, Bernardi ML, Tamburini M, Giani M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
    IgE reactivity to Kiwellin (Act d 28kD), Actinidin (Act d 1) and Thaumatin-like protein (Act d 2) from green kiwi fruit in kiwi allergic patients tested by SDS-PAGE arrayed molecules.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007. Allergy (2007);62(83):S341.
  222. Scala E, Quaratino D, Zaffiro A, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Fantini R, Palazzo P, Giani M, Mari A.
    IgE proteomic in the diagnosis and epidemiology of allergic diseases: a population survey.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007. Allergy (2007);62(83):S432.
  223. Scala E, Pomponi D, Guerra E, Locanto M, Mondino C, Pirrotta L, Guarnaccia G, Giani M, Mari A.
    Homologous molecules IgE co-recognition revealed by testing on an allergenic molecule microarray system.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007. Allergy (2007);62(83):S53.
  224. Palazzo P, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Mari A.
    Immunochemical and Diagnostic Impact of CCD-IgE Reactivity on Microarrayed Allergens.
    XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007. Allergy (2007);62(83):S152.
  225. Radauer C, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
    The AllFam database – a resource for classifying allergenic proteins XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2007. Allergy (2007);62(83):S154.
  226. Palazzo P, Giangrieco I, Bernardi ML, Tamburini M, Giani M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A. Analysis of kiwi allergic patients sera by testing the IgE reactivity to Kiwellin (Act d 28kD), Actinidin (Act d 1) and Thaumatin-like protein (Act d 2) from green kiwi fruit. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  227. Marañon MJ, Banik U, Rouhani R, Poladian M, Drummond A, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Scala E, Zaffiro A, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D. Response to Recombinant PR-10 Allergens rMal d 1 and rPru av 1 in a Specific IgE Assay in Patients with Allergy to Rosaceae. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  228. Scala E, Zaffiro A, Quaratino D, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Giani M, Mari A. Epidemiological survey of an allergic population using allergenic molecules on a microarray system. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  229. Banik U, Huynh K, Gan WX, Evangelista R, Lopez M, Jaggi K, Davoudzadeh D, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Hovanec-Burns D. Plant N-Glycan Structure (MUXF) from Bromelain: A New Allergy Marker for Specific IgE Detection. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  230. Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Palazzo P, Carratore V, Camardella L, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Mari A, Ciardiello MA. Conditions affecting the protein and allergen patterns of green and gold kiwi fruit extracts. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  231. Bublin M, Radauer C, Mari A, Hafner C, Ebner C, Wagner S, Scheiner O, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Breiteneder H. Act d 5 (kiwellin) and Act d 4 (cystatin), two new important kiwifruit allergens. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  232. Radauer C, Mari A, Breiteneder H. Classifying allergens into protein families - the AllFam database. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  233. Hauser M, Klinglmayr E, Wopfner N, Mutschlechner S, Mari A, Bohle B, Briza P, Ferreira F, Wallner M. Cloning, purification and characterization of Bet v 1 homologues from hornbeam (Car b 1) and oak (Que a 1). 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology: Allergens: from Identification to Therapy. Rome, 2007.
  234. Wallner M, Stöcklinger A, Thalhamer T, Bohle B, Vogel L, Briza P, Breiteneder H, Vieths S, Hartl A, Mari A, Ebner C, Lackner P, Hammerl P, Thalhamer J, Ferreira F Allergy multi-vaccines created by DNA shuffling of tree pollen allergens.
    World Immune Regulation Meeting 2007, Davos, Switzerland. Proceedings Book, page 230.
  235. Scala E, Pomponi D, Narducci MG, Russo G, Mari A. Central Memory phenotype in malignant CD4+ T lymphocytes: the case of Sézary Syndrome.
    World Immune Regulation Meeting 2007, Davos, Switzerland. Proceedings Book, page 75.
  236. Mari A, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Helmer-Citterich M, Zennaro D, Giani M, Scala E. Comparative Analysis of Extract-based Skin Test and IgE detection, Singleplexed Molecule-based IgE Detection and a Molecule-based Microarray System. 63rd Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2007);119 (1, part 2), S266.
  237. Giani M, Guerra E, Locanto M, Mondino C, Pirrotta L, Pomponi D, Scala E, Mari A.
    Epidemiological Evaluation of Allergenic Molecules IgE Reactivity Detected by means of a Proteomic Microarray Method. 63rd Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2007);119 (1, part 2), S108.
  238. Scala E, Zaffiro A, Quaratino D, D'Ambrosio C, Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Giani M, Mari A.
    IgE Recognition Pattern of Homologous Allergens Tested by Microarray-based Nanotechnology. 63rd Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2007);119 (1, part 2), S105.
  239. Rigon A, Soda P, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Iannello G, Afeltra A.
    CAD System for automatic classification of fluorescence intensity of IIF Hep-2 cells.
    EULAR 2007, Barcelona 13-16 June 2007.
  240. Zennaro D, Caccavo D, Rigon A, Arcarese L, Buzzulini F, Cacciapaglia F, Vadacca M, Afeltra A.
    Anti-carbonic anhydrase antibodies and lung involvement in different rheumatic diseases.
    EULAR 2007, Barcelona 13-16 June 2007.
  241. Vadacca M, Cacciapaglia F, Serino F, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Terminio N, Coppolino G, Bruni R, Afeltra A.
    Relation between alexithymia and immuno-endocrine pathway in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
    EULAR 2007, Barcelona 13-16 June 2007.
  242. Cacciapaglia F, Rigon A, Vadacca M, Arcarese L, Coppolino G, Zennaro D, Margiotta D, Pozzilli P, Afeltra A.
    Autoimmunity in Filipinos migrated to Europe.
    EULAR 2007, Barcelona 13-16 June 2007.
  243. Vadacca M, Bruni R, Rigon A, Cacciapaglia F, Buzzulini F, Zennaro D, Terminio N, Afeltra A.
    Alexithymia, pain experience and mood-state in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
    EULAR 2007, Barcelona 13-16 June 2007.
  244. Rigon A, Caccavo D, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Arcarese L, Buzzulini F, Afeltra A.
    Anticorpi anti anidrasi carbonica e coinvolgimento polmonare nelle malattie reumatiche.
    XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR) Venezia, 17-20 ottobre 2007.
  245. Rigon A, Soda P, Iannello G, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Arcarese L, Afeltra A.
    Immunofluorescenza indiretta nelle malattie autoimmuni: valutazione delle immagini digitali a fini diagnostici.
    XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR) Venezia, 17-20 ottobre 2007.
  246. Vadacca M, Bruni R, Cacciapaglia F, Rigon A, Coppolino G, Zennaro D, Margiotta D, Terminio N, Afeltra A.
    Alessitimia, dolore e stato emotivo nel lupus eritematoso sistemico (LES) e nell’artrite reumatoide (AR).
    XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR) Venezia, 17-20 ottobre 2007.
  247. Rigon A, Soda P, Iannello G, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Buzzulini F, Margiotta D, Afeltra A.
    CAD (Computer Aided diagnosis) per la classificazione di immagini in immunofluorescenza (IFI) per il supporto alla diagnosi di malattie autoimmuni.
    XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR) Venezia, 17-20 ottobre 2007.
  248. Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Helmer-Citterich M, Giani M, Scala E, Mari A. Proteomic analysis of IgE reactivity using microarrayed allergenic molecules. Comparative analysis of “classical” in vivo and in vitro tests and the ISAC system. Preliminary report.
    EAACI Allergy School, Hannover, Germany, 2006.
  249. Trapani A, Gulino L, Golino M, Bonura A, Artale A, Di Felice G, Amoroso S, Gianguzza F, Geraci D, Valenta R, Mari A, Colombo P. Cross-reactive allergens of the Parietaria judaica pollen.
    Cellular and Developmental Biology: In memory of Alberto Monroy, Palermo, Italy, 2006.
  250. Poell V, Wally V, Shen H, Lottspeich F, Hemmer W, Jarish R, Mari A, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B. Vacuolar serine proteasese: a fungal pan-allergen, isolated from C. herbarum and A. alternata XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 280
  251. Seifert U, Wagner S, Ebner C, Hafner C, Mari A, Arija M, Arif S, Yeang HY, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H. To what extent does glycosylation of nHev b 2, the ß-1,3-Glucanase from Hevea brasiliensis, contribute to IgE Recognition of sera of latex sensitized patients? XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 295
  252. Meglio P, Giampietro PG, Gianni S, Scala E, Mari A, Galli E. Oral Desensitisation in Children with Immunoglobulin E-mediated Hen’s Egg Allergy.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 452
  253. Scala E, Guerra EC, Giani M, Pirrotta L, Locanto M, Mondino C, Mari A.
    Delayed allergic reaction to suxamethonium driven by oligoclonal Th1 skewed CD4+ CCR4+ Memory T cells.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 401
  254. Mari A, Scala E, Carabella G. Real Time Monitoring of IgE Sensitization (ReTiME): a new module of the Allergome platform for web-based studies using routine allergy testing.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 242
  255. Mari A, Scala E, Carabella G. Allergome-RefArray: Allergy literature mining by arraying human cured reference records.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 243
  256. Kwaasi AAA, Al-Mohanna FAA, Ferreira F, Mari A. Identification of calcium-binding protein as allergen in Date palm pollen (Phoenix dactylifera L) using characterized sera from non exposed CBP-sensitized subjects.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 279
  257. Mari A, Hartz C, Jamin A, Scala E, Bohle B, Scheurer S. Comparative Lipid Transfer Protein IgE testing of Selected Subjects with Severe Allergic Reactions to Plant-derived Foods.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 44
  258. Mari A, Ooievaar-de Heer P, Scala E, Bethell D, van Ree R. Clinical relevance of IgE against plant glycans (CCD) defined by oral challenge with recombinant human lactoferrin from transgenic rice.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 40
  259. Trapani A, Gulino L, Bonura A, Artale A, Geraci D, Di Felice G, Golino M, Amoroso S, Gianguzza F, Valenta R, Westritschnig K, Mari A, Colombo P. Cross-reactive allergens of the Parietaria judaica pollen.
    XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Congress Proceedings, p. 15
  260. Seifert U, Wagner S, Bublin M, Ebner C, Hafner C, Mari A, Arija M Arif S, Yeang HY, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H. The Role of Glycosylation of nHev b 2, the ß-1,3-Glucanase from Hevea brasiliensis Latex, in IgE Recognition. 62nd Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2006.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2006);117 (2, part 2), S132
  261. Merima B, Radauer C, Ebner C, Allwardth D, Thomas WR, Mari A, Knulst A, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H. IgE Cross-reactivity between the Cysteine Proteases Der p 1 and Act c 1, the Major Allergens from House Dust Mites and Kiwifruit. 62nd Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2006.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2006);117 (2, part 2), S94
  262. Mari A, Scala E, Carabella G. Real Time Monitoring of IgE Sensitization (ReTiME): a new module of the Allergome platform for web-based studies. 62nd Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2006.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2006);117 (2, part 2), S221
  263. Caccavo D, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Cacciapaglia F, Sebastiani GD, Afeltra A. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and anti Lipid A antibody levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankilosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis and osteoarthritis. 5th International Congress on Autoimmunity Sorrento, Italy november 29 – december 3, 2006.
  264. Rigon A, Zennaro D, Soda P, Vadacca M, Cacciapaglia F, Iannello G, Afeltra A. Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) in autoimmune diseases: validity of automatically acquired digital images for diagnostic purpose. 5th International Congress on Autoimmunity Sorrento, Italy november 29 – december 3, 2006.
  265. Cacciapaglia F, Vadacca M, Coppolino G, Buzzulini F, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Zardi EM, Afeltra A. Riscontro di shunt spleno-renale spontaneo in una paziente affetta da sindrome da anticorpi antifosfolipidi: primo caso descritto in letteratura.
    Atti 107° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Cagliari, ottobre 2006.
  266. Caccavo D, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Cacciapaglia F, Sebastiani GD, Afeltra A. Valutazione dell’attività della Dnasi e degli anticorpi antinucleosomi nel LES.
    Atti 107° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Cagliari, ottobre 2006.
  267. Caccavo D, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Cacciapaglia F, Sebastiani GD, Afeltra A. Lipopolisaccaride (LPS) e anticorpi anti-lipide A in pazienti affetti da Artrite Reumatoide (AR), Spondilite Anchilosante (SA), Artrite Psoriasica (AP) e Osteoartrosi (OA).
    XLIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR), Palermo, ottobre 2006.
  268. Bruni R, Rigon A, Vadacca M, Terminio N, Zennaro D, Cacciapaglia F, Coppolino G, Afeltra A. Configurazione emotiva in due diversi modelli di malattie autoimmuni sistemiche: il Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico (LES) e l’Artrite Reumatoide (AR).
    XLIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR), Palermo, ottobre 2006.
  269. Zennaro D, Rigon A, Arcarese L, Vadacca M, Cacciapaglia F, Buzzulini F, Caccavo D, Afeltra A. Deoxyribonuclease activity and antinucleosome antibodies in patients with SLE.
    EULAR 2006 Amsterdam, 21-24 June.
  270. Vadacca M, Buzzulini F, Zennaro D, Rigon A, Arcarese L, Cacciapaglia F, Massa R, Afeltra A. Morphological and functional neuroimaging for early detection of neuropsychiatric involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus.
    EULAR 2006 Amsterdam, 21-24 June.
  271. Rigon A, Vadacca M, Zennaro D, Bruni R, Terminio N, Nilo S, Cacciapaglia F, Afeltra A. Alexithymia in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis: prevalence and correlation with proinflammatory and immunomodulatory cytokines.
    EULAR 2006 Amsterdam, 21-24 June.

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    2005 - 2000

  273. Mari A, Scala E, Ronconi AM, Carabella G. Sequence Homology and IgE Co-Recognition of Allergenic Molecules: Comparative results obtained using the Allergome O-ring Graphical Representation.
    World Allergy Congress-XXIV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Munich, Germany, 2005.
    Allergy Clin Immunol Int (2005); 17 (Suppl 1), S205
  274. Mari A, Artale A, Bonura A, Scala E, Colombo P.
    Par j 2 as a Parietaria Sensitisation Marker Allergen: Definition of its use in Epidemiology and Diagnosis.
    World Allergy Congress-XXIV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Munich, Germany, 2005.
    Allergy Clin Immunol Int (2005); 17 (Suppl 1), S205
  275. Mari A, Truffer R, Stadler MB, Stadler BM.
    Identification of Allergenic Molecules using the “Sequence Motifs” Computational Approach.
    World Allergy Congress-XXIV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Munich, Germany, 2005.
    Allergy Clin Immunol Int (2005); 17 (Suppl 1), S30
  276. Tay ASL, Shang HS, Bi XZ, Reginald K, Gao YF, Ong ST, Angus AC, Wang WL, Kuay KT, Wang DY, Mari A, Chew FT Component-resolved diagnosis of house dust mite allergy with a large repertoire of purified natural and recombinant allergens from the major species of mites worldwide. 61st Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2005.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2005); 113 (2,part 2), S164.
  277. Mari A, Mari V, Ronconi AM Allergome – A Database of Allergenic Molecules: Structure and Data Implementations of a Web-based Resource. 61st Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2005. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2005); 113 (2,part 2), S87.
  278. Mari A, Breiteneder H, Wagner S.
    Comparative Evaluation of Different In Vitro Diagnostic Approaches versus Skin Test-diagnosed Latex Allergy. 61st Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2005. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2005); 113 (2,part 2), S111.
  279. Wagner S, Harwanegg C, Wagner B, Hafner C, Mari A, Ebner C, Hiller R, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H Microarray-based Improvement of Diagnosis for Latex Allergy. 61st Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2005. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2005); 113 (2,part 2), S110.
  280. Vadacca M, Zennaro D, Rigon A, Cacciapaglia F, Coppolino G, Buzzolini F, Amoroso A, Afeltra A Anti-ribosomal P protein antibody and antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with Neutopsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NSLE).
    EULAR 2005 Vienna, 08-11 June.
  281. Westritschnig K, Focke M, Ball T, Mari A, Hartl A, Thalhamer J, Böhm A, Valent P, Valenta R.
    A “tail-to-head” - derivative from timothy grass pollen profilin for allergy vaccination.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Vienna, Austria, 2004.
  282. Egger M, Wopfner N, Himly M, Dedic A, Bauer R, Mari A, van Ree R, Hartl A, Thalhamer J, Ferreira F.
    Art v 1, the Major Mugwort Allergen, Cross-reacts with Proteins Originating from Compositae and Grass Pollen.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Vienna, Austria, 2004.
  283. Weghofer M, Thomas WR, Van Hage-Hamsten M, Mari A, Pauli G, Horak FA, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
    Variability of IgE reactivity profiles to house dust mite allergens in European populations revealed with purified natural and recombinant allergens.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Vienna, Austria, 2004.
  284. Wagner S, Harwanegg C, Wagner B, Hafner C, Mari A, Ebner C, Hiller R, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H.
    Microarray-based improvement of diagnosis for latex allergy.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Vienna, Austria, 2004.
  285. Stadler BM, Stadler MB, Müller L, Truffer R, Mari A, Miescher S, Vogel M.
    Autoimmunity and allergy: a bioinformatic approach. 25th Symposium of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum. Bornholm, Denmark, 2004.
  286. Bublin M, Mari A, Knulst AC, Ebner C, Brehler R, Scheiner O, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Breiteneder H, Radauer C.
    IgE sensitization profiles towards green and gold kiwifruits as well as actinidin differs among kiwifruit allergic patients from three European countries.
    XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004. Congress Proceedings, p. 19.
  287. Angus AC, Xiong SQ, Mari A, Wang DY, Chew FT.
    Identification of a full length IgE-binding thaumatin-like protein from the storage mite, Glycyphagus domesticus.
    XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004. Congress Proceedings, p. 185.
  288. Ong ST, Ong SY, Shang HS, Gulzar Mohd G, Mari A, Wang DY, Chew FT.
    Paralogous forms of the Group 7 allergens from dust mite, Dermatophaoides farinae.
    XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004. Congress Proceedings, p. 185.
  289. Mari A, Mari V, Ronconi AM, Riccioli D.
    Use of the allergome database to study the impact of allergenic molecules in clinical allergy: a 35-year retrospective analysis of papers from international scientific journals.
    XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004. Congress Proceedings, p. 190.
  290. Mari A.
    The autologous serum skin test in patients with non-IgE-mediated respiratory symptoms.
    XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004. Congress Proceedings, p. 347.
  291. Mari A.
    Is there a causative role for Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination in causing allergy-like diseases and in the increased prevalence of atopic disorder. A medical hypothesis.
    XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004. Congress Proceedings, p. 256.
  292. Wopfner N, Gruber P, van Ree R, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    A Novel Two EF-Hand Ca2+-Binding Allergen From Ragweed Pollen. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S300-1.
  293. Egger M, Wopfner N, Himly M, Dedic A, Bauer R, Mari A, van Ree R, Hartl A, Thalhamer J, Ferreira F.
    Art v 1, the Major Mugwort Allergen, Cross-Reacts With Proteins Originating From Compositae and Grass Pollen. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S300.
  294. Ong S T, Mohd RG, Lua BL, Wang WL, Kuay KT, Mahakittikun V, Baratawidjaja KG, Lim SH, Mari A, Tsai LC, Chew FT.
    Identification of Paralogous Forms of the Dust Mite Group 13 Fatty Acid Binding Proteins From Dermatophagoides farinae and Blomia tropicalis: Under-Recognition of Group 13 Allergens as an Important Dust Mite Allergen. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S228.
  295. Mari A, Riccioli D.
    The Allergome Web Site - A Database of Allergenic Molecules. Aim, Structure, and Data of a web-based resource. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S301.
  296. Mari A, Ronconi AM, Mari V.
    The Impact of Allergenic Molecules in Clinical Allergy. How far is the “Bench” from the “Bed”? A 35-year Retrospective Analysis of Papers from International Scientific Journals. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S301.
  297. Mari A.
    Is the Autologous Serum Skin Test Useful only in Chronic Urticaria? A study in Respiratory Patients. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S88.
  298. Fuchs HC, Radauer C, Mari A, Altmann F, Bublin M, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H.
    Pru av 2, the major allergen from sweet cherry, possesses cross-reactive carbohydrate IgE-epitopes. 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S153.
  299. Wagner S, Mari A, Simon-Nobbe B, Wagner B, Niggemann B, Breitenbach M, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H.
    Hev b 9, the latex enolase, a necessary reagent of a mold allergy diagnosis panel? 60th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2004); 113 (2,part 2), S300.
  300. Zennaro D, Vadacca M, Rigon A, Vespasiani Gentilucci U, D´Avola D, Zardi EM, Picardi A, Navajas F, Zobel B, Afeltra A.
    Early detection of pulmonary involvement in connective tissue disease. 4th International Congress on Autimmunity Budapest, Hungary, november 3-7, 2004.
  301. Vadacca M, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Cacciapaglia F, Coppolino G, Galluzzo S, Amoroso A, Afeltra A.
    Anticorpi anti P ribosomiali e anticorpi antifosfolipidi in pazienti affetti da lupus neuro-psichiatrico. 105° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Palermo 23-26 ottobre 2004.
  302. Rigon A, Vadacca M, Zennaro D, Cacciapaglia F, Gianni C, Gigante A, Amoroso A, Afeltra A.
    Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico e malattia di Crohn: una rara associazione di due malattie autoimmuni.
    XLI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR), Stresa 22-25 settembre 2004.
  303. Mari A.
    The use of allergenic molecules in clinical studies. A historical analysis of papers published in international scientific journals.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 67.
  304. Bublin M, Mari A, Knulst A, Ebner C, Scheiner O, Breiteneder H, Radauer C.
    Different sensitization profiles towards green and gold kiwifruits as well as actinidin among kiwi-allergic patients from three European countries.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 130.
  305. Mutschlechner S, Mari A, van Ree R, Didierlaurent A, Ebner C, Ferreira F, Wopfner N.
    Patterns of Art v 1 recognition in mugwort- and ragweed-sensitized patients.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 131.
  306. Wopfner N, van Ree R, Ebner C, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Weed pollen profilins.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 109.
  307. Egger M, Himly M, Dedic A, Bauer R, Mari A, van Ree R, Hartl A, Thalhammer J, Wopfner N, Ferreira F.
    Is Art v 1, the major allergen of mugwort pollen, a cross-reactive allergen? Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 108.
  308. Mari A, Wallner M, Ferreira F.
    May the use of recombinant birch allergens be considered in patients not exposed to birch pollen? A study on subjects from a Mediterranean country.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 145.
  309. Mari A, Schneider P, Wally V, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B.
    Could the allergen approach solve (or skip) the need for extract standardization? A comparative study using the mould sensitization model.
    Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Salzburg, Austria, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 146.
  310. Mutschlechner S, Mari A, van Ree R, Didierlaurent A, Ebner C, Ferreira F, Wopfner N.
    Patterns of Art v 1 recognition in mugwort- and ragweed-sensitized patients.
    XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 384.
  311. Wopfner N, van Ree R, Ebner C, Mari A, Ferreira F.
    Weed pollen profilins.
    XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 92.
  312. Egger M, Himly M, Dedic A, Bauer R, Mari A, van Ree R, Hartl A, Thalhammer J, Wopfner N, Ferreira F.
    Is Art v 1, the major allergen of mugwort pollen, a cross-reactive allergen? XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 89.
  313. Mari A, Wallner M, Ferreira F.
    Fagales pollen extracts and birch recombinant allergens (rBet v 1, rBet v 2, rBet v 4) in the diagnosis of Fagales allergy in a birch-free area.
    XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 365.
  314. Mari A, Schneider P, Wally V, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B.
    Skin tests and IgE reactivity to fungal extracts: epidemiology and comparative studies.
    XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 2003. Congress Proceedings, p. 36.
  315. Angus AC, Wang XS, Mari A, Mahakittikun V, Bunnag C, Vichyanond P, Sew YS, Kulaveerasingam H, Tan SH, Chua SC, Woen ST, Ong ST, Kuay KT, Wang WL, Bi XZ, Shang HS, Chew FT.
    Association Between Sensitization To Specific Dust Mites Allergens And Manifestation Of Allergic Diseases In Four Different Populations. 60th Anniversary Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Denver, CO, USA, 2003.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2003); 111 (2,part 2), S324.
  316. Mari A.
    Horseradish Peroxidase Skin Test Reactivity in Crossreactive Carbohydrate Determinants-IgE Positive Subjects. 60th Anniversary Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Denver, CO, USA, 2003.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (2003); 111 (2,part 2), S164-5.
  317. Zardi EM, Uwechie V, Picardi A, Serio A, Zennaro D, D’Avola D, Navajas F, Toccaceli F, Laghi V.
    Il diametro della vena porta in rapporto alla presenza di varici esofagee e di circoli collaterali epatofughi in soggetti con cirrosi epatica HCV correlata.
    Atti 104° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Roma, 4 - 7 novembre 2003.
  318. Rigon A, Picardi A, Zennaro D, Vespasiani Gentilucci U, Alloni R, Ausania F, Ripetti V, Valeri S.
    Sindrome di Sjögren (SS) associata a malattia infiammatoria pelvica (PID): descrizione di un caso clinico.
    Atti 104° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Roma, 4 - 7 novembre 2003.
  319. Vadacca M, Caccavo D, Del Porto F, Garzia P, Mitterhofer AP, Galluzzo S, Rigon A, Zennaro D, Amoroso A, Afeltra A.
    Determinazione di anticorpi antifosfolipidi in pazienti con fenomeno di Raynaud affetti da Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico.
    VI congresso CRO; 6-8 giugno 2003, Roma.
  320. Vespasiani Gentilucci U, Zennaro D, D’Avola D, Picardi A, Zardi EM, Vadacca M, Rigon A, Amoroso A , Afeltra A.
    Fibrosi retroperitoneale secondaria a spondilite anchilosante: un’ipotesi o un’entità nosologica? VI congresso CRO; 6-8 giugno 2003, Roma.
  321. Mari A.
    Quantifying IgE by means of Allergenic Molecules: a Comparative Study using Timothy Grass Pollen Extract (Phleum pratense) and Seven of its Allergenic Molecules.
    XXI European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Naples, Italy, 2002.
    Allergy (2002); 57:S16.
  322. Mari A.
    Defining Prevalence of Allergenic Molecule IgE Reactivity: a Grass Allergic Population Survey.
    XXI European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Naples, Italy, 2002.
    Allergy (2002); 57:S225.
  323. Mari A.
    Revisiting the Allergy Diagnosis of IgE-mediated Diseases using the Allergenic Molecule Perspective: New Concepts Defining the Allergic Sensitisation Pattern.
    XXI European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Naples, Italy, 2002.
    Allergy (2002); 55:S225.
  324. Mari A.
    Allergenic Molecule-based Diagnosis: should we use Glycosylated or Non-Glycosylated Molecules? A preliminary study using nPhl p 4.
    XXI European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Naples, Italy, 2002.
    Allergy (2002); 55:S223.
  325. Ferrara R, Mari A.
    IgE to Crossreactive Carbohydrate Determinants: A Demographical and Allergological Study. 58th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. New York, NY, USA, 2002. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2002); 109 (1,part 2), S210.
  326. Barletta B, Puggioni EMR, Afferni C, Alisi C, Butteroni C, Iacovacci P, Tinghino R, Ariano R, Panzani R, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Preparation and characterization of silver fish (Lepisma spp.) extract and identification of allergenic components. 57th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. New Orleans, LO, USA 2001. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2001); 107 (1,part 2), S20.
  327. Alisi C, Mari A, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Butteroni C, Puggioni EMR, Federico R, Schininà E, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Rapid isolation and partial characterization of Cupressus arizonica putative major allergen.
    XIX European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Lisbon, Portugal, 2000. Allergy (2000); 55 (S63), 142.
  328. Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Butteroni C, Puggioni EMR, Pini C, Mari A, Di Felice G.
    Taxonomically unrelated allergenic species share carbohydrate cross-reactive IgE-binding determinants.
    XIX European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Lisbon, Portugal, 2000. Allergy (2000); 55 (S63), 29.
  329. Mari A, Tinghino R, Barletta B, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Butteroni C, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Asthma prevalence and severity among patients with multiple pollen sensitization and IgE to profilin or to calcium-binding protein allergens. 56th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Diego, CA, USA, 2000. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2000); 105 (1,part 2), S36.
  330. Barletta B, Tinghino R, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Butteroni C, Di Felice G, Pini C, Mari A.
    Profilins, calcium-binding proteins, and carbohydrate crossreacting determinants in 23 different pollen species. 56th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Diego, CA, USA, 2000. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2000); 105 (1,part 2), S330.
  331. Tinghino R, Hayek B, Barletta B, Puggioni EMR, Iacovacci P, Butteroni C, Afferni C, Di Felice G, Pini C, Valenta R, Mari A.
    Calcium-binding allergens: cross-reactivity between molecules with two (rAln g 4) and four (rJun o 2) EF-hand domains. 56th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Diego, CA, USA, 2000. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2000); 105 (1,part 2), S331.
  332. Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Butteroni C, Pini C, Mari A, Di Felice G.
    Carbohydrate cross-reactive IgE-binding determinants are shared by taxonomically unrelated allergenic pollens. 56th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. San Diego, CA, USA, 2000. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2000); 105 (1,part 2), S332.
  333. Franceschetti F, Ludovici S, Mari A, Di Felice G.
    La variabilità nella determinazione delle IgE specifiche quale emerge nel programma di valutazione esterna di qualità (VEQ) della Regione Emilia Romagna.
  334. Mari A, Carrozza R, Barletta B, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Iacovacci P, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Detection of profilin specific IgE: recombinant (rBet v 2) versus purified (mixed grass profilins) molecules.
    XVIII European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Bruxelles, Belgium, 1999. Allergy (1999); 54 (S52), 48.
  335. Carlesimo M, Bernardi ML, Marziali M, Ferrara R, Fezza R, Renzulli S, Alario C, Aiuti F.
    Evaluation of CD28 costimulation pathway after HAART in HIV-1- infected subjects. 13th World Conference on AIDS, Monduzzi Editore Durban (South Africa), 9-14-July 2000.

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    1999 - 1980

  337. Mattiacci G, Rosso R, Barone B, De Rocco MG, Mari A, Sirianni MC.
    Su un caso di shock anafilattico da zecca del piccione (Argas reflexus).
    Convegno: La Gestione Sanitaria dei Piccioni in Ambito Urbano. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italy, 1999.
  338. Mari A, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Barletta B, Di Felice G, Tinghino R, Pini C.
    Carbohydrate moieties on Cupressus arizonica pollen extract are involved in IgE recognition of allergenic components. 55th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Orlando, FL, USA, 1999. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1999); 103 (1,part 2), 29.
  339. Tinghino R, Barletta B, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Jun o 2, a novel calcium binding allergen from Juniperus oxycedrus pollen, contains epitopes shared by pollen extracts from unrelated families.
    VI International Congress of Aerobiology. Perugia, Italy, 1998.
  340. Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B,Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C, Mari A.
    Juniperus oxycedrus pollen lenghten the period of Cupressaceae pollen dispersal and the symptomatic period of patients allergic to the pollen from this family.
    VI International Congress of Aerobiology. Perugia, Italy, 1998.
  341. Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C, Mari A.
    Juniperus oxycedrus is a new sensitizing/elicitor pollen from the Cupressaceae family.
    XVII European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Birmingham, UK, 1998.
    Allergy (1998); 53 (S43), 33.
  342. Tinghino R, Barletta B, Di Felice G, Pini C, Mari A.
    rJun o 2 and rBet v 2 as panallergens in the diagnosis of subjects with multiple positive skin prick test.
    XVII European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Birmingham, UK, 1998.
    Allergy (1998); 53 (S43), 33-4.
  343. Tinghino R, Barletta B, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Jun o 2, un nuovo allergene dal polline di Juniperus oxycedrus, contiene epitopi condivisi da estratti pollinici di famiglie tassonomicamente non correlate.
    XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Cagliari, Italy, 1998.
    G Ital Allergol Immunol Clin (1998);8:198.
  344. Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C, Mari A.
    Il polline di Juniperus oxycedrus prolunga il periodo della esposizione al polline delle Cupressaceae e quindi la durata dei sintomi nei pazienti allergici al polline di questa famiglia.
    XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Cagliari, Italy, 1998. G Ital Allergol Immunol Clin (1998);8:202-3.
  345. Pini C, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Mari A.
    Extended reactivity to a large number of Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae species characterizes cypress allergic patients. 54th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Washington D.C, USA, 1998. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1998); 101 (1,part 2), 200-1.
  346. Tinghino R, Barletta B, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Jun o 1, a novel calcium binding allergen from Juniperus oxycedrus pollen, is responsible for a broad specific IgE (sIgE) crossreactivity. 54th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Washington D.C, USA, 1998. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1998); 101 (1,part 2), 168-9.
  347. Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Is there a delay in the diagnosis of allergic respiratory disease? A retrospective study on rhinitis/asthma relationship. 54th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Washington D.C, USA, 1998. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1998); 101 (1,part 2), 179.
  348. Di Felice G, Tinghino R, Barletta B, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Pini C, Mari A.
    Prevalence of cockroach allergy in urban and suburban areas in Italy. 54th Annual Meeting American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Washington D.C, USA, 1998. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1998); 101 (1,part 2), 24.
  349. Carlesimo M, Bernardi ML, Alario C, Rosso R, Ferrara R.
    Evaluation of lymphocyte functionality and activation markers expression before and after anti-retroviral in HIV-1 infected subjects: A four-years follow-up. 12th World Conference on AIDS, Monduzzi Ed. Geneva, June 28-July 3, 1998.
  350. Tinghino R, Pace T, Barletta B, Picci L, Afferni C, Iacovacci P, Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Production, purification and characterization of a recombinant allergen from cDNA of Juniperus oxycedrus pollen.
    XVI International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Cancun, Mexico, 1997.
    Allergy Clin Immunol International (1997); 9 (S4), 12.
  351. Mari A, Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Juniperus oxycedrus: a novel allergenic pollen from the Cupressaceae family.
    XVI International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Cancun, Mexico, 1997.
    Allergy Clin Immunol International (1997); 9 (S4), 144.
  352. Mari A, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Cupressus arizonica presence in Italy and its clinical relevance in the Cupressaceae pollinosis.
    Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Rhodes, Greece, 1997.
    Allergy (1997); 52 (S37), 76.
  353. Di Felice G, Barletta B, Mari A, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Pini C.
    Monoclonal antibodies specific for cross-reacting epitopes shared by different species of Cupressaceae, Cupressus arizonica and Cupressus sempervirens.
    Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Rhodes, Greece, 1997.
    Allergy (1997); 52 (S37), 81.
  354. Mari A, Afferni C, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Cypress pollen from Arizona and allergic respiratory sensitization in Italy.
    American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, American Association of Immunologist, Clinical Immunoly Society Joint Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA, 1997.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (1997); 99 (1,part 2), 156.
  355. Di Felice G, Barletta B, Mari A, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Pini C.
    Monoclonal antibodies induced by Cupressus arizonica pollen extract recognize also allergenic components of the closely related species Cupressus sempervirens.
    American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, American Association of Immunologist, Clinical Immunoly Society Joint Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA, 1997.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol (1997); 99 (1,part 2), 351.
  356. D’Offizi G, Paganelli R, Scala E, Aiuti F, and NOPHROCO Study Group (Ferrara R: member).
    Immunologic Characterization of Long-Term Nonprogressive HIV-1 Infection.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol, 1997;15:S47-50.
  357. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Barletta B, Pini C.
    Il polline del Cupressus arizonica quale causa di allergopatie respiratorie. Caratterizzazione biochimica di un estratto pollinico e sua utilità nella diagnostica in vivo ed in vitro.
    VII Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia. Firenze, Italy, 1996.
  358. Mari A, Afferni C, Barletta B, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Sensitivity of diagnostic tests for cypress allergy is affected by the use of cross-reacting Cupressaceae pollens.
    Convegno Annuale della Sezione Abruzzese-Laziale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Roma, Italy, 1996.
    Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol (1996); 9, 54-55.
  359. Corinti S, Mari A, Sallusto F, Pini C, Di Felice G.
    Cytokine production by lymphocytes of allergic patients with different sensitization to inhalant allergens.
    Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
    Allergy (1996); 51 (S31), 189.
  360. Mari A, Afferni C, Barletta B, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    How the use of cross-reacting Cupressaceae pollens can affect the sensitivity of diagnostic tests for cypress allergy? Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
    Allergy (1996); 51 (S31), 190.
  361. Mari A, Afferni C, Barletta B, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Cypress allergy: a clinical underestimated pollinosis.
    Interasma 96. XV World Congress of Asthmology. Montpellier, France, 1996.
    Allergy (1996); 51 (S30), 88.
  362. Paganelli R, Mezzaroma I, Ferrara R, Ricci G, Pinter E, Rosso RM, Prozzo A, Scala E, D’Offizi G.
    Uso terapeutico degli aerosol nelle malattie allergiche e nella malattia da HIV-1.
    Gli aerosol in terapia inalatoria ed in patologia ambientale” T. Todisco, Piccin Editore, PADOVA, 1996.
  363. D'Offizi G, Bellegrandi S, Mari A, Ansotegui IJ, Ferrazza R, Aiuti F, Paganelli R.
    Diagnosi differenziale tra stomatite allergica da contatto e stomatite infettiva in un paziente affetto da infezione da HIV.
    XIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana Immunologia ed Immunopatologia. Bari, Italy, 1995.
  364. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Barletta B, Pini C.
    Characterized Cupressus arizonica pollen extract in the diagnosis of cypress allergy.
    Convegno Annuale della Sezione Abruzzese-Laziale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Chieti, Italy, 1995.
  365. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Barletta B, Pini C.
    Characterized Cupressus arizonica pollen extract in the diagnosis of cypress allergy.
    XVI European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Madrid, Spain, 1995.
    Allergy (1995); 50 (S26), 273.
  366. Mari A, Ansotegui IJ, Di Felice G, Paganelli R, Pini C. Chamaecyparis obtusa: a new cross-reacting allergen of the Cupressaceae family.
    XVI European Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Madrid, Spain, 1995.
    Allergy (1995); 50 (S26), 324.
  367. Paganelli R, Scala E, Ferrara R, Rosso R, Carlesimo M, Varani AR, Pierdominici M, Antinori A, Antonelli G, RivaE, Giannini V, Visco G, Vullo V, Falciano M, D’Offizi G. Fattori di non progressione nell’infezione da HIV.
    XIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Immunologia e Immunologia, Monduzzi Editore, Bari 1-4 Ottobre 1995.
  368. Pini C, Di Felice G, Caiaffa MF, Afferni C, Mari A, Palumbo S, Tinghino R, Tursi A, Macchia L.
    Gli allergeni del polline di Cupressus arizonica: caratterizzazione delle componenti allergeniche.
    XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Milano, Italy, 1994.
  369. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Pini C.
    Uso di un estratto di polline di Cupressus arizonica (Ca) nella diagnosi di allergia alle Cupressaceae.
    XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Milano, Italy, 1994.
  370. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Pini C.
    IgE specifiche nell'allergia al polline di Cupressus sempervirens (Cs). Confronto tra sei metodi.
    XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Milano, Italy, 1994.
  371. Mari A, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Cupressus arizonica (Cup a) pollen extract in the diagnosis of Cupressaceae allergy.
    XV International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Stockholm, Sweden, 1994.
    Allergy Clin Immunol News (1994); 6 (S2), 502.
  372. Mari A, Garinei P, Di Felice G, Pini C.
    Specific IgE in Cupressus sempervirens (Cup s) pollen allergy. Comparison of six methods.
    XV International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Stockholm, Sweden, 1994. Allergy Clin Immunol News (1994); 6 (S2), 502.
  373. Pini C, Di Felice G, Caiaffa MF, Afferni C, Mari A, Palumbo S, Tinghino R, Tursi A, Macchia L.
    Allergens of Cupressus arizonica pollen: characterization of the allergenic components.
    XV International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunolgy. Stockholm, Sweden, 1994. Allergy Clin Immunol News (1994); 6 (S2), 502.
  374. Mari A, Pini C, Di Felice G.
    Comparison of three different commercially available extracts of Cupressus sempervirens and an in-house preparation in the diagnosis of Cupressaceae allergy by mean of skin prick test.
    Interasma 93. XIV World Congress of Asthmology. Jerusalem, Israel, 1993.
  375. Mari A, Garinei P.
    Skin prick test and RAST in the diagnosis of Cupressaceae pollen allergy.
    Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1993.
  376. Pini C, Palumbo S, Afferni C, Mari A, Di Felice G.
    Detection of IgG specific for Parietaria judaica pollen extract in sera from normal and atopic subjects.
    XV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 1992.
    Allergy (1992); 47 (S12), 65.
  377. Mari A, Dorello-Misiti P, Tinghino R, Misiti D, Vicari G.
    Hypersensitivities induced by low molecular weight (LMW) chemicals: a data base information system.
    XV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Paris, France, 1992.
    Allergy (1992); 47 (S12), 289.
  378. Pini C, Palumbo S, Mari A, Afferni C, Tinghino R, Di Felice G.
    Valutazione quantitativa nel siero di soggetti normali delle sottoclassi IgG specifiche per le varie componenti dell'estratto di polline di Parietaria judaica.
    XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Roma, Italy, 1991.
  379. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Liberatore P, Pini C.
    Presence of anti-Parietaria judaica (PJ) specific IgG in sera from normal subjects. Testing for specificity.
    Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988.
  380. Bilancia D, Pizzuti M, Laugello G, Di Nicola M, Ferrara R, Sansone G, Vertone D, Ricciuti F.
    Recombinant alfa-2A Iinterferon in the advanced phase of the C.M.L.
    Advances in management of malignancies: International Congress, Ascoli Piceno, May 3-6 1988
  381. Pizzuti M, Bilancia D, LaugelloG., Rizzo MA, Di Nicola M, Ferrara R, Manzione L, Tramice G, Autilio M, Mazzeo Cicchetti E, Ricciuti F.
    Dosage of the PF-4 and B-thromboglobulin before and after venous statis in neoplastic patients Advances in management of malignancies: International Congress, Ascoli Piceno, May 3-6 1988
  382. Mari A, Misiti D, Misiti-Dorello P, Vicari G.
    Identification and description of low molecular weight chemicals inducing hypersensitivity in man.
    Annual Meeting of the Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Health Implications and Environmental Chemicals. Roma, Italy, 1986.
  383. Mari A, Di Felice G, Afferni C, Mucci N, Neri S, Pini C, Bruno G. Stimolazione dei linfociti periferici umani con un estratto pollinico di Parietaria judaica.
    IX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Immunologia ed Immunopatologia. Bologna, Italy, 1986.
  384. Bruno G, Franceschini P, Floridia M, Paroli M, Mari A, Balsano F.
    Dose response of IgG and IgE antibodies during a two years Parietaria allergoid immunotherapy.
    XIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Budapest, Hungary, 1986.
  385. Mari A, Di Felice G, Mucci N, Pini C.
    Lymphocyte response to Parietaria judaica pollen.
    XIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Budapest, Hungary, 1986.
  386. Bruno G, Franceschini P, Floridia M, Paroli M, Neri S, Mari A, Balsano F.
    Allergenic pollen survey in Rome (Italy). A five years pollen calendar.
    III International Conference on Aerobiology. Basel, Switzerland, 1986.
  387. Bruno G, Franceschini P, Floridia M, Paroli M, Mari A, Balsano F.
    Rilevazioni aerosporologiche nel distretto di Roma nel 1985, in relazione alle diverse forme di pollinosi.
    II Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia. Isola di Capri, Italy, 1986.
  388. Bruno G, Mari A, Paroli M, Floridia M, Franceschini P, Lucentini L.
    Estratti di Parietaria j. modificati nell'immunoterapia specifica (ITS). Valutazione della risposta immunologica umorale.
    XVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Milano, Italy, 1985.
  389. Bruno G, Mari A, Floridia M, Paroli M.
    Calendario pollinico nella città di Roma nel 1983.
    I Convegno Nazionale di Aerobiologia. Cagliari, Italy, 1984.
  390. Bruno G, Mari A, Paroli M, Floridia M, Lucentini L, Renna-Molajoni E.
    T cells subsets in atopic patients out and in pollen season.
    Interasma Mexico '84 - XI World Congress of Asthmology. Mexico City, Mexico, 1984.
  391. Bruno G, Mari A, Paroli M, Floridia M, Bachetoni A, Renna-Molajoni E.
    Ia expression on mononuclear cells detected by MABs in atopic patients treated with Parietaria allergoid.
    International Symposium on Monoclonal Antibodies '84: biological and clinical applications. Firenze, Italy, 1984.
  392. Mari A, Lucentini L, Paroli M, Franceshini P, Bruno G.
    Prevention of multiple manifestations in allergic respiratory diseases. Clinical relevance of early diagnosis.
    International Symposium on Prevention of Allergic Diseases. Firenze, Italy, 1984.
  393. Mari A, Pellegrini MA, Floridia M, Gallo L, Bruno G.
    Nose and paranasal sinuses pathologies and their relationship with allergic respiratory diseases. Clinical and immunological remarks.
    Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Brussels, Belgium, 1984.
  394. Mari A, Valesini G, Lucentini L, Pastore R, Floridia M, Bruno G.
    Urticaria-angioedema syndrome: possible pathogenetic role of CIC.
    XII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Roma, Italy, 1983.
  395. Bruno G, Mari A, Paroli M, Bachetoni A, Renna-Molajoni E.
    T cells subsets in allergic respiratory diseases using monoclonal antibodies.
    XII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Roma, Italy, 1983.
  396. Bruno G, Valesini G, Mari A, Pastore R, Rovina R.
    Circulating immune complexes in urticaria and angioedema.
    International Symposium on Clinical Aspects of Complement Mediated Diseases. Bellagio, Italy, 1983.
  397. Bruno G, Mari A, Floridia M, Paroli M.
    Monitoraggio delle principali specie polliniche nella città di Roma nel periodo febbraio-novembre 1982.
    XVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Sorrento, Italy, 1983.
  398. Bruno G, Mari A, Floridia M, Paroli M.
    Frequenza di ADR in pazienti con sindromi IgE mediate e/o reazioni pseudoallergiche.
    XVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Sorrento, Italy, 1983.
  399. Bruno G, Mari A, Saccomando L, Pellegrini MA.
    Studio clinico-epidemiologico in pazienti ricoverati, affetti da ADR.
    XVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Sorrento, Italy, 1983.
  400. Bruno G, Paciucci R, Mari A, Cinti P, Paroli M, Renna- Molajoni E.
    Caratterizzazione delle sottopopolazioni T linfocitarie mediante anticorpi monoclonali in pazienti con sindromi allergiche respiratorie.
    XVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Sorrento, Italy, 1983.
  401. Bruno G, Silvestri S, Rovina R, Mari A, Pellegrini MA, Errigo E.
    Studio aerosporologico nella città di Roma: concentrazione pollinica e i suoi rapporti con alcuni parametri meteorologici.
    Simposio Internazionale di Immunopatologia da Aerocontaminanti. Roma, Italy, 1981.
  402. Bruno G, Rovina R, Mari A, Bruno AG.
    Conjuvac two grass: un nuevo extracto alergogenico en la immunoterapia especifica de alergicos a gramineas.
    XIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Alergia e Immunologia Clinica. Sevilla, Spain, 1983.
  403. Bruno G, Celestino D, Di Filippo S, Mari A, Saccomando S, Rovina R.
    Il "Feprazone" nella terapia della rinopatia vasomotoria non allergica. Indagini preliminari.
    XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Roma, Italy, 1981.
  404. Bruno G, Silvestri S, Rovina R, Mari A, Pellegrini MA, Errigo E.
    Analisi biologica dei pollini aerodiffusi nella città di Roma (aprile-luglio 1981). Dati preliminari.
    XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Roma, Italy, 1981.
  405. Bruno G, Cinti P, Rovina R, Bachettoni A, Mari A, Renna-Molajoni E.
    Il Conjuvac nella terapia delle sindromi allergiche respiratorie. Studio del comportamento dei linfociti ai mitogeni.
    XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Roma, Italy, 1981.
  406. Bruno G, Rovina R, Toccaceli F, Mari A, Saccomando L, Errigo E.
    Indagine clinico sperimentale sull'impiego dell'oxatomide, nell'oculorinite allergica primaverile e nell'asma bronchiale allergico.
    LXXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Roma, Italy, 1980.
  407. Errigo E, Bruno G, Rovina R, Toccaceli F, Mari A.
    Il flunisolide, un nuovo steroide per via inalatoria, nell'asma bronchiale.
    LXXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Roma, Italy, 1980.

Relazioni scientifiche a Conferenze, Congressi, Convegni, Corsi, Seminari

torna su


  1. Percorsi Avanzati in Allergologia – X Edizione - “La diagnostica allergologica molecolare nel terzo millennio”. Pozzuoli (Na), Italy, 2018. Alessandri A.
  2. X Konferencja Szkoleniowa Polskie Towarzystwo Alergologiczne - Dobra diagnoza – dobre leczenie - “Diagnostyka molekularna – korzyści dla lekarza prowadzącego i pacjenta “. Wisła, Poland, 2018. Mari A.
  3. Evento di Approfondimento - “Allergia e Allergeni: Diagnosi e Controllo dell’Esposizione “. Milano, Italy, 2018. Mari A.
  4. Formazione Avanzata Teorica e Applicata - “Profiling Personalizzato del Paziente con Sensibilizzazione IgE-specifica: La Diagnostica Allergologica del Terzo Millennio “. Udine, Italy, 2018. Mari A.
  5. Ospeday - “La Diagnostica Allergologica Moderna: il FABER test “. Potenza, Italy, 2018. Mari A.

  6. torna su


  7. World Allergen & Smart Food Expo - “Diagnosi Personalizzata di Allergia nell’Era della Medicina di Precisione e dell’Information Technology “. Padova, Italy, 2017. Mari A.
  8. Simpozion de Alergii Medicamentoase - “Test FABER pentru Alergii IgE-mediate: Nu doar cel mai Avansat Test de Alergie bazat pe Nanotehnologie “. Bucuresti, Romania, 2017. Mari A.
  9. Percorsi Avanzati in Allergologia – IX Edizione - “La Diagnostica Molecolare Applicata alla Clinica Allergologica: Confronti Tecnici”. Pozzuoli (Na), Italy, 2017. Mari A.
  10. 1° Convegno della Sezione meridionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Personalizzata - “Profiling personalizzato del paziente con allergie IgE-mediate: la diagnostica allergologica del terzo millennio “. Lecce, Italy, 2017. Mari A.
  11. II Congresso Nazionale Magna Grecia : Sport, Terapia e Riabilitazione - “Innovazioni Diagnostiche / Terapeutiche nelle Allergie dell’Atleta”. Taranto (Ta), Italy, 2017. Mari A.
  12. Il malato cronico Respiratorio. Dagli aspetti Allergologici, Genetici e Funzionali al Miglioramento dell’Efficienza Terapeutica – “Diagnostica Allergologica nelle Malattie Respiratorie, ITS, Approccio terapeutico” – Formia, Italy, 2017. Zennaro D.
  13. Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona – Seminar “3 Technologies for Third Millennium Allergy Diagnosis” Verona, Italy, 2017. Mari A.
  14. The Third International Congress of Immunology, Asthma & Allergy - ICIAAI Keynote speech: Young Researchers – “Discovering and Collecting Data on Allergens: the Allergome platform”. Teheran, Iran, 2017. Mari A.
  15. The Third International Congress of Immunology, Asthma & Allergy - ICIAAI Keynote speech – “Decision Making in Treating Allergic Diseases”. Teheran, Iran, 2017. Mari A.
  16. The Third International Congress of Immunology, Asthma & Allergy - ICIAAI Workshop – “Microarray (Molecular Allergology) and Applications”. Teheran, Iran, 2017. Mari A.

  17. torna su


  18. Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi - Webinar - “La Diagnostica Allergologica del Terzo Millennio:
    Molecole Allergeniche, Nanotech & ICT”. Rome, Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  19. Percorsi Avanzati in Allergologia – VIII Edizione - “La Diagnostica Allergologica del Terzo Millennio:
    il FABER Test in Nanotecnologia”. Pozzuoli (Na), Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  20. Allergie ed Intolleranze alimentari: Medicina e Laboratorio - “Diagnostica Allergologica Molecolare per Alimenti”. Fasano (Br), Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  21. SYMPOSIUM 4: Component Resolved Diagnostics (CRD): which role in clinical practice? - “Overview … on Allergenic Molecules in Allergy Diagnosis”. EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting – FAAM. Rome, Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  22. Allergia Alimentare - “Focus sulla diagnostica allergologica molecolare”. Fasano (Br), Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  23. Corso per l’Esercizio della Professione di Medico Generale. - “Allergie e Intolleranze Alimentari”. Latina, Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  24. Broncopneumopatie: Medicina e Laboratorio - “Focus sulla diagnostica allergologica molecolare”. Fasano (Br), Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  25. “Lo stato dell’Arte delle Patologie Allergiche: Rinite e dintorni”. Latina, Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  26. Attualità in Tema di Celiachia - “Dosaggio delle IgE specifiche su Microarray con Molecole Allergeniche”. Bari, Italy, 2016. Mari A.
  27. 2015

  28. X Hot Topics in Gastroenterologia - “Le Allergie Alimentari”. Rome, Italy, 2015. Mari A.
  29. Lunch Meeting al Pasteur – “What’s New in Allergologia Molecolare” – Rome, Italy, 2015. Mari A, Zennaro D.
  30. 2014

  31. DAM 17 - 2014 – Valore Diagnostico della Component Resolved Diagnosis - “Nuove Acquisizioni sulla Diagnostica Molecolare dell'Allergia Alimentare”. Milan, Italy, 2014. Mari A.
  32. Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2014. Mari A.
  33. British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology – BSACI 2014 - “Recombinant Allergen: - For research (components & microarrays in populations; regulatory (EU) issues)” - Telford, United Kingdom, 2014. Mari A.
  34. XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Diagnosis of allergy - “Skin prick test beats serum-IgE - Con” - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014. Mari A.
  35. Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute – Worshop “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology”. Tehran, Iran, 2013. Mari A.
  36. 12th International Congress of Immunology and Allergy of Iran – Asthma & Allergy “A Changing View on Allergy Diagnosis: The Newest Approach using Modern Technologies”. Tehran, Iran, 2013. Mari A.
  37. 12th International Congress of Immunology and Allergy of Iran – Advanced Course of Immunology “Allergens: Structure, Function and Application”. Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Tehran, Iran, 2014. Mari A.
  38. Corso per l’Esercizio della Professione di Medico Generale. - “Nuove metodologie di diagnosi in allergologia”. Latina, Italy, 2014. Mari A, Alessandri C.

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  40. 5th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – Allergen specific diagnosis “IgE based diagnostic assays – from lab to clinical routine”. Vienna, Austria, 2013. Mari A.
  41. Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
  42. XIII Corso di Aggiornamento Reatino di Immunoallergologia - Dalla diagnosi alla terapia "News" in Allergologia ed Immunologia: "Ruolo della diagnostica molecolare nelle allergie alimentari" Rieti, Italy Alessandri C.
  43. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone - "Passare dagli Estratti alle Molecole: Serve?" Valmontone, Italy, 2013 Ferrara R.
  44. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone - "Cosa cambia per il bambino allergico: latte, uovo et al." Valmontone, Italy, 2013 Alessandri C.
  45. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone - "Modelli di allergie per capire l’Allergologia Molecolare" Valmontone, Italy, 2013 Bernardi ML.
  46. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone - "Dall’età pediatrica all’anziano: In puero omo" Valmontone, Italy, 2013 Zennaro D.
  47. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone - “Come cambiano i percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici: pragmaticità ed economicità nel Progetto GlobAll”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
  48. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone - “Introduzione all’Allergologia Molecolare: aspetti tecnici e pratici”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
  49. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital - “Come cambiano i percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici: pragmaticità ed economicità nel Progetto GlobAll”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
  50. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital - “Passare dagli Estratti alle Molecole: Serve?”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Ferrara R.
  51. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital - “Cosa cambia per il bambino allergico:latte, uovo et al”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Alessandri C.
  52. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital - “Modelli di allergie per capire l’Allergologia Molecolare”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Bernardi ML.
  53. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital - “Dall’età pediatrica all’anziano: In puero omo”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Zennaro D.
  54. L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital - “Introduzione all’Allergologia Molecolare: aspetti tecnici e pratici”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
  55. XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization Congress - Pro & Con Session - “Extracts vs molecules in epidemiological studies of allergic diseases: tradition or innovation?” Milan, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
  56. 15° Congresso Nazionale SIAIP - Guardando al Futuro "CRD e trofoallergia animale". Napoli, Italy, 2013. Alessandri C.

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  58. Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Mari A.
  59. XXXIX Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “Discovering new allergens and setting their role in the clinic”. Guarujá, Brazil, 2012. Mari A.
  60. XXXIX Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology – 2012 - A practical guide from entry to advanced levels”. Guarujá, Brazil, 2012. Mari A.
  61. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “ISAC e la Determinazione Qualitativa degli Allergeni negli Estratti”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Ferrara R.
  62. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “Risposta Immunoglobulinica agli Allergeni: IgE e Non Solo”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Bernardi ML.
  63. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “La Diagnostica e l’Epidemiologia in Allergologia da 0 a 18 anni”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Alessandri C.
  64. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “La Diagnostica e l’Epidemiologia in Allergologia da 19 a 100 anni”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Zennaro D.
  65. XII Corso di Aggiornamento Reatino di Immunoallergologia "La biologia molecolare: novità in tema di diagnostica imunoallergologica" Rieti, Italy. Alessandri C.
  66. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “Strumenti Informatici per la gestione del paziente allergico, con particolare riguardo alla raccolta dati e loro elaborazione (statistiche descrittive, rappresentazioni grafiche, calcolo indici di rischio)”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Mari A, Santoro M, Zuzzi S.
  67. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “Impatto della Allergologia Molecolare nel Decision Making dell’Immunoterapia Specifica”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Mari A.
  68. XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Workshop: Diagnosing Allergy Today - “Singleplexing versus Multiplexing”. Geneva, Switzerland, 2012. Mari A.
  69. XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology – Session 11 - Molecules and Multiplexing in Allergy Diagnosis - “Multiplexing and Component Resolved Diagnosis: Simplifying the Diagnostic Process?” Geneva, Switzerland, 2012. Mari A.
  70. 18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. “Allergenic Molecule-based Fungal Allergy Diagnosis”. Berlin, Germany, 2012. Mari A.
  71. Istituto di Biochimica delle Proteine - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Seminar “Allergen Ontology Six Years Later: An Idea Becoming Reality”. Naples, Italy, 2012. Mari A.
  72. International Immunology Workshop – Adjuvantds 2012 AllergenVaccines 2012 “Biochemical, Immunological, and Clinical features of Allergenic Molecules: Do They Always Overlap?” Varadero, Cuba, 2012. Mari A.
  73. International Immunology Workshop – Adjuvantds 2012 AllergenVaccines 2012 “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology – 2012 - A practical guide from entry to advanced levels”. Varadero, Cuba, 2012. Mari A.
  74. 14° Congresso Nazionale SIAIP - "Diagnostica Molecolare nelle Allergie Alimentari". Bologna, Italy, 2012. Alessandri C.
  75. ILSI-HESI Symposium - Sensitizing Properties of Proteins “Describing Patterns of IgE Sensitization to Molecules Using Modern Technologies”. Prague, Czech Republic, 2012. Mari A.
  76. Allergy Drug Discovery and Development - GTC “Allergenic Molecule-based Diagnosis: How it Drives Therapy Decision-making”. San Diego, USA, 2012. Mari A.

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    2011 - 2006

  78. XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “From allergy research and diagnosis to the finest epidemiology”. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011. Mari A.
  79. XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology – 2011 - A practical guide from entry to advanced levels”. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011. Mari A.
  80. Thermo Fisher Scientific – Invited Lecture “A Ready-to-use Knowledge Platform to Enhance our Understanding and Use of Allergens”. Uppsala, Sweden, 2011. Mari A.
  81. Allergy – Beyond Skin Test and RAST – The Allergy Research Foundation and the Allergy Academy at the Royal Society of Medicine - “New Techniques in Allergy Diagnosis: are All Allergens Equal?” London, United Kingdom, 2011. Mari A.
  82. Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
  83. Allergologia e Broncopneumologia: Istruzioni per l'uso. Corsi pratici per il pediatra "La diagnostica molecolare:quando e perché nella gestione del bambino allergico". Roma, Italy, 2011. Alessandri C.
  84. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - "ISAC e la Determinazione Qualitativa degli Allergeni negli Estratti". Rome, Italy, 2011. Ferrara R.
  85. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - " Risposta Immunoglobulinica agli Allergeni: IgE e Non Solo". Rome, Italy, 2011. Bernardi ML.
  86. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - "La Diagnostica e l’Epidemiologia in Allergologia da 0 a 100 anni". Rome, Italy, 2011 Alessandri C., Zennaro D.
  87. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “Strumenti Informatici per la gestione del paziente allergico, con particolare riguardo alla raccolta dati e loro elaborazione (statistiche descrittive, rappresentazioni grafiche, calcolo indici di rischio)”. Rome, Italy, 2011. Mari A, Santoro M, Zuzzi S.
  88. Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes - “Impatto della Allergologia Molecolare nel Decision Making dell’Immunoterapia Specifica”. Rome, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
  89. XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Symposium - Allergens: from identification to epidemiology - “Allergenic molecules and new technologies”. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Mari A.
  90. XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Symposium - Clinically meaningful allergy diagnosis - “IgE multiplexing: the new frontier for clinicians”. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Mari A.
  91. Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Udine - 9° Corso di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica - “La Diagnostica Basata sulle Molecole Allergeniche”. Udine, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
  92. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology - 2011 – Q&A Workshop “Allergenic Molecules: Markers of Allergic Syndromes”. San Francisco, USA, 2011. Mari A.
  93. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology - 2011 –Seminars “Using Molecular Information About Allergen Families to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment in the Clinic”. San Francisco, USA, 2011. Mari A.
  94. EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphyaxis Meeting - 2011 – Post Graduate Course 2: Diagnosing Food Allergy “CRD and Proteomic Approaches for Qualitative and Quantitative Characterisation of Food Allergens”. Venice, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
  95. DAM 13 - 2010 – Allergeni Ricombinanti nella Diagnosi Allergologica “Contributo degli Allergeni Molecolari nella Diagnosi di Allergia Alimentare”. Milan, Italy, 2010. Mari A.
  96. Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Fondazione Santa Lucia - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2010. Mari A.
  97. XVI Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology, National Congress of Asthma – CONASMA 2010 “Microarrayed Allergens: New method and New Concepts for Allergy Diagnosis”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. Mari A.
  98. XVI Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology, National Congress of Asthma – CONASMA 2010 “Clinical Impact of an Molecule-based Diagnostic Approach to Allergic Diseases”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. Mari A.
  99. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – ISMA Workshop I “Allergome School 2010”. Munich, Germany, 2010. Mari A.
  100. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – Structural and functional biology of allergens “Allergens, Epitopes and Clinical Relevance”. Munich, Germany, 2010. Mari A.
  101. Gloves: Managing Infection Control - Selecting the right gloves – “Detecting Allergy by using Latex Allergens: Epidemiological and Clinical Experiences”. Rome, Italy, 2010. Mari A.
  102. XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Symposium - Component-resolved diagnosis and treatment - “Component-resolved diagnosis”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A.
  103. XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Meet the expert 19 - “Component-resolved diagnosis”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A, Werfel T.
  104. XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Debate – “Allergen chips are useful in the diagnosis of allergic disease - Pro”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A, Werfel T.
  105. XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Oral Abstract Session 11 - New Technologies for Allergy Diagnosis - Introductory Lecture “Advances in allergy diagnosis”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A.
  106. Genosense Seminars “Allergenic Molecules, Microtechnology and IT in Allergy Diagnosis”. Vienna, Austria, 2010. Mari A.
  107. 1° Congresso Pediatrico Empolese, Update in Allergologia eBroncopneumologia - “Ultimissime sulla diagnostica allergologica”. Empoli, Italy, 2010. Alessandri C.
  108. East-West Scientific Symposia on Allergy & Traditional Oriental Medicine – “Allergology, Immunotherapy, Prevention & Treatment for Allergy and Asthma”. Luoyang, China, 2010. Mari A.
  109. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences - Peking Union Medical College – “Integrated Modern Technologies for Understanding Antibody Immune Response against Target Molecules”. Beijing, China, 2010. Mari A.
  110. Misurina Simposi Europei Invernali sull’Asma - Optimizing Asthma Care "La diagnostica molecolare in allergologia". Misurina,Italy, 2010. Alessandri C.
  111. Giornate Teorico-Pratiche di Allergologia - La desensibilizzazione orale nell'allergia alimentare: dal problema alla possibile soluzione- "Le molecole dell’uovo di gallina (e di altre specie animali)" Roma, Italy, 2010. Alessandri C.
  112. 4th Advances against Aspergillosis – “Monitoring Aspergillus Allergic Sensitisation using Microarryed Allergens”. Rome, Italy, 2010. Mari A.
  113. Seminareinladung - Medical University Vienna – “Integrated Modern Technologies for Understanding Antibody Immune Response against Target Molecules”. Vienna, Austria, 2009. Mari A.
  114. Seminari del Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Industriale - Università di Parma – “IgE Response and Human Allergic Diseases”. Parma, Italy, 2009. Mari A.
  115. Società Italiana di Immunologia ed Allergologia Pediatrica- SIAIP Toscana - Convegno satellite: Allergia Oggi. Risposte a vecchi e nuovi quesiti "Le cross-reazioni: patologia minore o problema serio?". Firenze, Italy, 2009. Alessandri C.
  116. Giornate Teorico-Pratiche di Allergologia - La Diagnostica Molecolare in Allergologia –"Lo spazio della diagnostica allergologica molecolare in età pediatrica ed oltre" Roma, Italy, 2009. Alessandri C.
  117. ImmunoCAP ISAC – VIP Customer days – “ISAC Testing What we have Achieved, Understood, Released and What we are going to Work on and Share”. Brussels, Belgium, 2009. Mari A.
  118. Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting 2009 – “The Future of SIT: Extracts, Allergoids, and Recombinants”. Venice, Italy, 2009. Mari A.
  119. Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – “Immunotherapy decision-making by using allergenic molecule-based diagnostics”. Varadero, Cuba, 2009. Mari A.
  120. Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Fondazione Santa Lucia - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2009. Mari A.
  121. 2.Interdisziplinäres Freiburger Allergie Symposium - Basic and Clinical Allergology “Why do we need Molecular Allergy Diagnostic?” Universität Freiburg, Germany, 2009. Mari A.
  122. EAACI Allergy School on Hymenoptera Venom Allergy - Theorical Session I: Entomology, Epidemiology, Natural History and Diagnostic Tools “Future Strategies in Diagnosis of Insect Venom Allergy”. Ancona, Italy, 2009. Mari A.
  123. American Association of Clinical Chemistry 2009 National Meeting - Role of the Laboratory in the Diagnosis and Management of Human Allergic Disease “Practical Applications of Autoanalyzer and Multiplex IgE Antibody Analyses in the Management of Allergy Patients” Chicago, IL, USA, 2009. Mari A.
  124. British Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2009 Annual Meeting - Molecular allergology – what does it mean to the clinician? “Component resolved diagnosis: promise or chimera?” Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2009. Mari A.
  125. EAACI Summer School 2009 - State-of-the-art in pediatric allergy and asthma – “New Diagnostic Approaches and New Therapies for Food Allergy”. Mykonos, Greece, 2009. Mari A.
  126. XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Oral Abstract Session 29 - Molecular Diagnostic Approaches in IgE-mediated Allergy – Introductory Lecture “The future of allergy diagnosis”. Warsaw, Poland, 2009. Mari A.
  127. XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Basic Plenary Symposium 3 - Diagnosing Allergy beyond Routine “Switching from extracts to molecules”. Warsaw, Poland, 2009. Mari A.
  128. XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Post Graduate Course 6 - Tools for Allergy Diagnosis: Usefulness, Standardisation and Limitations “IgE multiplex assays”. Warsaw, Poland, 2009. Mari A.
  129. 7° Corso di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Udine – “La diagnostica in vivo e in vitro delle malattie allergiche: ieri, oggi e domani”. Udine, Italy 2009. Mari A.
  130. NANOSPAD Project Workshop – “VBC-Genomics technology: laboratory and diagnostic experience”. Pomezia, Italy 2009. Mari A.
  131. Siemens Customer Solution Center Allergy Discovery Meeting – “Allergy and Informatics: the Benefits of an Integrated Solution”. Glasgow, Delaware, USA 2009. Mari A.
  132. Giornate Teorico-Pratiche di Allergologia - La Diagnostica Molecolare in Allergologia – “La diagnostica allergologica molecolare su microarray ISAC: fondamentale risorsa per una patologia ad alto impatto sociale”. Rome, Italy, 2008-2009. Mari A.
  133. EAACI Food Allergy Training Course – “Cross Reactivities: Clinical Relevance”. Castelbrando, Italy, 2008. Mari A.
  134. XXXV Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia – “Diagnosis in Allergic Diseases: Crossreactivity in Allergic Diagnosis”. Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008. Mari A.
  135. XXXV Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia – “Allergy Diagnosis: Current Critical Aspects”. Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008. Mari A.
  136. XXXV Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia – “How to Use Allergenic Molecules in the Clinic”. Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008. Mari A.
  137. Giornate Teorico-Pratiche di Allergologia - La Diagnostica Molecolare in Allergologia – "Lo spazio della diagnostica allergologica molecolare in età pediatrica ed oltre". Roma, Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  138. Novità in Allergologia ed Immunologia Pediatrica - 2°corso -" Biologia molecolare ed allergologia clinica" Benevento, Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  139. Strategie decisionali in Allergologia pediatrica."Anafilassi da frutta fresca". Firenze,Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  140. Workshop Allergologico Continuo 2008 - 1 "Diagnostica molecolare: indicazione alla prescrizione, interpretazione dei risultati . Casi clinici". Napoli, Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  141. Master di 2° Livello in Allergologia ed Immunologia Pediatrica Avanzata - ”Diagnostica Molecolare in Allergologia". Policlinico Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  142. “Vantaggi e svantaggi della diagnostica allergologica in simplex e multiplex nel bambino”. Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Roma, Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  143. 10° Congresso Nazionale SIAIP - “I microarray, dove si collocano nel percorso diagnostico?”. Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy, 2008. Alessandri C.
  144. Le Novità nell’Approccio Terapeutico dell’Asma – “Nuovi Metodi Diagnostici: gli Allergeni Molecolari”. Saronno, Italy, 2008. Mari A.
  145. Swiss MedLab - Improving Allergy Diagnosis – “How internet-based Allergen Platforms and Multiplex Allergy Testing improve our Knowledge on IgE-mediated Diseases”. Montreux, Switzerland, 2008. Mari A.
  146. Endler’s Meeting – “Benefit of Allergenic Molecules for Clinical Practice with ISAC Testing”. Vienna, Austria, 2008. Mari A.
  147. Siemens Intenational Allergy Conference – “Future diagnostic tools for a better practice and interpretation of allergic diseases: from new in vitro markers to IT integrated solutions”. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A.
  148. XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Practical Course 14 “Crossreactivity in Allergy Diagnosis”. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A, Zennaro D.
  149. XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - The Ring of Pro & Con “Is it Time to Switch from Extracts to Molecules for Diagnosing Allergy? Pro”. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A.
  150. XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Molecular Allergology Diagnosis based on Single Proteins and Novel Antibody Technology “How to manage results from molecular allergy diagnosis in clinical practice”. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A.
  151. XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Meet the Expert Seminar “Molecular Allergy, the Future is Now”. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A.
  152. XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Allergens “Progress in the Diagnosis of Food Allergy: How to use allergenic molecules in the clinic”. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A.
  153. XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Bioinfomatics for Allergy Research and Future Applications “Allergome and International Union of Immunological Societies on the move: get the best out of it now!” Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Mari A.
  154. The Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Allergy and Immunology - Local and Global Advances in Allergic Diseases “The Present and Future of Allergy Diagnosis and Therapy”. Beirut, Lebanon, 2008. Mari A.
  155. Workshop di Allergologia e Reumatologia Pediatrica - The dawning of either allergic tailored diagnosis and immunotherapy “Molecule-Based Allergy Diagnosis: New Concepts for a New Era”. University of Messina, Messina, 2008. Mari A.
  156. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - The Italian experience: new diagnostic tools and technologies”. Salzburg, Austria, 2008. Mari A.
  157. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - “The Allergome School”. Salzburg, Austria, 2008. Mari A.
  158. 2nd AllergoOncology Symposium – Invited Lecture "Bioinformatic tools in AllergoOncology: expanding the application of the Allergome platform". Vienna, Austria, 2008. Mari A.
  159. VBC-Genomics / Phadia ImmunoCAP ISAC Training – VBC-Genomics - Invited Lecture “Benefit of Allergenic Molecules for Clinical Practice with ISAC Testing”. Freiburg, Germany, 2008. Mari A.
  160. Update in Allergologia - Invited Lecture “Diagnostica Molecolare delle Reazioni IgE mediate”. Gazzada, Italy, 2008. Mari A.
  161. VI Convegno Nazionale sulla Peschicoltura Meridionale - Invited Lecture “La Pesca come causa di allergia: valutazione clinica comparata dei suoi allergeni”. Caserta, Italy, 2008. Mari A.
  162. VBC-Genomics / Phadia ImmunoCAP ISAC Training – VBC-Genomics - Invited Lecture “Benefit of Allergenic Molecules for Clinical Practice with ISAC Testing”. Vienna, Austria, 2008. Mari A.
  163. National Research Council – Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology - Invited Lecture “Clinical meanings of Genuine allergens, Panallergens, and Hypoallergens”. Palermo, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  164. World Allergy Congress – World Allergy Congress (WAC 2007) – Introductory Lecture to the Oral Abstract Session - Aerobiology - Detailed Clinical Analysis. Bangkok, Thailand, 2007. Mari A.
  165. World Allergy Congress – Sister Society Symposium: French Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Is there any chance to bring molecular allergens from lab to clinics? “Clinical impact of molecular allergens for allergy diagnosis”. Bangkok, Thailand, 2007. Mari A.
  166. SIDAPA VII Congresso Nazionale – Invited Lecture “Diagnostica molecolare delle reazioni IgE mediate”. Modena, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  167. Laboratorio di Interattivita' tra Livelli Specialistici Pediatrici - "Reattività e sensibilità crociate degli allergeni: dalla biologia molecolare alle implicazioni pratiche". Verona, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  168. "I falsi miti: l’allergia al pomodoro, al cioccolato, alle carni". Ostia, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  169. Incontro FIMP - “Antistaminici: appropriatezza prescrittiva, uso ed abuso degli antistaminici”. Roma, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  170. Incontro Società Laziale di Pediatria - “Proposta di protocollo di comportamento per i diversi quadri clinici di allergia alimentare”. Roma, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  171. Passaparola - Riconoscere le Allergie - “Allergie alimentari vere e presunte”. Roma, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  172. 24° Incontro Pediatrico Ostia Lido - IV Congresso Interregionale della Societa Italiana di Pediatria - “Gastroenteriti: linee guida condivise“. Ostia, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  173. 3° Congresso Nazionale Pediatria On line - “Test allergologici: quali e quando?”. Sirmione, Italy, 2007. Alessandri C.
  174. Diari di Pediatria ver 2.007. “La biologia molecolare e la diagnosi allergologica”. Roma, Italy, 2007. Mari A, Alessandri C.
  175. Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - XXVIII Reunião Anual da SPAIC - Diagnóstico de Alergias - Novos Desenvolvimentos “The molecular approach to allergy diagnosis: defining the finest IgE specificities”. Estoril, Portugal, 2007. Mari A.
  176. AAITO III Congresso Nazionale - Allergologia e Biologia Molecolare: Il Futuro Prossimo “Protein micro-array: il futuro è già presente”. Firenze, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  177. SIBIOC - Allergie Alimentari tra Miti e Realtà “Allergeni alimentari e Diagnostica Molecolare”. Rimini, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  178. FISV – Federazione Italiana Scienza e Vita IX Annual Congress - Plants and health "Plant-derived allergens: a multitude of structures and functions as markers of allergy phenotypes". Riva del Garda, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  179. EAACI Allergy School - Recombinant Allergens: from fundamental to clinical aspects. “Round table: The future of recombinant allergens in practice”. Bischenberg, France, 2007. Mari A.
  180. EAACI Allergy School - Recombinant Allergens: from fundamental to clinical aspects. “LTP and severe food reactions”. Bischenberg, France, 2007. Mari A.
  181. Il Naso ed I suoi Dintorni. Le Fondamenta “Gli allergeni vecchi e nuovi: aspetti molecolari”. Genova, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  182. University of Catania - First Immunomics Summer School: computer modelling, from molecules to clinics. “The Allergome Project”. Catania, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  183. British Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2007 Annual Meeting “IgE 40th Anniversary”. Molecular Allergology: the New Frontier for the Practising Allergist. Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2007. Mari A.
  184. XXVI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Post Graduate Course on “Food Allergy Diagnosis and Research”. The use of allergenic molecule-based proteomic microarray in food allergy diagnosis Gotheborg, Sweden, 2007. Mari A.
  185. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology. “Skin Test vs IgE, Extracts vs Molecules, Singleplexing vs Multiplexing: Searching for the Gold Standard”. Florence, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  186. 9° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Pediatrica. “Diagnostica Molecolare dell'Allergia Alimentare”. Florence, Italy, 2007. Mari A.
  187. University of Salzburg, Department of Molecular Biology, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Allergy Diagnosis and Therapy . “The Cedar/Cypress/Juniper pollen: allergens and allergy”. Salzburg, Austria, 2007. Mari A.
  188. Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics. “What’s new in allergy testing since 2005?” Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2007. Mari A.
  189. III CYNA Meeting – “Allergy Diagnosis using Allergenic Components”. Madrid, Spain, 2006. Mari A.
  190. DPC-Dipesa III Allergy Meeting – “IgE Reactivity to Cross-reactive Carbohydrate Determinants and In Vitro Specific IgE Measurements”. Barcellona, Spain, 2006. Mari A.
  191. Highlights in Allergy and Respiratory Diseases – “Immunologia, Diagnostica e Immunoterapia: Prospettive Future”. Genova, Italy, 2006. Mari A.
  192. VBC-Phadia Meeting – “Allergenic Molecules + Microarray Technology = The Future of Allergy Diagnosis”. Vienna, Austria, 2006. Mari A.
  193. International Congress of Immunogenomics and Immunomics – Allergy Genomics, Allergome (Allergen Immunome) – “Allergen databases: data, tools and functions”. Budapest, Hungary, 2006. Mari A, D’Ambrosio C.
  194. International Congress of Immunogenomics and Immunomics – Immune databases and Database Tools – “Integrating Experimental, Literature, and Allergy Data in a Web-based Resource: The Allergome Platform”. Budapest, Hungary, 2006. Mari A, Scala E, Palazzo P, D’Ambrosio C, Carabella G.
  195. Convegno FIMP - “La dieta di eliminazione”. Roma, Italy, 2006. Alessandri C.
  196. 8° Congresso Nazionale SIAIP - “La dieta di eliminazione”. Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2006. Alessandri C.
  197. Corso di Perfezionamento Universitario su Ipersensibilità ad Alimenti-Farmaci-Vaccini, Dipartimento di Pediatria, Università di Firenze – “Allergeni e Panallergeni”. Florence, Italy, 2006. Mari A.
  198. III Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Genetica y Biotecnologia – “Proteomics applied to Clinical Allergology”. Chiclayo, Peru, 2006. Mari A.
  199. 1° Meeting Congiunto delle Associazioni di Allergologia ad Immunologia Clinica Italiana ed Albanese – Universitas Mater Boni Consilii “Diagnostica Allergologica: Passato, Presente, Futuro”. Tirana, Albania, 2006. Mari A.
  200. National Research Council – Institute of Protein Biochemistry Invited Lecture “Biologia molecolare, allergologia clinica e bioinformatica: combinazione di strumenti per l'ontologia degli allergeni”. Naples, Italy, 2006. Mari A.
  201. Research Center Borstel – Division of Molecular and Clinical Allergology Invited Lecture “Combining laboratory, clinical and bioinformatics resources is giving us a rationale for the allergen ontology”. Borstel, Germany, 2006. Mari A.
  202. L’Approccio Molecolare alla Diagnostica e Terapia delle Patologie Allergiche IgE-mediate – Campus Biomedico Invited Lecture “Dall’Ipotesi Speculativa alla Teoria Applicativa: la Diagnostica Molecolare in Singleplex”. Rome, Italy, 2006. Mari A.
  203. XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Bioinformatics in Allergy: A Powerful Tool Joining Science and Clinical Applications “From in Silico to Reality and Back”. Vienna, Austria, 2006. Mari A.
  204. Congresso Interannuale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica - Diagnostica delle Malattie Allergiche “Futuro della Diagnostica Allergologica”. Torino, Italy, 2006. Mari A, Giani M, Scala E.
  205. FORMAT 2006 - Laboratorio di Interattivita‘ tra Livelli Specialistici Pediatrici “La Diagnosi Allergologica: dall‘Anamnesi alla Diagnostica Molecolare”. Verona, Italy, 2006. Mari A.
  206. 1er Congrés Franҫais d’Allergologie – Allergènes Recombinants : des Données Fondamentales au Diagnostic Clinique “Significance of Co-recognition of Allergenic Proteins for Specific Immunotherapy”. Paris, France, 2006. Mari A.
  207. XI Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia – Topics in Immunoterapia “Diagnostica Molecolare delle Patologie Allergiche”. Parma, Italy, 2006. Mari A, Giani M.
  208. 1st International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – Allergen Molecules: Basic and Clinical Aspects “Allergen Molecules: Is that All an Allergist Needs?” Rome, Italy, 2006. Mari A.
  209. La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology – Invited Lecture “Bioinformatics: a Need for Scientists and Clinicians”. San Diego, CA, USA, 2006. Mari A.
  210. Phadia – Invited Lecture “A Knowledge Platform to Enhance our Understanding and Use of Allergens”. Uppsala, Sweden, 2006. Mari A.

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    2005 - 2000

  212. Associazione Italiana di Patologia Clinica e Medicina Molecolare – Diagnostica Specialistica in Immunologia: Nuovi Orientamenti in Allergologia e Celiachia “Utilizzo degli Allergeni Ricombinanti nella Diagnostica e nella Terapia delle Allergie”. Vibo Valentia, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  213. Seminar at the Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna “Allergome: a Platform for Allergen Knowledge”. Vienna, Austria 2005. Mari A.
  214. Seminar VBC-Genomics “Microarrayed Allergens: Which Advantages?” Vienna, Austria 2005. Mari A.
  215. Nuove Acquisizioni nella Prevenzione delle Malattie respiratorie - Corso di formazione Multidisciplinare “Sindromi Respiratorie Allergy-like: Meccanismi e Terapia”. Roma, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  216. 11° Simposio Annuale ELAS-Italia, Ligand Assay 2005 - Allergologia: tra Clinica e Laboratorio “Utilizzo degli allergeni ricombinanti nella diagnostica allergologica”. Bologna, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  217. DIARI ver.2005 - "L’allergia ai cereali,ai legumi,ai semi". Roma,Italy, 2005. Alessandri C.
  218. 7° Congresso Nazionale SIAIP - L'Allergologia e l'Immunologia nella Pratica Pediatrica tra Evidenze e Intuizioni - "L'allergia alle noci". Roma, Italy, 2005. Alessandri C.
  219. 7° Congresso Nazionale SIAIP - L'Allergologia e l'Immunologia nella Pratica Pediatrica tra Evidenze e Intuizioni - “Le etichette di farmaci e confezioni alimentari: rischi e diritti”. Roma, Italy, 2005. Alessandri C.
  220. Seminario IDI-IRCCS. “Allergologia Molecolare: Nuove Prospettive Diagnostiche e Terapeutiche” Roma, Italy 2005. Mari A.
  221. Corso Teorico Pratico in Allergologia - Allergopatie Respiratorie: Attuali orientamenti diagnostico-terapeutici e prospettive future. “Applicazione degli allergeni molecolari nella diagnostica e nella epidemiologia delle malattie allergiche” Civitanova Marche, Italy 2005. Mari A.
  222. Corso di Immunologia della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. “Le molecole allergeniche e loro utilizzo nella diagnostica e terapia delle malattie IgE-mediate” Latina, Italy 2005. Mari A.
  223. Italy-Israel Workshop - Cross-kingdoms Secondary Metabolites: Hedonistic and Nutraceutical Applications “Molecular Allergens, Nanotechnology and Information Technology: Three Tools for Advanced Clinical Allergology” Jerusalem, Israel 2005. Mari A.
  224. Allergy Symposium - Allergopharma – Nexter in Poland “Major Allergens or Best Representative Allergens?” Kracow, Poland 2005. Mari A.
  225. Allergology Intensive Corse - Focus sulle Reazioni Avverse agli Alimenti (RAA) – “Alimenti come Allergeni” Faenza, 2005. Mari A.
  226. 11th International Paul-Ehrlich-Seminar on Regulatory Control and Standardization of Allergenic Extracts. “On-line and Interactive Workshop on the Allergome Platform”. Bad Homburg, Germany, 2005. Mari A.
  227. 11th International Paul-Ehrlich-Seminar on Regulatory Control and Standardization of Allergenic Extracts. “Allergome: a Unifying Platform”. Bad Homburg, Germany, 2005. Mari A.
  228. DPC’s 2nd International Allergy Conference - “IgE reactivity to Carbohydrates Cross-reactive Determinants (CCD) is a major source of cross-reactivity” Munich, Germany, 2005. Mari A. International Allergy Conference Proceedings, 2005 pp. 23-28.
  229. 3rd International Course in Molecular Allergology - Allergenic Molecules: From Theory to Practice - “Bioinformatics: Managing the Knowledge on Allergens” Florence, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  230. 3rd International Course in Molecular Allergology - Allergenic Molecules: From Theory to Practice - “IgE Allergen Co-recognition: a New Concept or just a New Name for Cross Reactivity?” Florence, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  231. 24° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. “Allergeni molecolari, bioinformatica, microarray: diagnostica allergologica del futuro?” Roma, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  232. Corso di Aggiornamento in Immunologia Clinica. “Utilizzo degli allergeni molecolari nella diagnosi e nella terapia delle Allergie”. Bari, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  233. 7° Congresso Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Pediatrica. “Quanto è allergica l’orticaria?” Roma, Italy, 2005. Giannetti A., Caffarelli C., Mari A.
  234. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. “Engineered Hypoallergens for Immunotherapy”. San Antonio, TX, USA. 2005. Ferreira F., Mari A.
  235. Diagnostic Products Corporation. “How can we manage all the info and data available on allergenic molecules? Do we need expert tools to understand what we will get from future diagnostic tools? Could "data mining" be a reality in the allergy field?” Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2005. Mari A.
  236. Diagnostic Products Corporation. “Shall we ever stop debating about "skin testing" versus "single IgE determination" or we have new biotech solutions to skip this discussion forever?” Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2005. Mari A.
  237. Diagnostic Products Corporation. “From allergenic extracts to allergenic molecules: do we really need to change?” Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2005. Mari A.
  238. XXI Congresso SIAIC Sezione Toscana. “Diagnostica e Terapia Allergologica alla Luce dell’Approccio Molecolare”. Firenze, Italy, 2005. Mari A.
  239. HESI ILSI Meeting - Palma de Majorca, Spain, 2004. Mari A.
  240. Congresso Nazionale AAITO. “Il microarray: un rischio o un'opportunità per l'allergologo?” Ancona, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  241. Congresso Nazionale AAITO. “Le allergie sono espressione di un processo autoimmunitario?” Ancona, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  242. Diari di Pediatria ver 2.004. “Orticaria cronica”. Roma, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  243. DIARI ver. 2004 - "È un allergico: evitiamo il pomodoro e le fragole". Roma, Italy, 2004. Alessandri C.
  244. XI Settimana della Medicina di Laboratorio, AIPAC-SIBIOC-SIMEL. “Utilizzo delle molecole allergeniche nella diagnosi e terapia delle allergopatie di tipo I”. Giardini Naxos, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  245. Interasma-EAACI Asthma Section Joint Meeting. Aerobiology. “Allergens: Nomenclature and Co-recognition”. – Bilbao, Spain, 2004. Mari A.
  246. Seminario Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica, Università d’Abruzzo. “Dagli estratti alle molecole allergeniche: che cosa cambia nella diagnostica allergologica?” Chieti, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  247. International Symposium on Allergy. “Significance of Co-recognition of Allergenic Proteins for Specific Immunotherapy”. Allergopharma 35th Anniversary – Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2004. Mari A.
  248. Collegium Internationale Allergologicum Meeting. “Autoimmunity and allergy a bioinformatic approach”. Bornholm, Denmark, 2004. Mari A.
  249. AAITO – Corso Formativo su Rinite Allergica e Patologie Associate. “Dagli Estratti alle Molecole Allergeniche: cosa cambia?” Dipartimento di Malattie Respiratorie e Allergiche – Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti - Ancona, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  250. 2nd International Course of Molecular Allergology. “Allergenic Molecules: The Unique Tool for Allergy Diagnosis” - Portofino, Italy, 2004. Mari A.
  251. SIAIC – Attualità sulle Malattie Allergiche. “Meccanismi non-IgE mediati e pseudoallergia”. Università di Roma “La Sapienza” – Istituto di Clinica Medica I - Roma, Italy, 2003. Mari A.
  252. First National Meeting AAITO. “Impact of the allergenic molecule-based diagnosis in allergy practice”. Palermo, Italy, 2003. Mari A.
  253. Workshop Pharmacia. “Il valore clinico della determinazione delle IgE specifiche”. “Che cosa cambia con l’utilizzo delle molecole allergeniche nella diagnostica allergologica”. Ospedale Niguarda, Milano, Italy, 2003. Mari A.
  254. Pharmacia Diagnostics “Is there really a need for an allergenic molecule-based diagnosis?” Uppsala, Sweden, 2003. Mari A.
  255. SIAIC - Epidemiologia, Patogenesi e Terapia delle Malattie Allergiche. “Autoimmunità e Allergia”. Pomezia, Italy, 2003. Mari A.
  256. Giornate Pediatriche 2003 - “L’asma in età adolescenziale”. Gaeta, Italy, 2003. Alessandri C.
  257. IV Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana per lo Studio della Tosse. “Diagnostica Allergologica in vitro”. Salerno, Italy, 2003. Mari A.
  258. Course of Molecular Allergology "Component Resolved Diagnosis of Type I Allergy with Recombinant Allergens". "Molecular Approach to the Diagnosis and Therapy of Allergy".Torino, Italy, 2002. Mari A.
  259. DIARI 2002 - "Pseudoallergie". Roma, Italy, 2002. Alessandri C.
  260. DIARI 2002 - "Pseudodiagnosi". Roma, Italy, 2002. Alessandri C.
  261. Workshop Pharmacia "Quality as an Added Value in the Diagnosis of Allergy". "Allergenic Molecules: Use and Interpretation in Clinical Allergy". Milano, Italy, 2001. Mari A.
  262. "The Natural Model of the Multiple Pollen Sensitization: the Novelty of the Molecular Approach to the Allergy Diagnosis". Christian Doppler Laboratory for Allergy Diagnosis and Therapy Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2001. Mari A.
  263. Giornate pediatriche 2001 - “L’orticaria recidivante”. Roma, Italy, 2001. Alessandri C.
  264. IX Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia. “Gli Allergeni di Cipresso. Puntualizzazioni Cliniche e Metodologiche” “Caratterizzazione degli Allergeni delle Cupressaceae e loro Importanza nella Diagnostica Allergologica”. Cagliari, Italy, 2000. Mari A.
  265. The Pirquet Club Seminar. “Multiple pollen sensitization: a natural allergy model to definitely enter the one-way gate to the molecule-based diagnosis”. Institute of Pathophysiology, Univeristy of Vienna (Prof. Rudolf Valenta), Vienna, Austria, 2000. Mari A.

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    1999 - 1983

  267. International Symposium on Cypress Allergy. “Recombinant Cypress Allergens” Marseille, France, 2000. Mari A.
  268. Corso Nazionale Interattivo di Allergologia Respiratoria. Confronto tra Allergologo e Pneumologo. “I test diagnostici allergologici: stato dell’arte e prospettive”. Roma, Italy, 2000. Mari A.
  269. Corso teorico-pratico “Insetti e Acari di Interesse Sanitario”. “Allergie da Artropodi”. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italy, 1999. Mari A.
  270. Convegno Nazionale: Ambiente e Qualità di Vita del Paziente Asmatico ed Allergico. Tavola Rotonda “Ambiente e Legislazione”. “Il Punto di Vista e le Iniziative dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità”. Siracusa, Italy, 1998. Di Felice G, Mari A, Pini C.
  271. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. Simposio “Gli Allergeni Emergenti”. “Allergia al Polline delle Cupressaceae”. Cagliari, Italy, 1998. Mari A.
  272. Workshop Nazionale “Il Network delle Malattie Allergiche: Ricadute Sanitarie e Socio-Economiche”. “Gli Aspetti Sanitari e Socio-economici del Network delle Malattie Allergiche”. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italy,1998. Mari A.
  273. Scuola Medica Ospedaliera “La Clinica e il Laboratorio”. “L’Allergia Alimentare: La Clinica”. Ordine dei Medici, Viterbo, Italy, 1998. Mari A.
  274. Corso CEFAR-SIBIOC “Le Pneumo-Allergie”. “L’Allergologo, Il Laboratorista e il Medico di Base”. Roma, 1997. Mari A.
  275. Seminario "Le nuove pollinosi". Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (Dir. Prof. F. Aiuti). Roma, Italy, 1995. Mari A.
  276. Meeting del San Camillo - “Fattori Ambientali ed Asma”. Roma, Italy, 1995. Alessandri C.
  277. Convegno "Allergie: attualità diagnostiche e terapeutiche". "Valutazione qualitativa degli strumenti diagnostici in uso: esperienze nell'allergia al polline del Cipresso". Ospedale Pediatrico del Bambino Gesù. Roma, Italy, 1995. Mari A.
  278. Incontro di Aggiornamento in Gastroenterologia Pediatrica - "Patologia Infiammatoria Intestinale". Roma, Italy, 1992. Alessandri C.
  279. II Convegno Interregionale - In tema di ..Terapia -“La Febbre Mediterranea Familiare”. San Felice Circeo, Italy, 1990. Alessandri C.
  280. Incontro SIP - "La Sindrome Ipereosinofila" Roma, Italy, 1988. Alessandri C.
  281. Convegno su "Le Allergopatie Professionali. Identificazione e descrizione di sostanze a capacità allergogena: esperienze, problemi, progetti". "Ipersensibilità ai composti chimici a basso peso molecolare: sistemi infor-mativi e prospettive". Fondazione Carlo Erba. Milano, Italy, 1988. Vicari G, Mari A.
  282. III Giornate Pediatriche Romane - "Il ritorno della Malattia Reumatica”. Roma, Italy, 1987. Alessandri C.
  283. XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. "Identificazione e descrizione di sostanze chimiche a basso peso molecolare in grado di indurre allergopatie respiratorie professionali". Firenze, Italy, 1987. Vicari G, Misiti D, Dorello-Misiti P, Mari A.
  284. International Conference on Environment and Lung Diseases. "Importanza dei pollini aerodiffusi nelle allergopatie respiratorie". Taormina, Italy, 1983. Bruno G, Mari A, Rovina R.
  285. International Conference on Environment and Lung Diseases. "Un nuovo estratto allergenico nella terapia specifica delle allergopatie da Graminaceae". Taormina, Italy, 1983. Bruno G, Rovina R, Mari A.

Appartenenza a Società Scientifiche

Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (SIAIC)
European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia (AIA)
International Association of Aerobiology (IAA)
Associazione Allergologi Immunologi Territorio e Ospedalieri (AAITO)
International Immunomics Society
Honored Member of the Cuban Society of Immunology

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Attività editoriale e di revisione scientifica

  1. Revisore di progetti internazionali per le seguenti Istituzioni:
    Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, Austria
    Imperial College of London, United Kingdom
    Austrian Scince Fund, Austria
    National Science Foundation, USA
  2. Revisore per i CV e nomina a nuove posizioni:
    Singapore University, Singapore
    Texas University, Galveston, TX, USA
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
    United States Department of Agriculture, New Orleans, USA
  3. Associate Editor:
    Clinical and Experimental Allergy
  4. Editorial Advisory Board:
    Open Allergy Journal
  5. Editorial Board:
    Clinical and Translational Allergy
    Current Opinion in Food Science
    International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
  6. Peer Reviewers:
    Allergologia et Immunopathologia (Madrid)
    Allergy – European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
    Annals of Allergy, Asthma, Immunology
    Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics
    BMC Bioinformatics
    British Journal of Dermatology
    British Journal of Sports Medicine
    British Journal of Pharmacology
    Clinical and Experimental Allergy
    Clinical and Experimental Immunology
    Clinical and Molecular Allergy
    Clinical and Translational Allergy
    Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    Enzyme and Microbial Technology
    European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
    Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics
    Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
    FASEB Journal
    Food Chemical Toxicology
    Food Chemistry
    Food Research International
    Food Science and Technology International
    Frontiers in Immunology
    Immunological Methods
    Immunology Letters
    International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
    Journal of Allergy & Therapy
    Journal of Asthma
    Journal of Functional Foods
    Journal of Proteomics
    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
    Journal of Toxicology
    Journal of Visual Experiments
    Lung India
    Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
    Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
    PLoS ONE
    Protein & Peptides Letters
    Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery (IAD)
    Transgenic Research
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Attività Organizzativa

  1. 5th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - ISMA 2013 Honorary Chair - Vienna, Austria, 2013.
  2. Adjuvants 2012 & AllergenVaccines 2012 - International Immunology Workshops - Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing - Varadero, Cuba, 2012.
  3. XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Geneve, Switzerland, 2012. Scientific Program Committee Member.
  4. XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Scientific Program Committee Member.
  5. 4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
  6. XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010. Scientific Program Committee Member.
  7. East-West Scientific Symposia on Allergy &Traditional Oriental Medicine - Luoyang, China, 2010.
  8. Internacional Workshop - Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing - Varadero, Cuba, 2009.
  9. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Basic, Translational, and Clinical Aspects - Salzburg, Austria, 2008.
  10. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergens: from Identification to Therapy - Rome, Italy, 2007.
  11. 1st International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Allergenic Molecules: Allergen Molecules: Basic and Clinical Aspects - Rome, Italy, 2006.
  12. 3rd International Course in Molecular Allergology - Allergenic Molecules: From Theory to Practice - Florence, Italy, 2005.
  13. Workshop Nazionale “Il Network delle Malattie Allergiche: Ricadute Sanitarie e Socio-Economiche”. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 1998.
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Centri Associati di Allergologia Molecolare - Studio Medico Associato
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